Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Koreas

The Koreas.

Language, Diatribe and East Asia:

Those in Asia, do of course know, and of the Koreas too.  In all again, it does actually refer to speak of Geo-Politics, and as seen in East Asia too that is. 

To make all this clearer perhaps, and as with speak even of an International Observer here, is to speak even and of Geo-Politics in East Asia, and as arising and with speak of Language in itself too actually [that in all again and in the most surprising or absurd of occurrences in all, the Chinese in all again, claim the Japanese Language in all, and as very much Chinese too, or as having Chinese origins to it that is]. In all ways even, this referring in many a way, and to Chinese Global Dominance in all, and as with their attempting even and as with further speak of Maoism too, to at the very least open a Chinese Cultural Center, and in any part of the World deemed of interest to the Chinese that is [and as with even associating Chinese Acumen perhaps, and Chinese Thrift too in all, and with the Chinese Language too that is].

In all again, the Chinese Language and as perceived even superior to Japanese, has in many a way it is believed, to be the very spark in all, and of a Geo-Political situation in Asia, and as played out in the Koreas too that is. That North Korea, and as said under the Influence of the Chinese [and as with North Korea even, said now to have Ego-Maniacal Leaders], seeks to in all ways even upsurge Political Power in all, and in South Korea too, and which is in all ways even said, under Japanese Influence that is. In all, South Korea and as said even a Political Front and for Japan, and as with this speaking even of the false belief that, South Korean success, has been of its own making in all actually [and in an Asia too, where the Japanese do feel isolated in all, and as with regards to speak of their being Successes that is].

In many a way and as with all this even very much East Asian too, Geo-Politics in East Asia, and as based around speak of Language  and Superiority/Inferiority too, in all ways even leading to talk of Militarism, Aesthetics and even Nationalism too. That the Chinese in all, do claim to be a Superior Military Power in all and to the Japanese too, and that in all again, the Politics of Language, very much in all again speaking of China and as instigating a Political situation in Japan, and as based around events said to go and with speak of World War 2 that is. Speak of Japanese Aesthetics in Asia in all, does speak even and of just whom in all again the Japanese people are, and as Asians too perhaps, and as Japanese Ideals of Beauty, Art or even Courtship too, do speak in all it is said even, and of Japanese Racial Superiority, but with China in all again even, very much claiming Taiwan and Hong Kong, to very much speak of Chinese Culture, and as with regards to Aesthetics that is [and in a most unprecedent situation, and as with regards even to speak of Materiality, and South Korea too that is] [that so termed Japanese Imperialism, does speak in all and of East Asia in all perhaps, and as losing its Heritage, and in a believed attempt, to wipe out Anti-Japanese Sentiment in East Asia, and as perhaps even arising and with Japan's Christian Identity that is].

Thirdly though, Japanese Nationalism, and as cause of concern apparently, and to the Chinese, and as with speak even of Asians in all, and as not accepted in Japan in all again and with the exception of South Koreans too perhaps, but with many another outside to Asia and as with speak even of Japanese Bi-Lateral Ties, in many a way even truly accepted perhaps, and in Japanese society too that is.

A difficult situation to assess, and as it does in all again speak of the Politics of Language and in East Asia too, and as with this referring even and as with regards to Language too, the disturbing Behaviour of North Koreans in all, and as with regards to showing fervor in all agan, and to their Leaders, and as with they even said to show strong Bias, and against South Korea, and as with regards to Korean Identity that is [and speak even of the Koreas, and as a Peninsula too in all].

In all again finally though, all this put in an understandable perspective, and from speak even of an Arms Race in all, and as with the Chinese too said to possess Russian Weaponry, but with it all said perhaps and by the Japanese too [and speak even of Shintoism and as heavily even Politicized], and to speak of a rather Irrational Mindset in all, and by a well-armed China too that is.

Japanese Puppetry: