Monday, 1 September 2014



Modern Japan:

What in all, does the term Japanismo, refer to? It in many a way, can be said and to speak and of what some do in all refer to and as Japanese Racial Supremacy that is [and not Cultural Supremacy truly either]. That Japanismo, cannot be understood and from speak of Western Religion in all, and which does go along and with speak of (Natural) Intelligence too, or speak too perhaps, and of Europe in all, and further speak too and of the Japanese Arts that is. In many a way, Japanismo, is best understood, and from speak even, and of what some do term Deliverance for instance (and as said a Religious Concept too), and one too, put forth in many a way, and by Mother Teresa too for instance.

In all, Japanismo, does have to do, and with speak of Japanese Expression that is. In all again, just whom or who in all, are the Japanese, and when it does come to Expression in itself, and further speak too here, and of how the Japanese in all, do experience life, and as said distinct in all even, and from other peoples of the World that is [and if not all too actually] [and further speak here even, and of the very belief that the Japanese, are a unique race to themselves that is].

In speaking of Japanismo in all though, is to in many a way too, speak and of the History and of the British and Portuguese, and in Asia too that is. That the Japanese, remain an unconquered people and by most, and due in all perhaps, and to speak and of just whom or who in all, they are with Expression that is (and speak too of Kabuki Theatre for instance), and with Japanese Expression, and as seen in the Japanese Arts too, taking a multiple form of existence, and as the Japanese Arts in all, are said truly varying in their ways that is [and further speak here for example, and of Japanese Poetry in itself that is][Link].

That though, the above that is, is not to be said and to speak of it all (or the whole of it too that is), and as the Japanese and in speak of Expression too, are known to be formidable Storytellers of a kind that is. That Japanese Storytelling, can be said in all, highly diverse in its ways, and as it does in all even, take into account all kinds or forms of Japanese Expression, and all this too, and as referring and to an Asia in all, and where most of its Expression, is simply said Ancient (and speak too of Chinese Song for instance), but with Japanese Expression on the otherhand, said Ancient, Classical, Christian etc., and in the very least too that is.

In all, what is been said here is that, Success in the World we live in today, can be said, and to speak of what some do term Pursuit that is. That Japanese Storytelling, and as versus that said Christian too for instance, is heavily involved (and in its diverse forms too), and in helping truly define what a Pursuit is, and with the Art/Science of Storytelling in itself, known to be highly diverse, and in speak and of not only the Recital and as taking the form of the Answer for instance (and speak too, and of just how most out there do experience life on the average), but that it in all does speak even, and of all forms of Recitals, and as including speak of the Address that is [and which does in all even, speak of Modern Research in itself, but from a Historical perspective too, does speak too in all, and of the History of the Portuguese in Asia, and as with they in all experiencing life in itself truly, and from the very perspective of the Address only in many a way]. In all again, many a person in India for instance, and having been shaped or conditioned in all, and by the British that is, and in experiencing life, and in speak only of the Answer that is, and as with it in all even perhaps, said to speak and of a British Accent too in all.