Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Modern Success

Modern Success.

This entry in many a way, will attempt to detail in all, what one could call a shift in many a way, and in defining Modern/Western Success, and  away from an Individual perspective, and to one said Communal that is. That in all, Modern/Western Media in all, does to this very day persist, and in presenting Modern Success, and as said very much Individual in all, and without in many a way truly recognizing the very fact that, Success in many a way, is in all very believed to go along in all again, and with speak of Teamwork, and Teamwork too, and that does in all, not truly refer to or speak of in all, and of the very problem of Supervision in itself that is.

In having said the above, an attempt here perhaps, and in explaining why many a person does seek to Succeed in life today, and as speak in all and of the Multi-Millionaire Model of succeeding, and as said in all, not truly inspirational and to most that is. That most on succeeding, simply seek out more in life (and in Experience too), and do not simply seek to upraise themselves, and in Image too that is.

That Modern Success in all, is best believed not only said Communal, but in many a way truly, speaking in all, and of many a said Cultural Artefact in itself that is. That Success for most, and in this Modern Age we live in, is believed said to go along in all, and with not only speak of 'the Means to the End', but also speak of 'the End and as justifying the Means' that is.

That speak in all and of Cultural Artefacts too, does speak in all again, and of helping truly define, what the End truly is, and other than speak and of the seeking out, or the mindless pursuit, and of Money or Wealth in itself too that is.

That in all again, all this does speak even and of dividing the Modern/Western World, and into the following spheres: the Western World, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia too that is.

That speak of the Western World and as with regards to speak of Cultural Artefacts in all, and as said helping define Success too, does speak even and of their being associated with many a thing: the Chef, the Matador, the Tango, the Priest, the Critic, the Performer etc. That this in all again, is simply how most in the Western World, do envision Success, Communal too, and as in speak even and of the Western World, and as simply said segregate in its ways, and legitimately so that is.

To speak of Africa though, and as said in all even having many an Infrastructural problem to it, Cultural Artefacts and as truly going along in all, and with just whom or who Africans, are, and as with regards to Language in itself that is [and with Africans in many a way too, truly the kind to define Success, and in truly wanting and to speak on their Life experiences, and speak in all again, and to many an audience perhaps, and of what they do truly want out of life that is][and further speak even for instance, and of the very fact that, the Middle East and as said possessing Wealth in itself, is not said of interest to many an African, and who simply in all, does value the French Language for instance].

To speak of the Middle East, Cultural Artefacts, and as truly associated in all, and with speak of Monumentals in themselves, and alongside speak even and of the Real-Estate Industry too that is.

In speak of Asia though, Cultural Artefacts, and as said very much to speak, and of Ancestral Figures in themselves, and as with it in all even said best defined, and in both Japan and Australia too (and with Australia, not truly Western that is), but with the rest of Asia in all, somewhat in disregard it is believed, and as with regards to all this that is, and as in speak even, and of what does constitute for Self-Hate / Hatred, and in Asia today too actually.