Monday, 27 October 2014

The Last Samurai

The Last Samurai.

National Development and Asian Democracies:

This entry in all, will attempt to speak, and of what does stand for Cooperation in all again, and in the World we live in today that is. That speak of History in all, and as going along and with speak of our notions of Nationalism, and further speak even and of what is said to go along and with speak of Modern Democracies too, is said associated in all again, and with speak of Cooperation in itself, and as believed even said to truly define in all, what does stand for Honour, Loyalty and Respect too that is [and speak in all again and of the very belief that, discriminatory attitudes and in the World today, do lie in all, and with speak and of just how in all again, one does perceive Cooperation, and as with regards and to just how in all we do define ourselves and in speak of Honour, Loyalty and Respect too that is][Link].

That in all again, how we do in all define ourselves, and as with regards to speak of Honour, Loyalty and Respect, and speak in all even, and of just whom or who in all, we do choose to Cooperate with, has come in all again, and to be perceived in all, and with speak, and of just whom or who in all, 'we' all have been, Historically, and as with regards and to speak and of just how we do in all, Cry (or Weep and Grieve), and further speak even, and of just how in all, we do Shout (and for Joy or in Happiness too) [and further speak in all, and of Africans, and as simply perceived and from speak even and of Slavery (Link1, Link2) and Colonialism (Link1, Link2, Link3) too that is]. 

In all, National Development and Modern Democracy, and as speaking of the above, truly speaking in all and of just how in all again, the United States of America (and further speak even and of Japan and as said in Asia too), has come to truly influence the World we live in today that is. In all, and as in telling many a person in Asia that, attempting to compete with Japan in all, and in speak of Prominence too for instance, might not be something worthwhile in engaging [and with the exception of certain said 'Countries' in Asia, and such as India (Link1, Link2, Link3) or Thailand (Link1, Link2) too], and as Japan in all, is said to have, a more Developed perhaps, History, and as with regards and to speak of the Cry or the Shout, and as with it all even said 'done' perhaps, and in a rater civil/civilized manner, and as compared and to speak of the rest of Asia, and which does have a History of Barbarism to it that is.

In all, Modern Democracy and as truly differing in many a place of the World, and as with regards to just how they do define themselves and in speak of the Cry and the Shout, and as in attempting to tell many a person in Asia, and of what does actually go in many a part of the World, and despite what the News Media would have one believing in that is: the United States of America (Link1, Link2), India (Link1, Link2), the United Kingdom (Link), Nigeria (Link), Brazil (Link1Link2), Israel (Link), Turkey (Link), and Australia (Link) too.

"Asian Democracy":