Saturday, 22 March 2014



Acknowledgement/Self-Acknowledgment and Asian Communal Identity:

One in many a way, does find that, Asians in all, tend to be somewhat backward, and as with regards to speak of Competition in itself [and as with this even speaking of Competitive Strategy and Competitive Edge too that is]. That Asians in all, simply believe in being rather Hardworking, and rather than truly attempting to truly know what Competitive Edge and Competitive Strategy too, do truly mean that is.

One manner of viewing all this, does speak even of Acknowledgement in itself. That Asians, on hearing another has succeeded, and on this Modern Day or Age we live in, are the kind to doubt their success in all, and as in attempting to put them down, or even put themselves down too, or even interestingly again, put others close by down too in all. A way of behaving in all, and that does even seem to arise and with the presence of the English, and in what some do term Colonial India that is. 

This is not true of other parts of the World, and where Acknowledgement in itself, does take the form even, and of Separatist mentalities in all, and as with they even arising and in speak of Evil too, and as with the example of what some do term Draconianism that is.

In many a way, despite any successes made by Asians in all, and in this Modern Day too, most in all do not find Asian Success to be of interest, and as it is often associated and with speak only of Hardwork, and not Competitive Edge or Competitive Strategy either that is.

Finally, Asians and as still have a huge problem and in Acknowledging others Success, and as with they even the kind to believe that, one has to succeed on their very own, and by their own right too, and if one in all again was to form a partnership for instance, and with someone in Japan or England, then ones success is not viewed legitimate or valid either that is. That in all, Asians have not progressed in psychology in all, and as in truly even knowing what a partnership and with a more advanced group of people in all again, should truly be like [and other than present oneself in all, and as somewhat servile too] [and as compared to Africans on the otherhand, who do have a Psychology, and as with regards to Acknowledgement, and that does speak even and of Secrecy in itself too actually].

In all again, Tamil cultures, and as truly perhaps helping many an Asian in all, deal with issues and as pertaining to Acknowledgement in itself, and as with Asians even, the kind to feel rather guilty in all again, and if favoured in most ways that is.

Finally, Communal Identity in all too even, and as speaking too, and of Group formations, and as defined based around Gender, Age, Class or Race too that is.