Thursday, 25 September 2014

Africa & Asia

Africa & Asia.

Meters/Gauges in Asian society:

This entry in many a way, will attempt to deal in all, and with just how in all again, Human societies, have been evolving, changing and developing, and since the 18th Century in all, did come to an end that is. That from the 19th Century onward, the World in many a way, does in all begin or start, to develop that is, a Global and, International Consciousness too, and which in many a way truly, is believed said and to go very much along, and with speak and of not only Trade in itself, but in all truly, speak too and of Migratory patterns in themselves that is [that Migration in itself, has always been a part of Asian History, and that in all again, Migration in itself is now said to become a part of World History, and speak in all again in all again, and from when the 18th Century that is, did very much come to an end].

In speaking then and of Human societies today and as adjudged and from speak of the above, is to in many a way too speak of Human societies today, and as said evolving in all, and in speak of measurement perhaps (meters/gauges), and that do in all even only truly speak and of many an event, and as happening, and onward and from the beginning of the 19th Century that is.

In having said all this, is to now speak and of the above in all again, and as summarized and in speak of World Migratory patterns, and speak too and of just how Asian Thought & Philosophy in all, has come to influence the World as it is today that is [and as versus speak here too, and of Africa/Egypt, and as having influenced the old World in all, and in speak of Perception too for instance].

In speaking of Meters/Gauges in all then, is to speak and of just how Asian societies do in all think of their very lives today, and as perhaps in all, defined, and as going along in all perhaps, and with speak of Expansionism, Language, and the Voyage too that is. That World Trade in all for instance, is known to have existed in the old World, and in speak too and of a Worldly Consciousness, and that did speak for instance and of Magellan too that is, but that the Modern/Western World in all and as defined in many a way too and in speak of a Global or International Consciousness, did in all come to be, and in speak of the three factors mentioned above (Expansionism, Language and the Voyage too), and as going along in all and with speak of Migratory patterns that is [and as said encompassing speak of Slavery and Indentured Labour too for instance].

That speak of Expansionism, and in Asian Thought/Philosophy, does in all for instance go along, and with speak of Chinese History and as perceived and from speak of Dynasties too that is, and speak in all again for instance, and of many a Chinese Dynasty, and as said attempting in all, and to simply take over the whole of China that is. In all perhaps, Expansionism in Asia, and as going along in all, and with speak of the birth of Australia, but in many a way too, speak of China and Japan and as facing off too, and in East Asian History too that is. 

That speak of the Voyage in all, does in all even speak of the very rise and of Asian Communities, and as said Global in their ways too (and further speak here in all, and of the attempt for instance, and in being admitted, and to MIT too in all), but that in all ways even, it does now speak and of Asians, and as very much studying societies elsewhere, and in speak and of truly learning something new and in the very hope, and of truly advancing society, and as going along and with speak of Advancement, Progress or Development, and as perceived in all even, and from speak of Asian Institutions / Family too that is.

To speak of Language though, is to in all ways even speak and of Japan and the rest of Asia too, but that in all again, it does speak of the Language of English in all, and as said rising and on the Global Stage too perhaps (and in Eminence too that is), and such that Asians in all now, and as versus speak of Africans too, do in all now find themselves harbouring many a feeling of Inferiority, and as with regards and to their speaking of Languages, and that are believed said not able in all, and in measuring up for instance, and to speak of English that is [and with English too, not historically believed the most superior of Languages in all and in Europe too for instance, but that Africans in all again, believing their Languages in all to very much be in in all again, more psychologically superior and interesting in their ways and than English is said to be (and in speak of psychological adaptation in itself that is), and with the Japanese on the otherhand, now associating Asian Inferiority and as with regards to speak of Japan, and in speak of the Japanese Language, and as believed said one of the more superior of Languages to be seen in the World that is].

In all, while Expansionism today is often associated and with speak of World Business too for instance, such Philosophy in all, does in all even speak of the African Slave Trade, in that, the African Slave Trade is often poorly perceived and by many in the World and in speak of Language that is, when in reality, it is African Language/Expressionisms, and that did in all help Africans survive slavery and in the Americas too that is, for the African Slave Trade in all, can best be perceived, and in speak of Expansionism in itself (and with Slaves here, not believed said maltreated or treated brutally in all that is), but that African / African-American Identity in the Americas in all again, does speak of their possessing differing Practises and as compared to speak of Africans and in Africa too that is (and in speak here for example, and of differing practises, and as with regards and to the greeting of each other for instance), in that, Africans /African-Americans in the Americas (or the United States of America too that is), are believed said in all, to have their lives go along and with a better of Memory of things that is, and as with their in all again, possessing Practises (and speak too of the Poses, Stances and Postures they do in all hold for instance), and as said more or less unique, and from other peoples of the World that is [Link].

In speaking in all again though and of the Voyage too, and as with regards to Africa, is to in many a way even speak of the very world of African Spiritual systems in all, and as with they in all again often heavily imbued and with speak of Myth too, such that, Europe in all, is believed said conquered and in a manner and that does speak of Egyptian/African Spiritual systems, and as the 'Egyptians' in all, did very much perceive Europe (and as said nearby in all too perhaps), and from speak of its Woods/'Forests' that is, and that European Civilization, is very much born in all, and in speak of 'Forest spirits' too for instance [and in all again, speak of Europe in all, and as very much said Celtic too, and as versus speak of Europe and as said Celt in all, and very much in all again though, Egyptian, Greek and Italian in its ways too that is].