Thursday, 13 November 2014



The so termed Afro-Asian Identity (or speak even of 'African Asian' by some) [Link], cannot be said and to speak of Heritage in all, and as in referring here and to speak Mixed race Identity, and as seen/found outside Asia too, but that in all ways even, it all does refer and to speak of Taboo in itself, as Heritage in Asia in all, does speak in all even and of Matrineal, Patrineal and Bilineal Identity too, but with Taboo in all again, and in Asia that is, now speaking of Patrilocality, Matrilocality or even Neolocality, and with Afro-Asian Identity in all again, and as said Siddi too, now going along and with speak of the Indian races, and as versus those said African too, and as with it all even speaking of the history of Western Imperialism in Asia that is [and further speak in all and of Afro-Asians, and as said a Maligned people in all truly].