Friday, 21 March 2014

The Japans

The Japans.

Many in Asia, truly in all perhaps, have a problem respecting their traditional ways of life. This might sound very much an oxymoron, and as with perhaps stating that, Asians in all do tend to portray themselves and from the perspective even and of their traditional cultures, but when asked to truly speak on them are somewhat embarrassed, and as with perhaps all this hinting at, Asian cultures, and outside Japan too, are somewhat backward that is [and as with speak even of attempting to please someone intellectually in all actually].

In many a way, the above does have to do, and with Asian perceptions of Japan in itself. That in all ways even, Asians in all again, do attempt to think of their History in all, and alongside speak even of all kinds or forms of relations/relationships too, and as seen in Japanese cultures for instance [that in all again, Asians in all do not simply interact with each other, and like the Japanese do, and as with this even speaking of the highly dramatic ways of the Samurai that is].

To help put all this into better perspective, what we are truly attempting to speak or say in all, does actually in all again refer, and to the Love of oneself that is [and on a daily basis, and as with regards even to simple Community too, or even the belief that the future does hold many a prospect in all that is]. 

To truly state all this, is to speak first of the Egyptians and Egyptian Civilization, and as with Egypt today, often truly presented and from speak of it said a World Civilization in all, when in reality, it is the Egyptians in all again, and whi did invent, Love of oneself, and as based around truly identifying even, and with ones Continent that is [that the Egyptians, and as often falsely presented as a Worldly people in all, were actually truly Africans, and did in many a way possess many a Wisdom in all perhaps, and of the African Continent in itself, and as with Egyptian culture in all again, surprisingly enough, containing elements in all, and as with regards to Religion and Spirituality too, and that were truly African][that in all again, if one was to be asked and of what did constitute for Egyptian Religion, then surprisingly enough to many, it could in all even be said to be a highly advanced form, and of Vodou Religion in itself actually] [that in all again, the Egyptians only cared to know the Greeks, and to some extent too that is (and as with this speaking even of an Acculturation process and as with the Egyptians even, having borrowed and from Greek Culture too that is)].

It was the Greeks though, and who did invent in many a way, the World we live in today, and as with this referring even and to love of Oneself, and as based around truly representing or presenting oneself, and as perhaps more Cultured than others [and as with this not only speaking of Herodotus too, but also popularly enough, speak even of for instance].

It was however the Americans, who did invent the very world of 'Love of Ones Country', and as with this truly even in all actually, speaking of truly respecting and loving even, ones Native/Traditional way of life, and as with Americans too, and historically even, strongly devout to their Native beliefs in all (superstitious too), and despite any progress or advancement too, and as made based around Technology in itself for instance [that this in all again is something not known about most Americans, and who are truly Native in their ways, and as with this even simply speaking of those who did term Steve Jobs in all, a Hippie for instance]. In many a way, this does also speak of what does stand for segregative sentiments in America, and as with speak even of most Immigrants to America, not knowing many an American, and as a true Traditionalist that is (Huckleberry Finn / Mark Twain)].

Finally in all, is to speak of Japan, and as with further speak even and of why, it does seek to remain separate and even isolated, and from the rest of Asia in all [and even the World too]. That the Culture of Japan in all, Traditional too, and as often presented Asian, is not though, truly presented as it is, and as with this even speaking of the Japanese people, and as having accepted Christianity, and in the rather olden Times too that is. That it was Italy on the otherhand, and as with speak even of the birth of Christendom, and as with this even referring to Europe and Abyssinia too, and who in all ways even did create a way of life where one in all again did actually truly create Identity, and as based around Religious Symbolism too, and as with this even leading to those in Christendom, to strongly identify as Christian actually, and in anything they did that is (and as with this even truly speaking of simply possessing Christian speech, and as with regards to anything one did too in all) [and as with many another people too, simply separating their Religious life in all (and as with it said Authoritive), and from their everyday life too, and as with regards to speech in itself actually], but that in all ways even, the Christian World, and as with Japan even having more or less advanced, and from creating an Identity and as based around Christianity to one even now said Christian too, has always believed in been rather insidious in its ways, and as with only truly wanting even to interact in all, and with those of ones Religion too that is. In all again, it is via the Christian and by which Japan in all does seek to remain separate and from the rest of Asia too (and as with this even speaking of the name 'The Japans'), and as with all this even furtherly speaking of the very world of the Ronin, and as a group of Samurai too, and whose beliefs, are also very much Christian in their ways actually.