Tuesday, 30 December 2014



If the Contents of this Blog, are to be deciphered in all, and from speak only and of one word/term in all again, it then in all would very much say, Amnesia/Forgetfulness, and as believed said and to speak of Asia, and in speak of the Human Condition too that is.

Thursday, 13 November 2014



The so termed Afro-Asian Identity (or speak even of 'African Asian' by some) [Link], cannot be said and to speak of Heritage in all, and as in referring here and to speak Mixed race Identity, and as seen/found outside Asia too, but that in all ways even, it all does refer and to speak of Taboo in itself, as Heritage in Asia in all, does speak in all even and of Matrineal, Patrineal and Bilineal Identity too, but with Taboo in all again, and in Asia that is, now speaking of Patrilocality, Matrilocality or even Neolocality, and with Afro-Asian Identity in all again, and as said Siddi too, now going along and with speak of the Indian races, and as versus those said African too, and as with it all even speaking of the history of Western Imperialism in Asia that is [and further speak in all and of Afro-Asians, and as said a Maligned people in all truly].

Monday, 10 November 2014

The Khmer Rouge

The Khmer Rouge.

When most in the World do hear of the Khmer Rouge, the basic view often held, does speak even and of Asians and as simply said Dictatorial in their ways/manners that is [and alongside speak even and of Asian Organized Crime too that is]. In many a way though, the Khmer Rouge, and alongside speak even and Asian Leaders and such as Imelda Marcos for instance, does in all even present the very view and of whom/who Asians in all, are, and with their History, and as with it even said speaking of Empowerment, Relevance and Solidarity too that is [and all this too, and as representing in all even, Asian views, opinions and definitions, and of Modern Symbolism and Modern Materials too that is].

Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Asian Interior

The Asian Interior.

The Asian Interior, and as with it all even speaking of Rivers, Lakes and Valleys and as seen within Asia that is, and which in all and interestingly enough, have come to define in all again, just how many an Asian, does think of Mass Communications that is [and speak too and of just where in all again, Asia, does truly meet Australia that is].

Saturday, 8 November 2014

The Third World

The Third World.

Those in Asia, do of course know, and of the so termed or called 'Third World' that is. It though, is not a term in all, well understood by most, and as it does in all even simply speak of Media, and as originating and with the so called 'Western World' that is. That in all, the 'Third World', is said in all even, and to primarily refer and to Identity created, and in speak of Nationhood too that is.

In all, the confusion and as with regards and to what the so termed/called 'Third World' does stand for in all, does in all even speak of separating or distinguishing in all again, Western Media, and from that intrinsically said American, European, Canadian/Western and even Australian too that is.

That in speaking in all, and of the 'Third World', one is in all again primarily speaking of Nations/nations that is, and not Countries truly either. That American Western Media, does tend in all and to speak of the 'Third World', and from the very perspective of its (poor) Leadership, while European Western Media, does in all even concentrate and in speak of Third World Countries and as said inefficient, and with Australian Western Media, concentrating on the 'Third World', and as with regards and to speak of its Materialism/Technology, and as with the Third World even, perpetually said Backwards as such, and with Canadian Western Media on the otherhand, and as said even truly Western that is, speaking in all, and of the 'Third World', and from the very perspective of Nations/nations, and as said in all truly represented for in all, and by the very history of Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism, Neo-Colonialism etc.

In all though, in speaking of the ‘Third World’ as such, is to in all ways even now, refer and to the very fact that, the ‘Third World’ in all, is often said and to speak of Africa and Asia primarily that is.

In helping those in Africa and Asia though, redefine themselves and away from speak of Western Media, is to in all even promote here, a New Age Media in itself, and as associated in all and with speak of National or Royal Emblems, and as helping in all those in Asia for instance, truly see themselves and as said distinct from Africa, and in truly helping them in all again, break away and from Oppressive mindsets/stereotypes, and which in all ways even do associate in all, together, groups, and as said perceived Inferior and by the Western World in all, and as said in all again, truly similar to each other that is, and despite speak of known and said Historical differences in all [that Asia and Africa, actually do have truly differing Histories, and that speak of Asia and as separate from Japan, does in all even speak of Asia, and as differing in Organization from Japan and despite speak of Buddhism that is, and with Asian Organization and as said differing from that said Japanese, speaking in all perhaps, and of the inferiority of Asian Political Organization, and as with it even said not Samurai in all that is][Link].

In all, the following below and as in helping one truly see the differences and between Asian and African life that is.

The first of these differences in all, do in all even speak of, and of the differences and that do lay in all again, and in speak of Asian and African Languages that is. That Asian Languages are said steeped in (Family) Tradition, while those said African, do in all even speak of African Customs that is [and in perhaps helping make all this clear, speaking of Asian Christianity, and as said defined and in speak of Asian Family Traditions, while African Christianity, does speak in all even and of African Family Customs that is].

The second of these differences, does speak in all even, and of life in Asia and Africa, and as said in all even defined and in speak of Commerce that is. That Asian life in all, is said defined and in speak of Habitation (and further speak here even, and of what one could term an Asian Education), while life in Africa, is truly defined in all and in speak of Adaptation (and further speak even and of an African Education that is).

In speaking of society in all, or further speak even and of the formations and arrangements too, and that many in society in all that is, do seek to maintain or hold in all, is to then associate society in Asia, and with speak of the Rite of Marriage, while society in Africa, has always been defined, and in speak of (Social) Initiations in all, and as Rite too, and as very much in all even speaking of Baptism that is.

In speaking of Regulation and Chaos & Disorder and Government too, one in all can best associate Asian Government, and with Fiscal Policy, while African Government, has traditionally in all dealt with and with speak of Social Policy primarily that is.

Finally, speak of Homage in itself, and further speak even and of the associating of life and with Success and as said Asian or African intrinsically too, does in all even speak and of Asian Ritual and as speaking in all even and of Tibet, while African Ritual and in speak of Africa today and as said Wealthy, Western and Poor, does speak of Ritual and as said in all, Egyptian, Nubian and Swahili too and respectively that is.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Tienanmen Square

Tienanmen Square.

When one does talk of Tienanmen Square in all, one cannot perhaps fail in all again, and to speak of the so termed/called 'Tank Man', and who many in all, do believe in all again, to have been named Wang Weilin that is [Link].

The importance though and of the Tienanmen Square Massacre in all, does in all even go along in all, and with speak of Asian Stereotyping [and as seen/found in Western Media that is]. That in all, Western Media, and in speak of one and as said a Media Analyst, Critic or Expert too, does in all even speak of Western Media and as very much presenting Tienanmen Square in all, and from speak of Chinese / East Asian Stereotypes, and of their being said Conniving, Thieving, Crafty, and even 'Bucktoothed' too that is [Link].

From an African or even 'Third World' perspective though, Tienanmen Square and its Massacre, and as now perceived in all even perhaps, and from speak of the Psychology of Abandonment, and that is believed in all again and to very much plague in all, the 'Third World' in itself that is [that in all, it is believed that those in Asia, and speak too of the 'Third World', do in all even associate Failure in itself, and with Abandonment issues/matters that is].

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

The Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama, and as with he even said to espouse in all, an Ideology, and that does speak of Contemporary Asian society too, but with it all, said to go along in all and with his now said in all, the Dalai Lama that is, a Global Leader too, and who in all ways even and above the Pope too that is, does attempt to teach the World, and on what does stand for Global Domination, and as with it in all even said to go along and with our notions of Superiority, Inferiority and Equality, and as seen/found in the World today that is, and further speak too, and of Australia and Japan, and as said segregative in attitude/mentality, and from most of Asia and if not all of it.

Monday, 27 October 2014

The Last Samurai

The Last Samurai.

National Development and Asian Democracies:

This entry in all, will attempt to speak, and of what does stand for Cooperation in all again, and in the World we live in today that is. That speak of History in all, and as going along and with speak of our notions of Nationalism, and further speak even and of what is said to go along and with speak of Modern Democracies too, is said associated in all again, and with speak of Cooperation in itself, and as believed even said to truly define in all, what does stand for Honour, Loyalty and Respect too that is [and speak in all again and of the very belief that, discriminatory attitudes and in the World today, do lie in all, and with speak and of just how in all again, one does perceive Cooperation, and as with regards and to just how in all we do define ourselves and in speak of Honour, Loyalty and Respect too that is][Link].

That in all again, how we do in all define ourselves, and as with regards to speak of Honour, Loyalty and Respect, and speak in all even, and of just whom or who in all, we do choose to Cooperate with, has come in all again, and to be perceived in all, and with speak, and of just whom or who in all, 'we' all have been, Historically, and as with regards and to speak and of just how we do in all, Cry (or Weep and Grieve), and further speak even, and of just how in all, we do Shout (and for Joy or in Happiness too) [and further speak in all, and of Africans, and as simply perceived and from speak even and of Slavery (Link1, Link2) and Colonialism (Link1, Link2, Link3) too that is]. 

In all, National Development and Modern Democracy, and as speaking of the above, truly speaking in all and of just how in all again, the United States of America (and further speak even and of Japan and as said in Asia too), has come to truly influence the World we live in today that is. In all, and as in telling many a person in Asia that, attempting to compete with Japan in all, and in speak of Prominence too for instance, might not be something worthwhile in engaging [and with the exception of certain said 'Countries' in Asia, and such as India (Link1, Link2, Link3) or Thailand (Link1, Link2) too], and as Japan in all, is said to have, a more Developed perhaps, History, and as with regards and to speak of the Cry or the Shout, and as with it all even said 'done' perhaps, and in a rater civil/civilized manner, and as compared and to speak of the rest of Asia, and which does have a History of Barbarism to it that is.

In all, Modern Democracy and as truly differing in many a place of the World, and as with regards to just how they do define themselves and in speak of the Cry and the Shout, and as in attempting to tell many a person in Asia, and of what does actually go in many a part of the World, and despite what the News Media would have one believing in that is: the United States of America (Link1, Link2), India (Link1, Link2), the United Kingdom (Link), Nigeria (Link), Brazil (Link1Link2), Israel (Link), Turkey (Link), and Australia (Link) too.

"Asian Democracy":

Tuesday, 21 October 2014



Nationalism & Modern India:

This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with the very beliefs held by Mahatma Gandhi in all, and that does in all even, speak of India, and as said not only a Great Nation, but speak truly even and of India, and as said 'the Mother of Civilization' too that is.

In understanding the above better, is to perhaps in all, speak of Indian Practises, and as said even encompassing in all, those to be seen around the World that is.

That Indians in all, and in speak of Ritual/Practises too that is, don't often perhaps view themselves and as a Global Media Powerhouse, and as with speak in all, and of the held view herein and that in all does say, that a different if not secondary view in all, is truly needed by most, and as with regards to speak of World Domination in itself, and by Western//American Media too that is [and as with it all even speaking of simple Entertainment in itself for instance].

That India for instance, is obviously known to share similar in all, Religious practises, and to the rest of Asia [but without speak in all again, and of Japan too that is]. In many a way too, India, and as said sharing in all, similar Customary practises, and to those seen in Japan and Australia too that is. In speaking of South America, India and as said having similar Cultural/Homeopathic practises in all, while speak of North America in all again, does speak of India and as having similar in all, Social/Popular practises that is. In speak of Africa, India, and as having similar in all, Medical practises (and in speak of Egypt too that is), but that speak of the Middle East, India in all again, and as said having similar in all, Business/Commercial/Monetary practises that is [Link]. In speaking of Central Asia, India, and as having similar in all, Health/Societal practises, but it is in speak of Europe, and just where in all again, India in all, does not actually share any Practises truly with Europe that is, and with the exception perhaps, and of Spain, and which does carry similar in all, Festive/Celebratory practises that is.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Riots & Rebellions

Riots & Rebellions.

When one does speak of Riots & Rebellions in all, one is in many a way too, speaking in all, and of just where Asian History, does truly meet that found/seen in the rest of the World that is. But with Riots & Rebellions in all again, not speaking in all and of society and as said stratified, or divided too in all, and in speak of Wealth in itself, but in all again, speak of stratification or divide, and as going along in all truly, and with speak of a Knowledge Divide that is.

Monday, 13 October 2014



The Third World: 

The very purpose of this post, is to in many a way introduce those in Asia, and to Rastafarianism, and as said even a "Third World" religion / Religious movement in itself that is. That Rastafarianism in all, can be said a Religious movement in all perhaps, misunderstood by most, and as it does in all even, truly ponder or question, what it does mean to be Human that is. In all again, the very questioning in all, and as with regards to our Modern Times too that is, and of why some are treated in all, as Human, and why others in all again, are simply said Mistreated too in all, and outside talk too, and of Gunpowder and Technological Prowess/Savviness that is.

That speak and of what does constitute and for being Human in all, has always differed in many a part of the World, and that Rastafarianism, and amidst talk of Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism etc., has always truly pondered, just how in all, we could all see ourselves as One and Human too, but in all ways even, still very much respecting, the said differences amongst us that is, and differences too, now said grounded in all, and in speak of History in itself, War or even Suffering too that is.

Bob Marley - One Love (Link)

In truly helping to make the above clearer in all, is to perhaps mention that, many a different place or region in all again, and of the World, has often defined what it means to be Human, and in differing manners too that is. Take Egypt for instance, and where being Human, is/was often associated in many a way truly, and with not only speak of 'Animal' lifeforms for instance (and as including speak of Cobras too), but that in all ways even, speak of 'Higher' lifeforms too and such as djinns for instance, and as said often associated in all and alongside speak of Human Affairs too, and with what one could term/call a Waiting Sequence in all that is [that hopefully this is clear, that for the Egyptians, motion in itself and as said 'Animal' too, speak of the Waiting in all, and in Sequence that is]. What of Africa, and just where in all again, djinns, can truly in all be said to refer and to speak of the Egyptian term Iblis in itself, and where being Human in all again, is truly associated, and with just whom or who in all, we are, and with Touch that is.

What of Europe? A more difficult definition and of what it does mean to be Human, and as it has in all again, truly spoken, and of the Knight in Myth, and in many a way too, the very term (Ancient) Britain too that is [Link]. And of North America in all, what would they say, did stand for or represent for being Human that is? At the very least, and alongside speak even of Bob Marley too, the very belief in all that (and alongside speak in all again, and of the Animal Kingdom too), that Human lifeforms and speak too of being Human, did in all again speak in all, and of viewing our environs in all, and in speak of Preying/Preys and Predators/Predatory too that is.

And of Spain? For it is they in all, whom or who in all again, did very much now come to speak of being Human, and in further speak even, and of Moors, Ethiopes, Africans and Egyptians too that is [and further speak too in all, and of just where in all again and in many a way too, the History of Spain, does connect to that of America in all, and in speak of Christoper Colombus too for instance][Link].

In South America, society in all and as not advanced and in a manner and that does speak even of Europe for instance, but that in all ways even, being Human, and as very much associated with many a Group Consciousness in all, and which in all again, does speak even and of the Modern World we live in, and just where in all again, members of a said Country, University, Private Club etc., are said more or less truly more Human/Intelligent, and as compared to speak of the rest/others that is.

In the Middle East, speak in all and of one and as said Human, and as going along in all again and with speak of the History of the Middle East in itself too, in that, most are now judged and from a Family Consciousness in itself, and that does speak even and of one and as said valued, and as going along in all and with speak of Monetary Wealth, Experiences, Attractiveness, Private Property, Sexuality etc., and as with it all even, leading to many a Diatribe in the Middle East, and amongst speak of War too, and which in all again, does very much lead to the very manifestation or creation/rising in all, and of Islam too that is [and with the Qu'ran in all again and as unknown to most, actually a work of Greek origins, and not truly Mohammedan either].

It is however in Central Asia and Asia too, and where in all again, being Human in all, does very much come to be defined, and by speak even and of Cultural Capacity/Capital/Currency that is. That the Aboriginals of Australia/Asia in all, are said in all again not Human, and as with regards and to speak of Cultural Capital/Currency in all, and in an Asia too for instance (or speak truly of Australia in all again), and just where in all, Women, are simply said more Cultured/'Sophisticated' in their ways, and as compared to speak of Men that is. In all, a difficult manner of defining the Human, but in the very least even, does speak of defining one and in speak of Humour in itself that is.

Finally, speak here and of the dark History of Italy too, and as Italian History in all is filled with many a torment, and as with regards to speak of what it does mean to be Human that is. That in Italy, speak of the Human, does in all even go along and with speak of the Recantation in itself, and further speak too for instance, and of many a belief in all and that does say, that the Devil in himself, is simply said truly Cool that is [Link].



Thursday, 9 October 2014



Speak in all, and of Japanese Communications and as said Asian too in all, and as versus speak of Daimyo for instance, and which does speak in all and of Authentic and Genuine Japanese Communications, and in Emotion too that is.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Modern Success

Modern Success.

This entry in many a way, will attempt to detail in all, what one could call a shift in many a way, and in defining Modern/Western Success, and  away from an Individual perspective, and to one said Communal that is. That in all, Modern/Western Media in all, does to this very day persist, and in presenting Modern Success, and as said very much Individual in all, and without in many a way truly recognizing the very fact that, Success in many a way, is in all very believed to go along in all again, and with speak of Teamwork, and Teamwork too, and that does in all, not truly refer to or speak of in all, and of the very problem of Supervision in itself that is.

In having said the above, an attempt here perhaps, and in explaining why many a person does seek to Succeed in life today, and as speak in all and of the Multi-Millionaire Model of succeeding, and as said in all, not truly inspirational and to most that is. That most on succeeding, simply seek out more in life (and in Experience too), and do not simply seek to upraise themselves, and in Image too that is.

That Modern Success in all, is best believed not only said Communal, but in many a way truly, speaking in all, and of many a said Cultural Artefact in itself that is. That Success for most, and in this Modern Age we live in, is believed said to go along in all, and with not only speak of 'the Means to the End', but also speak of 'the End and as justifying the Means' that is.

That speak in all and of Cultural Artefacts too, does speak in all again, and of helping truly define, what the End truly is, and other than speak and of the seeking out, or the mindless pursuit, and of Money or Wealth in itself too that is.

That in all again, all this does speak even and of dividing the Modern/Western World, and into the following spheres: the Western World, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia too that is.

That speak of the Western World and as with regards to speak of Cultural Artefacts in all, and as said helping define Success too, does speak even and of their being associated with many a thing: the Chef, the Matador, the Tango, the Priest, the Critic, the Performer etc. That this in all again, is simply how most in the Western World, do envision Success, Communal too, and as in speak even and of the Western World, and as simply said segregate in its ways, and legitimately so that is.

To speak of Africa though, and as said in all even having many an Infrastructural problem to it, Cultural Artefacts and as truly going along in all, and with just whom or who Africans, are, and as with regards to Language in itself that is [and with Africans in many a way too, truly the kind to define Success, and in truly wanting and to speak on their Life experiences, and speak in all again, and to many an audience perhaps, and of what they do truly want out of life that is][and further speak even for instance, and of the very fact that, the Middle East and as said possessing Wealth in itself, is not said of interest to many an African, and who simply in all, does value the French Language for instance].

To speak of the Middle East, Cultural Artefacts, and as truly associated in all, and with speak of Monumentals in themselves, and alongside speak even and of the Real-Estate Industry too that is.

In speak of Asia though, Cultural Artefacts, and as said very much to speak, and of Ancestral Figures in themselves, and as with it in all even said best defined, and in both Japan and Australia too (and with Australia, not truly Western that is), but with the rest of Asia in all, somewhat in disregard it is believed, and as with regards to all this that is, and as in speak even, and of what does constitute for Self-Hate / Hatred, and in Asia today too actually.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Africa & Asia

Africa & Asia.

Meters/Gauges in Asian society:

This entry in many a way, will attempt to deal in all, and with just how in all again, Human societies, have been evolving, changing and developing, and since the 18th Century in all, did come to an end that is. That from the 19th Century onward, the World in many a way, does in all begin or start, to develop that is, a Global and, International Consciousness too, and which in many a way truly, is believed said and to go very much along, and with speak and of not only Trade in itself, but in all truly, speak too and of Migratory patterns in themselves that is [that Migration in itself, has always been a part of Asian History, and that in all again, Migration in itself is now said to become a part of World History, and speak in all again in all again, and from when the 18th Century that is, did very much come to an end].

In speaking then and of Human societies today and as adjudged and from speak of the above, is to in many a way too speak of Human societies today, and as said evolving in all, and in speak of measurement perhaps (meters/gauges), and that do in all even only truly speak and of many an event, and as happening, and onward and from the beginning of the 19th Century that is.

In having said all this, is to now speak and of the above in all again, and as summarized and in speak of World Migratory patterns, and speak too and of just how Asian Thought & Philosophy in all, has come to influence the World as it is today that is [and as versus speak here too, and of Africa/Egypt, and as having influenced the old World in all, and in speak of Perception too for instance].

In speaking of Meters/Gauges in all then, is to speak and of just how Asian societies do in all think of their very lives today, and as perhaps in all, defined, and as going along in all perhaps, and with speak of Expansionism, Language, and the Voyage too that is. That World Trade in all for instance, is known to have existed in the old World, and in speak too and of a Worldly Consciousness, and that did speak for instance and of Magellan too that is, but that the Modern/Western World in all and as defined in many a way too and in speak of a Global or International Consciousness, did in all come to be, and in speak of the three factors mentioned above (Expansionism, Language and the Voyage too), and as going along in all and with speak of Migratory patterns that is [and as said encompassing speak of Slavery and Indentured Labour too for instance].

That speak of Expansionism, and in Asian Thought/Philosophy, does in all for instance go along, and with speak of Chinese History and as perceived and from speak of Dynasties too that is, and speak in all again for instance, and of many a Chinese Dynasty, and as said attempting in all, and to simply take over the whole of China that is. In all perhaps, Expansionism in Asia, and as going along in all, and with speak of the birth of Australia, but in many a way too, speak of China and Japan and as facing off too, and in East Asian History too that is. 

That speak of the Voyage in all, does in all even speak of the very rise and of Asian Communities, and as said Global in their ways too (and further speak here in all, and of the attempt for instance, and in being admitted, and to MIT too in all), but that in all ways even, it does now speak and of Asians, and as very much studying societies elsewhere, and in speak and of truly learning something new and in the very hope, and of truly advancing society, and as going along and with speak of Advancement, Progress or Development, and as perceived in all even, and from speak of Asian Institutions / Family too that is.

To speak of Language though, is to in all ways even speak and of Japan and the rest of Asia too, but that in all again, it does speak of the Language of English in all, and as said rising and on the Global Stage too perhaps (and in Eminence too that is), and such that Asians in all now, and as versus speak of Africans too, do in all now find themselves harbouring many a feeling of Inferiority, and as with regards and to their speaking of Languages, and that are believed said not able in all, and in measuring up for instance, and to speak of English that is [and with English too, not historically believed the most superior of Languages in all and in Europe too for instance, but that Africans in all again, believing their Languages in all to very much be in in all again, more psychologically superior and interesting in their ways and than English is said to be (and in speak of psychological adaptation in itself that is), and with the Japanese on the otherhand, now associating Asian Inferiority and as with regards to speak of Japan, and in speak of the Japanese Language, and as believed said one of the more superior of Languages to be seen in the World that is].

In all, while Expansionism today is often associated and with speak of World Business too for instance, such Philosophy in all, does in all even speak of the African Slave Trade, in that, the African Slave Trade is often poorly perceived and by many in the World and in speak of Language that is, when in reality, it is African Language/Expressionisms, and that did in all help Africans survive slavery and in the Americas too that is, for the African Slave Trade in all, can best be perceived, and in speak of Expansionism in itself (and with Slaves here, not believed said maltreated or treated brutally in all that is), but that African / African-American Identity in the Americas in all again, does speak of their possessing differing Practises and as compared to speak of Africans and in Africa too that is (and in speak here for example, and of differing practises, and as with regards and to the greeting of each other for instance), in that, Africans /African-Americans in the Americas (or the United States of America too that is), are believed said in all, to have their lives go along and with a better of Memory of things that is, and as with their in all again, possessing Practises (and speak too of the Poses, Stances and Postures they do in all hold for instance), and as said more or less unique, and from other peoples of the World that is [Link].

In speaking in all again though and of the Voyage too, and as with regards to Africa, is to in many a way even speak of the very world of African Spiritual systems in all, and as with they in all again often heavily imbued and with speak of Myth too, such that, Europe in all, is believed said conquered and in a manner and that does speak of Egyptian/African Spiritual systems, and as the 'Egyptians' in all, did very much perceive Europe (and as said nearby in all too perhaps), and from speak of its Woods/'Forests' that is, and that European Civilization, is very much born in all, and in speak of 'Forest spirits' too for instance [and in all again, speak of Europe in all, and as very much said Celtic too, and as versus speak of Europe and as said Celt in all, and very much in all again though, Egyptian, Greek and Italian in its ways too that is].

Saturday, 20 September 2014



The Asian Worldview:

This entry does in all, have to do, and with speak of Worldviews [or basic speak too in all, and of just how most out there, do believe the World to function or work that is]. That those in Asia, have at the very least being programmed in all, and in viewing the World in itself, and as basically said Japanese and Australian too that is [and in speak of Ideals and Standards in all truly].

This entry though, will attempt to paint in all, a differing picture that is, and of the World at large, and as said a complicated place too that is. A complicated place too, and as perhaps going along, and with speak of Asian Identity today, and which can at the very least too (and as speaking of the past too that is), said to go along, and with speak of Migratory patterns that is. That Asians in all, do at the very least even, think of Asian City life in all, and from the very perspective, of Migratory trends too that is.

In helping Asians come up in all, and with new Worldviews, and that will in many a way, help them think of themselves and from a more or less Local perspective in all, is to in many a way too, speak of Asian Identity today, and as going along, and with speak of Global Asian community/presences that is.

The first of these Worldviews though, does in all even, speak of Racial Classification in itself, and as with it even said American/Australian, Japanese and European too. That it is amongst the American/Australian, and where in all again, one does find Human populations, and as simply said White, Black, Red and Yellow too that is. It is amongst the European, and where in all again, Human populations are classified as European, African, Asian, and finally those who do fall under speak of Arab Identity in all, and as said Ideal too that is [that if one in all, cannot be readily classified and as Asian, African or European too, they are more less said to fall, and under Arab Identity, and as said speaking even, and of Inferiority in all, and to the Arab that is]. It is however amongst the Japanese in all, and just where in all again, the peoples of the World, are in all ways even judged and as according to speak of Indigenous, Tribal or even Ethnic Identity too that is, and with Japan for instance said to speak of Okinawa, and America on the otherhand, associated in all perhaps, and with speak of Hawaii too for instance, Europe with Ireland, but further speak too even, and of New Zealand & Australia too that is.

The second of these Worldviews in all, does speak even and of a Worldview, somewhat in many a way believed said complicated in its ways, and as it does basically in all, speak even and of the peoples of the World, and as classified along speak even and of the so termed Second-World, or speak too, and of the so termed Capitalist States, the Industrial States, and even Communist/Socialist/Military States that is. That the Industrial States, and as often termed Second-World too, can be said centered in South Africa in all perhaps, and does speak too though, and of South America, Singapore and even Australia too, and a Worldview in all again, and that does go along and with speak of the UN, the World Bank and even the IMF, and with Africa too in many a way, simply classified under speak of Military States that is [and speak too here in all, and of just how China, does know of Africa that is].

The third of these Worldviews, does speak in all, and of the World, and as perceived and from speak even of Language that is. That in all again, speak here specifically and of the English-speaking World, and as said to constitute of Canada, the United States of America, the UK, and even Australia & New Zealand too that is. However though, speak even and of other prominent Languages and on the World scene too, and as speaking in all again and of Spanish, Portuguese, French and even Dutch too apparently. In all, the said ability to master any of these Languages, and as having one capable, and of moving around in all, and in a Cultural context too, in this said World, and as with it all perceived even, and in a rather Institutional manner too that is.

The fourth of these, does speak of the World, and as viewed from speak of Religion, and speak too of the Major Religions, and World Religion too that is, and a way or manner in all, and that does in all even, speak, and of just whom or who in all, we are with everyday experiences that is, and as speaking in all even, and of Financial Success too that is. In all, Asia, and as one and as said Buddhist too that is, but perhaps in all again, speak now and oi a Worldview, and that does in all even, associate Asian Identity, and with speak of regions and Caste in itself too that is [and a Worldview too, and that does dominate Asian life, and to this very day, and despite Asia, and as said making many a stride, and in speak of Development in itself too that is].

The fifth of these Worldviews, does speak of the World, and as basically said Asian, and Non-Asian too [and a view in all, very much supported and by the British that is]. In all, speak truly even, and not of many a said International City (and with the British in all, very much presenting New Delhi and even Shangahi too, and as International Cities of a kind that is), but that in all ways even, it does in all speak and of Intelligence, and as said Asian, and as versus that said Non-Asian too that is [that the World in all, and as divided into two Hemispheres, does have Asia, and as going along in all, and with speak of India and China, and in Intelligence too that is, while speak of the rest of the World, does have Intelligence in all, and as going along, and with speak of Africa too that is].


Friday, 19 September 2014



What in all, can be said, and to truly characterize, the change in name, and of Bombay too, and to Mumbai that is. In many a way, it is believed here in all, and as with attempting to make clear Indian History and as going along and with the Raj for instance, is to perhaps say that, Bombay in all, does speak of the Memory of the City, and as said going along in all and with speak of what some do term a Backdrop that is (Link), and as versus speak too of Mumbai in all again, and as now said a City, and that is believed said to operate and from the very perspective in all, and of the Background in itself too that is (Link). In many a way truly, Mumbai in all, and as said not truly believed in all, and as truly surpassing Bombay that is.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Egypt, Africa & India

Egypt, Africa & India.

This entry in many a way, can simply be said and to speak of the fable in all truly. It does in all ways even at the very least, attempt to point out similarities or differences truly, and between the African Continent and India and as said a Sub-Continent too that is.

The first of these similarities or differences in all, do in all speak of Spirituality in itself actually. That Egypt, is in many a way and as unknown to most, associated and with Spirituality and in the very form of Ritual and Rite, but with Africa, or what is said African about Egypt, associated with Spirituality and in the form of Light and Sound (and speak even of Creationist Myth), and with India, truly associating Spirituality in itself, and with Discipline in itself too that is [and further speak here of Religious or Academic Disciplines for instance, and such as Yoga too that is].

The second of these, does in all deal with Epistemology, or speak truly even, and of what does constitute and for Knowledge in itself, and as said very much valid too that is. That for Egypt, Epistemology went along and with its many interesting Counting Systems too, and as with they even said Arithmetical, Numerical, Algebraical, or even Geometrical too [and with Calculus on the otherhand, and as said to encompass many of these, said very much here Italian too actually]. For Africa, we do have Epistemology, and as very much taking the form of Myth and Ritualism/Conventionalism too [but with it all even, said to speak of African Egypt that is], while in India, Epistemology, and as very much speaking of Institution (Artifact) Design in itself, and as truly going along even, and with speak of (Extended) Family Identity that is [and with Family and in India/Asia too, having the Father Figure for instance, said very much a Priest/Sage in many a way truly][Link].

The third of these, does deal in all, and with both Africa and India, and as said famed in all, and as with regards and to speak of Experience in itself that is. That both places in all, have for instance been associated and with various forms of Religious Practises that is, and which do in all for instance speak of Sri Krishna and India/Asia too that is, or even speak of the Mass in itself, and the Church and in Egypt too that is. In many a way, speak here and of the belief that India is very much said the 'Mother of Civilization', or speak too and of Pliny the Elder, and the known phrase 'Always something new out of Africa' that is. In all, Chinese and Japanese Civilization, and as owing its Heritages in many a way, and to India in all (and in speak of the Buddha and Religious Shrines for instance), and with Greek Civilization on the otherhand, truly acknowledging in itself, its rise in all, and to Civilization status too, and in a deepfelt manner and that does speak of Egypt in all, and in the very form of Myth in itself too that is.

The fourth of these, does speak even and of both Africa and India, and as famed in all, and for its peoples that is. That it is from Africa in all, and that the terms Ethiope (and as with he even said Greek too, and very much Humane that is), Egyptian (and speak of their Maturity in all), African (and as said very much possessing the Innocence of the Gods), or even Moor too (and as said very much to possess the Intellect of the Gods, and in Philosophy too that is), do in all arise from that is. It is however and with India, that one does find, that the Indian Gods and Goddesses, are said to be the most highly respected or favoured and valued in all, and of all other Gods and in Asia and the World too, and as with they in all even, revered in all, and in Memory, Name and spirit too, and in a manner and that does speak even and of the Greek Gods too that is.

Finally, both Africa and India, and as said losing their way in all, and in Conscience too, and to Western Spirituality for instance, and as said in all even, and to worship Sexualism in itself that is [and with Sexualism in India and Africa, not often associated and with speak of Constructs, Strategy, Paradigms, Concepts, Limits etc., and as found in society too, but in all ways even, and with speak of Love in itself that is].

Monday, 8 September 2014

Commercial Technology/Systems

Commercial Technology/Systems.

- and speak too, and of an Asia, and as governed by Commercial Law that is.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

The Knowledge Economy

The Knowledge Economy.

Those living in Asia, have truly heard and of the Knowledge Economy in itself. At the very least, it does in all even, speak of Sabeer Bhatia for instance, or even of Masayoshi Son too in all. In many a way though, the Knowledge Economy perhaps, is said to have failed and on delivering and on its promises, and as with regards in all perhaps, and to speak of the Global Economic Crisis, and as the Knowledge Economy in all, did appear to go along and with speak of many a Seminar, and as dealing in all,  and on just how to truly define the Knowledge Economy in itself that is.

In speaking of the Knowledge Economy here, is to perhaps primarily refer and to speak of Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and China too that is. That China and the United Arab Emirates, have in all undergone, major reconstruction efforts in all (and in putting it all in the best words that is), and that do speak even and of Phases of Development, and as with they in all even said to speak and of giving birth and to a whole new China for instance, and that is in all again, free, and from speak of all constraints, and as said arising with the Past that is [and speak too in all, and of China and as not perceived particularly and from speak of its Revolutions, and which do in all speak of Government in China, but in many a way truly, and of the very said fact that, China, does have a humongous Rural population to it that is].

Having said the above, is to speak of China and away and from speak of its Industrialization efforts (and as now said in all again, associated in all and with poor quality products), but with it now in all, said very much a part of the Knowledge Economy, and in speak and of attempting to define the Knowledge Economy, and in speak of Response / Data Warehousing, and not Planning / Data Mining either that is.

In all, what is about to be said here is a matter of conjecture, and as the Knowledge Economy is not known to hold any promise to it, and other than speak and of Knowledge in all, and as said a Commodity for sale too that is.

Japan, China and the UAE (and throw in here, Australia and South Africa too perhaps), and the attempt in all to define a Knowledge Economy, and that does in all again, speak and of not Access in itself (and the Finance Industry too), but one in all again, and that does speak of Knowledge Dynamics, and as said to represent an Interplay, and between Knowledge in itself that is [and further speak here and of Data Warehousing in all that is].

That Japan here, is merely perceived, and as a (News) Media Agency, and as in saying that, the Japanese, do in all know just how to put a whole new meaning or twist too, and to any form or Knowledge/News, received in all, and as with basic regards here, and to speak of filing/documenting News/Knowledge that is [but further speak of Japan, and as said a News/Knowledge source in itself that is]. In all, this in many a way too, probably speaking and of the Laughing Buddha for instance. China now, and as perceived and from speak of Regulation in all. That China, can be said and to now redefine Data Warehousing in itself, and in speak of Relays, Switches, Functionality, Testing, Positioning etcetc., and as Knowledge now, and as viewed from speak of Response, does speak in all, and of Knowledge and as viewed from speak of Potential, and not Access/Probablity/Monetization in itself either that is. It is now onwards to the UAE perhaps, and just where in all again, Knowledge, and as said Potential too, does meet the Sufi oriented Political structures of the Emirates in all, and in speak too, and of what does constitute and for a Worldly Consciousness that is [that the above, a matter of conjecture in all, does in all even, truly or simply take into account, Consciousness, and as said manifesting in all, and with Modern Communications/Telecommunication Systems, and which have resulted in all again, and in Knowledge for instance, and as truly associated only, and with certain said Key Figures, and whose whereabouts in all for instance, or Identity too, remain secretive that is][what is been said here is that, the Knowledge/Media Economy or Business in all, has resulted and in a World today, and just where in all again, if one does present themselves and as truly having the solution to everything, or something significant in particular, one in all will have to deal and with a Consciousness and that does go along and with speak of Modern Communications/Telecommunications Systems in all, and that does in all even speak of Knowledge, and as accessed or diverged in all, and along the lines of Gossip that is].

In all, the Knowledge Economy, and as known in all again, to truly speak and of what does constitute and for Selfishness for instance, and as with regards to Knowledge/Information Exchange (or speak truly and of what amount of Knowledge, a Media Figure, and not Public Figure truly either, is willing to divulge in all, and as with regards to having others, simply remain Interested in one that is) [and speak too here, and of Public Relations Agencies in themselves for instance].

In all again, and finally too, Knowledge, and as said often to speak and of meeting Human Needs, Wants or Desires, but that in all ways even, speak of Knowledge Presentation, Dissemination or Analysis in itself, and as truly leading in all, and to a Knowledge Exchange, Dynamic, and as said to fully represent the Knowledge Economy, and in speak of Retail Business too for instance, and at the lower levels of society too that is.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014



Historicism and Asia:

When we do speak of Historicism in all, and in Asia too, we are speaking in all again, and of the Political History of Asia, and as said in many a way too, and to now speak of China in itself that is. That Historicism in all, can be said to speak of Political History, and as going along and with speak of Communications, and in many a way too, speak even of Communications Channels, and as taking the form of Personnel, and in Asia too that is.

That China in all, has come to define Asia today, and as with regards and to speak of Political Communications Channels, and as with the Chinese in all, believed highly manipulative, and when it does come and to speak of such Communications that is. That speak of China for instance and as said attempting to Spy on American Research in all, or speak of too and of Chinatowns all over the World and as said associated with Organized Crime for instance, does in all ways even speak and of just whom or who the Chinese in all, and in speak too of (Political) Chinese Communications, have come to influence the World in many a way, and as with they now in all even, and in speak of Communist China and the Cold War too, helping foment a Wordly and if not Global Conscience, and that does go along and with speak of China, and as now said one of the more prominent Nations or Country, and of the World too that is.

In all, when those in Asia do think Historicism in all again, and Local Community Networks too, then it could probably be best to think of Bali and Indonesia in all, and as Community Networks and in Asia today too, do in all ways even, go along in all and with speak of National Security Initiatives in themselves, and in many an Asian Country too, and as speaking in all, and of not only Survival in itself, but Culture too, History, and in all ways truly even, speak too and of what does constitute and for National Development in Asia, and as said speaking in all, and of Political Communications Channels, and further speak here too, and of not only the rise of China in itself, but that in all ways even, speak of China as such, does speak even, and of Political Motivated Crime all over the place that is [Link].

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Asian Theosophy

Asian Theosophy.

What in all, does the term Theosophy actually truly mean or stand for? It in many a way, can be said, Italian in all, and as it does in all again, speak and of just where Philosophy in all again, does truly meet Media that is.

We do live in a World though, and just where in all again, most have been condition and in believing that Theology in all, will truly solve all ones problems [and when observed or presented in all, and from speak of the Conference too for instance]. In all, what is been said here is that, Asia, and in Philosophy too, does face in all, a difficult problem to it all, and that does have to do, and with defining a concrete Asian Philosophy (and as with it even said Template too), in that, Asian Philosophy, has always strove in all for,  the search in all that is, and for the Ultimate Truth in itself actually. In saying that, such a search can be said Futile, is to then in all again, present Asian History/Philosophy, and from a Theosophic perspective, and that does in all speak, and of Asian Philosophy, History or Thought too, and as presented in all again, and from speak of Mistakes, Errors, Faults etc., and as said made that is.

In all, in speaking of an Asian Theosophy, and in a World today highly Media driven too in all, is to perhaps ground it all, and controversially too, and from speak of Social Media in itself that is [and with the example here in all, and of a Symposium too for instance, and as with it even said now low-scale perhaps, and in the form of a (Local) Forum too for instance].