Saturday, 8 November 2014

The Third World

The Third World.

Those in Asia, do of course know, and of the so termed or called 'Third World' that is. It though, is not a term in all, well understood by most, and as it does in all even simply speak of Media, and as originating and with the so called 'Western World' that is. That in all, the 'Third World', is said in all even, and to primarily refer and to Identity created, and in speak of Nationhood too that is.

In all, the confusion and as with regards and to what the so termed/called 'Third World' does stand for in all, does in all even speak of separating or distinguishing in all again, Western Media, and from that intrinsically said American, European, Canadian/Western and even Australian too that is.

That in speaking in all, and of the 'Third World', one is in all again primarily speaking of Nations/nations that is, and not Countries truly either. That American Western Media, does tend in all and to speak of the 'Third World', and from the very perspective of its (poor) Leadership, while European Western Media, does in all even concentrate and in speak of Third World Countries and as said inefficient, and with Australian Western Media, concentrating on the 'Third World', and as with regards and to speak of its Materialism/Technology, and as with the Third World even, perpetually said Backwards as such, and with Canadian Western Media on the otherhand, and as said even truly Western that is, speaking in all, and of the 'Third World', and from the very perspective of Nations/nations, and as said in all truly represented for in all, and by the very history of Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism, Neo-Colonialism etc.

In all though, in speaking of the ‘Third World’ as such, is to in all ways even now, refer and to the very fact that, the ‘Third World’ in all, is often said and to speak of Africa and Asia primarily that is.

In helping those in Africa and Asia though, redefine themselves and away from speak of Western Media, is to in all even promote here, a New Age Media in itself, and as associated in all and with speak of National or Royal Emblems, and as helping in all those in Asia for instance, truly see themselves and as said distinct from Africa, and in truly helping them in all again, break away and from Oppressive mindsets/stereotypes, and which in all ways even do associate in all, together, groups, and as said perceived Inferior and by the Western World in all, and as said in all again, truly similar to each other that is, and despite speak of known and said Historical differences in all [that Asia and Africa, actually do have truly differing Histories, and that speak of Asia and as separate from Japan, does in all even speak of Asia, and as differing in Organization from Japan and despite speak of Buddhism that is, and with Asian Organization and as said differing from that said Japanese, speaking in all perhaps, and of the inferiority of Asian Political Organization, and as with it even said not Samurai in all that is][Link].

In all, the following below and as in helping one truly see the differences and between Asian and African life that is.

The first of these differences in all, do in all even speak of, and of the differences and that do lay in all again, and in speak of Asian and African Languages that is. That Asian Languages are said steeped in (Family) Tradition, while those said African, do in all even speak of African Customs that is [and in perhaps helping make all this clear, speaking of Asian Christianity, and as said defined and in speak of Asian Family Traditions, while African Christianity, does speak in all even and of African Family Customs that is].

The second of these differences, does speak in all even, and of life in Asia and Africa, and as said in all even defined and in speak of Commerce that is. That Asian life in all, is said defined and in speak of Habitation (and further speak here even, and of what one could term an Asian Education), while life in Africa, is truly defined in all and in speak of Adaptation (and further speak even and of an African Education that is).

In speaking of society in all, or further speak even and of the formations and arrangements too, and that many in society in all that is, do seek to maintain or hold in all, is to then associate society in Asia, and with speak of the Rite of Marriage, while society in Africa, has always been defined, and in speak of (Social) Initiations in all, and as Rite too, and as very much in all even speaking of Baptism that is.

In speaking of Regulation and Chaos & Disorder and Government too, one in all can best associate Asian Government, and with Fiscal Policy, while African Government, has traditionally in all dealt with and with speak of Social Policy primarily that is.

Finally, speak of Homage in itself, and further speak even and of the associating of life and with Success and as said Asian or African intrinsically too, does in all even speak and of Asian Ritual and as speaking in all even and of Tibet, while African Ritual and in speak of Africa today and as said Wealthy, Western and Poor, does speak of Ritual and as said in all, Egyptian, Nubian and Swahili too and respectively that is.