Saturday, 20 September 2014



The Asian Worldview:

This entry does in all, have to do, and with speak of Worldviews [or basic speak too in all, and of just how most out there, do believe the World to function or work that is]. That those in Asia, have at the very least being programmed in all, and in viewing the World in itself, and as basically said Japanese and Australian too that is [and in speak of Ideals and Standards in all truly].

This entry though, will attempt to paint in all, a differing picture that is, and of the World at large, and as said a complicated place too that is. A complicated place too, and as perhaps going along, and with speak of Asian Identity today, and which can at the very least too (and as speaking of the past too that is), said to go along, and with speak of Migratory patterns that is. That Asians in all, do at the very least even, think of Asian City life in all, and from the very perspective, of Migratory trends too that is.

In helping Asians come up in all, and with new Worldviews, and that will in many a way, help them think of themselves and from a more or less Local perspective in all, is to in many a way too, speak of Asian Identity today, and as going along, and with speak of Global Asian community/presences that is.

The first of these Worldviews though, does in all even, speak of Racial Classification in itself, and as with it even said American/Australian, Japanese and European too. That it is amongst the American/Australian, and where in all again, one does find Human populations, and as simply said White, Black, Red and Yellow too that is. It is amongst the European, and where in all again, Human populations are classified as European, African, Asian, and finally those who do fall under speak of Arab Identity in all, and as said Ideal too that is [that if one in all, cannot be readily classified and as Asian, African or European too, they are more less said to fall, and under Arab Identity, and as said speaking even, and of Inferiority in all, and to the Arab that is]. It is however amongst the Japanese in all, and just where in all again, the peoples of the World, are in all ways even judged and as according to speak of Indigenous, Tribal or even Ethnic Identity too that is, and with Japan for instance said to speak of Okinawa, and America on the otherhand, associated in all perhaps, and with speak of Hawaii too for instance, Europe with Ireland, but further speak too even, and of New Zealand & Australia too that is.

The second of these Worldviews in all, does speak even and of a Worldview, somewhat in many a way believed said complicated in its ways, and as it does basically in all, speak even and of the peoples of the World, and as classified along speak even and of the so termed Second-World, or speak too, and of the so termed Capitalist States, the Industrial States, and even Communist/Socialist/Military States that is. That the Industrial States, and as often termed Second-World too, can be said centered in South Africa in all perhaps, and does speak too though, and of South America, Singapore and even Australia too, and a Worldview in all again, and that does go along and with speak of the UN, the World Bank and even the IMF, and with Africa too in many a way, simply classified under speak of Military States that is [and speak too here in all, and of just how China, does know of Africa that is].

The third of these Worldviews, does speak in all, and of the World, and as perceived and from speak even of Language that is. That in all again, speak here specifically and of the English-speaking World, and as said to constitute of Canada, the United States of America, the UK, and even Australia & New Zealand too that is. However though, speak even and of other prominent Languages and on the World scene too, and as speaking in all again and of Spanish, Portuguese, French and even Dutch too apparently. In all, the said ability to master any of these Languages, and as having one capable, and of moving around in all, and in a Cultural context too, in this said World, and as with it all perceived even, and in a rather Institutional manner too that is.

The fourth of these, does speak of the World, and as viewed from speak of Religion, and speak too of the Major Religions, and World Religion too that is, and a way or manner in all, and that does in all even, speak, and of just whom or who in all, we are with everyday experiences that is, and as speaking in all even, and of Financial Success too that is. In all, Asia, and as one and as said Buddhist too that is, but perhaps in all again, speak now and oi a Worldview, and that does in all even, associate Asian Identity, and with speak of regions and Caste in itself too that is [and a Worldview too, and that does dominate Asian life, and to this very day, and despite Asia, and as said making many a stride, and in speak of Development in itself too that is].

The fifth of these Worldviews, does speak of the World, and as basically said Asian, and Non-Asian too [and a view in all, very much supported and by the British that is]. In all, speak truly even, and not of many a said International City (and with the British in all, very much presenting New Delhi and even Shangahi too, and as International Cities of a kind that is), but that in all ways even, it does in all speak and of Intelligence, and as said Asian, and as versus that said Non-Asian too that is [that the World in all, and as divided into two Hemispheres, does have Asia, and as going along in all, and with speak of India and China, and in Intelligence too that is, while speak of the rest of the World, does have Intelligence in all, and as going along, and with speak of Africa too that is].