Sunday 7 September 2014

The Knowledge Economy

The Knowledge Economy.

Those living in Asia, have truly heard and of the Knowledge Economy in itself. At the very least, it does in all even, speak of Sabeer Bhatia for instance, or even of Masayoshi Son too in all. In many a way though, the Knowledge Economy perhaps, is said to have failed and on delivering and on its promises, and as with regards in all perhaps, and to speak of the Global Economic Crisis, and as the Knowledge Economy in all, did appear to go along and with speak of many a Seminar, and as dealing in all,  and on just how to truly define the Knowledge Economy in itself that is.

In speaking of the Knowledge Economy here, is to perhaps primarily refer and to speak of Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and China too that is. That China and the United Arab Emirates, have in all undergone, major reconstruction efforts in all (and in putting it all in the best words that is), and that do speak even and of Phases of Development, and as with they in all even said to speak and of giving birth and to a whole new China for instance, and that is in all again, free, and from speak of all constraints, and as said arising with the Past that is [and speak too in all, and of China and as not perceived particularly and from speak of its Revolutions, and which do in all speak of Government in China, but in many a way truly, and of the very said fact that, China, does have a humongous Rural population to it that is].

Having said the above, is to speak of China and away and from speak of its Industrialization efforts (and as now said in all again, associated in all and with poor quality products), but with it now in all, said very much a part of the Knowledge Economy, and in speak and of attempting to define the Knowledge Economy, and in speak of Response / Data Warehousing, and not Planning / Data Mining either that is.

In all, what is about to be said here is a matter of conjecture, and as the Knowledge Economy is not known to hold any promise to it, and other than speak and of Knowledge in all, and as said a Commodity for sale too that is.

Japan, China and the UAE (and throw in here, Australia and South Africa too perhaps), and the attempt in all to define a Knowledge Economy, and that does in all again, speak and of not Access in itself (and the Finance Industry too), but one in all again, and that does speak of Knowledge Dynamics, and as said to represent an Interplay, and between Knowledge in itself that is [and further speak here and of Data Warehousing in all that is].

That Japan here, is merely perceived, and as a (News) Media Agency, and as in saying that, the Japanese, do in all know just how to put a whole new meaning or twist too, and to any form or Knowledge/News, received in all, and as with basic regards here, and to speak of filing/documenting News/Knowledge that is [but further speak of Japan, and as said a News/Knowledge source in itself that is]. In all, this in many a way too, probably speaking and of the Laughing Buddha for instance. China now, and as perceived and from speak of Regulation in all. That China, can be said and to now redefine Data Warehousing in itself, and in speak of Relays, Switches, Functionality, Testing, Positioning etcetc., and as Knowledge now, and as viewed from speak of Response, does speak in all, and of Knowledge and as viewed from speak of Potential, and not Access/Probablity/Monetization in itself either that is. It is now onwards to the UAE perhaps, and just where in all again, Knowledge, and as said Potential too, does meet the Sufi oriented Political structures of the Emirates in all, and in speak too, and of what does constitute and for a Worldly Consciousness that is [that the above, a matter of conjecture in all, does in all even, truly or simply take into account, Consciousness, and as said manifesting in all, and with Modern Communications/Telecommunication Systems, and which have resulted in all again, and in Knowledge for instance, and as truly associated only, and with certain said Key Figures, and whose whereabouts in all for instance, or Identity too, remain secretive that is][what is been said here is that, the Knowledge/Media Economy or Business in all, has resulted and in a World today, and just where in all again, if one does present themselves and as truly having the solution to everything, or something significant in particular, one in all will have to deal and with a Consciousness and that does go along and with speak of Modern Communications/Telecommunications Systems in all, and that does in all even speak of Knowledge, and as accessed or diverged in all, and along the lines of Gossip that is].

In all, the Knowledge Economy, and as known in all again, to truly speak and of what does constitute and for Selfishness for instance, and as with regards to Knowledge/Information Exchange (or speak truly and of what amount of Knowledge, a Media Figure, and not Public Figure truly either, is willing to divulge in all, and as with regards to having others, simply remain Interested in one that is) [and speak too here, and of Public Relations Agencies in themselves for instance].

In all again, and finally too, Knowledge, and as said often to speak and of meeting Human Needs, Wants or Desires, but that in all ways even, speak of Knowledge Presentation, Dissemination or Analysis in itself, and as truly leading in all, and to a Knowledge Exchange, Dynamic, and as said to fully represent the Knowledge Economy, and in speak of Retail Business too for instance, and at the lower levels of society too that is.