Sunday, 30 March 2014

Asian Traditional Medicine

Asian Traditional Medicine.

Asian Traditional Medicine, and as with it even dealing and with issues or matters and as pertaining to Lethargy, Weakness, Fatigue, Exhaustion and even Tiredness too [all this, and as compared to speak of Western Medicine and further speak even of Physiological/Mental Disorders, or even African Traditional Medicine, and speak even of Wellbeing in itself too that is].

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Sean Connery

Sean Connery.

Icons/Idols, and the Acolyte and Southeast Asia too.

Thursday, 27 March 2014



Geo-Politics and Southeast Asia:

When one does speak of Geo-Politics and Southeast Asia, is to in all ways even speak of Southeast Asians in all, and as differing from East Asians too perhaps, and as they in all again do not view Geo-Politics and from primarily speaking even of Materiality/Materialism in itself too, but in all ways even speak of not only Independence and Self-Reliance in all, but in all ways truly, speak of Autonomy in itself actually.

In many a way, Geo-Politics in Southeast Asia, don't often play themselves out and in Modern or Western (Political) settings in all, but in all ways even perhaps, speak of just whom one in all again, is, and as with regards even and to speak of Organization in itself that is. That in many a way, this is an old Model and as with regards to speak of Geo-Politics too, and in many a way even, speaks of Organization, and as perceived and from speak of Power Politics in themselves actually. In all ways even, speak here of Power Politics does not speak of Political Domination (and other than speak of Power Interplay too perhaps), but in all ways even and as with regards to Organization in itself, speak even perhaps and of Instant Success and Instant Survival too that is.

That in all, Geo-Politics in Southeast Asia, and as with it even said to speak of Kashmir, and as with it housing even, a group of people said well versed in all and in speak of Organization and Power Politics too, such that, they in all again are able to live as they will (or want), and without too much fear of speak of survival or even being dominated in all, and by others too that is. As a result, the end result in all again, is one whereby an interesting Culture in all is said to develop, and as with regards to speak even of Individuality [and as with further speak even of Transcendence, Enlightenment, Realization and even Actualization in itself too that is] [and as probably even, a Constant Reality in all actually].

In all ways even, all this believed too and to be at the very heart even perhaps and of the war in Kashmir, but with such similar situations, also speaking of Afghanistan it is said in certain Social or Political Circles too (and as with further speak even here and of Partisanship in itself), but in many a way too even, all this perhaps in all again even, speaking of the History of Modern Sudan, and as with it now divided into Northern Sudan and Southern Sudan too, and perhaps in all again and as with speak of Hidden Evil and as arising with Partisanship in all, Northern Sudan and as developing a Culture, Religion and Spirituality and as based around speak even of Griots/Dervishes in all (and speak even of Autonomy too), finds itself in all and as operating in all again and in speak of a Protectorate State too, and as with this referring even and to a people in all said to suffer rather few even Psychological problems in all that is. An interesting situation and as with regards to speak even of a Political Observer does arise in that, the peoples of Southern Sudan and as said inferior in all and as with regards to Culture too, do in all ways even it is said instigate a Political situation and that in many a way even does speak of Darfur for instance, and as with the Janjawiid here, said to be in opposition in all, and to those from Northern Sudan, and in settling in Darfur too that is (and as with it even formerly unoccupied in all), and as with the Southern Sudanese, said proud of their Nubian Heritage (and in a World today where speak of Development does also go and with speak of Heritage too), and in many a way even, the Sudan in all perhaps, and as said even to have rather good Climate and Weather in all again, and one too, and that does speak of sentiment and feeling, very much in recompense, and to that seen in the olden World that is [that the Sudan in all, does actually Feel somewhat, and like the Bible does for instance].

Finally, speak even perhaps and of China and Tibet, and as Tibet even said to have the ability to develop a Culture, Religion and Spirituality in all too, that the Chinese in all are in opposition to, and as with regards even perhaps and to speak of Tibet, and as having been more influential in Asia in all, and Historically too, and as versus China, and which for some reason does wish to spread its Political Wings in all perhaps, and as with speak even perhaps and of Ambition too, and as seen in all and in Maoism in all again, and which does speak even and of Chinese Belief, and in their becoming in all a Superpower, and one too, that does speak of Chinese History, and from the phrase the 'Annals of History' that is.

Speak of Autonomy, Griots/Dervishes and Kashmir too:

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Koreas

The Koreas.

Language, Diatribe and East Asia:

Those in Asia, do of course know, and of the Koreas too.  In all again, it does actually refer to speak of Geo-Politics, and as seen in East Asia too that is. 

To make all this clearer perhaps, and as with speak even of an International Observer here, is to speak even and of Geo-Politics in East Asia, and as arising and with speak of Language in itself too actually [that in all again and in the most surprising or absurd of occurrences in all, the Chinese in all again, claim the Japanese Language in all, and as very much Chinese too, or as having Chinese origins to it that is]. In all ways even, this referring in many a way, and to Chinese Global Dominance in all, and as with their attempting even and as with further speak of Maoism too, to at the very least open a Chinese Cultural Center, and in any part of the World deemed of interest to the Chinese that is [and as with even associating Chinese Acumen perhaps, and Chinese Thrift too in all, and with the Chinese Language too that is].

In all again, the Chinese Language and as perceived even superior to Japanese, has in many a way it is believed, to be the very spark in all, and of a Geo-Political situation in Asia, and as played out in the Koreas too that is. That North Korea, and as said under the Influence of the Chinese [and as with North Korea even, said now to have Ego-Maniacal Leaders], seeks to in all ways even upsurge Political Power in all, and in South Korea too, and which is in all ways even said, under Japanese Influence that is. In all, South Korea and as said even a Political Front and for Japan, and as with this speaking even of the false belief that, South Korean success, has been of its own making in all actually [and in an Asia too, where the Japanese do feel isolated in all, and as with regards to speak of their being Successes that is].

In many a way and as with all this even very much East Asian too, Geo-Politics in East Asia, and as based around speak of Language  and Superiority/Inferiority too, in all ways even leading to talk of Militarism, Aesthetics and even Nationalism too. That the Chinese in all, do claim to be a Superior Military Power in all and to the Japanese too, and that in all again, the Politics of Language, very much in all again speaking of China and as instigating a Political situation in Japan, and as based around events said to go and with speak of World War 2 that is. Speak of Japanese Aesthetics in Asia in all, does speak even and of just whom in all again the Japanese people are, and as Asians too perhaps, and as Japanese Ideals of Beauty, Art or even Courtship too, do speak in all it is said even, and of Japanese Racial Superiority, but with China in all again even, very much claiming Taiwan and Hong Kong, to very much speak of Chinese Culture, and as with regards to Aesthetics that is [and in a most unprecedent situation, and as with regards even to speak of Materiality, and South Korea too that is] [that so termed Japanese Imperialism, does speak in all and of East Asia in all perhaps, and as losing its Heritage, and in a believed attempt, to wipe out Anti-Japanese Sentiment in East Asia, and as perhaps even arising and with Japan's Christian Identity that is].

Thirdly though, Japanese Nationalism, and as cause of concern apparently, and to the Chinese, and as with speak even of Asians in all, and as not accepted in Japan in all again and with the exception of South Koreans too perhaps, but with many another outside to Asia and as with speak even of Japanese Bi-Lateral Ties, in many a way even truly accepted perhaps, and in Japanese society too that is.

A difficult situation to assess, and as it does in all again speak of the Politics of Language and in East Asia too, and as with this referring even and as with regards to Language too, the disturbing Behaviour of North Koreans in all, and as with regards to showing fervor in all agan, and to their Leaders, and as with they even said to show strong Bias, and against South Korea, and as with regards to Korean Identity that is [and speak even of the Koreas, and as a Peninsula too in all].

In all again finally though, all this put in an understandable perspective, and from speak even of an Arms Race in all, and as with the Chinese too said to possess Russian Weaponry, but with it all said perhaps and by the Japanese too [and speak even of Shintoism and as heavily even Politicized], and to speak of a rather Irrational Mindset in all, and by a well-armed China too that is.

Japanese Puppetry:

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Ritual, Media & Conflict

Ritual, Media & Conflict.

A reality, that is truly more or less Asian in its ways, and as compared to speak of other Parts of the World, and as with regards even, and primarily too, and to speak of Participation in itself, and even Proper Self-Assesment/Assesment too that is.



Indo-China, and just where in all again Asia in all, does meet Central Asia actually [and as with it all speaking even, and of Greek History in Asia that is].

Monday, 24 March 2014

The 80's

The 80's.

The 80's and Asia.



For those in Asia in all, and still very much possessing Western Mentalities and as with regards even to Home Ownership, speak of Burma/Myanmar, does not hereby go along and with speak of Cuisine or Buddhist Priesthoods too, but in many a way even, speak of finding inspiration in all, and as with regards to Burmese Architecture in itself too, and as with it serving even and as an example in all, and for Low-Cost Home Development that is.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Maps &- Timelines

Maps &- Timelines.

Asian Development:

Many in Asia, don't truly ponder or think in all, and of just what Development in Asia today, does truly stand for or represent for that is. That they in all again do believe that the Whole World in all, to be in talks and as with regards to Development in itself, when in reality, just where in all again, Asia is headed and as with regards to Development, might not in all ways even be just where they do expect to end [that Asia in all, at the very least even does see itself and from speak of Japan too, and as in attempting even to match Japan in Development in all that is].

To make all this clearer, is to speak of Development, and from the perspective of the United States of America (and as including speak even of Nationality in all), while another perspective does speak of Development in all, and from speak even of what some do term Modernity that is.

To make this all even much clearer, is to speak of Nationality, and as going along with speak of Country too (and Political Maps too), while Modernity in all again, does actually speak of Timelines that is.

In many a way, very much before the Modern World came to be, and as with it even speaking of Political Maps too, the World in many a way, did actually operate and in speak of Geographical and Maritime Maps too that is. 

Development though and as seen today, and as taking the form of Country and Timelines, does see many a part of the World, but especially Africa and South America too, and as attempting to develop in all, and in specific speak of Nationality, and as with acquainting Nationality even, and with speak of Independence for instance, and as with this even referring and to the American Civil War too, and that Nationality in all again, does speak even of societies, where preferential Treatment in all, and of anyone too, should be in many a way avoided, and that speak of Equality in many a way, should pervade speak even, and of what does constitute and for Development in all that is.

Asia though, and as with many another part of the World too, does use Timelines, but as with they in all again differing in all actually.That Asia, does in all ways even use a British Timeline, and which does speak of defeating in all, many a complex, and as with regards to History in itself actually. This is not true of other parts of the World, and as with taking Europe for instance, and which does use a Timeline, and that does speak of the Dark Ages, while Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Middle East, do use a Timeline, and that does speak of Turkey and the Turkish Wars that is. England or the UK on the otherhand, does in many a way even, use a Victorian Timeline (and as with speak even of the UK and as said not racist perhaps), but with this Timeline, also used in Kenya too, and as with it the main discerning factor, and as with regards to Poverty in Kenya too that is [that those Wealthy or Rich in Kenya, do use a Victorian Timeline, while the poor do engage in a lot of talk on Equality and Nationality that is]. In many a way though, a similar manner of viewing Africa as a whole does exist, and as with prosperous and Wealthy Africans in all, using many a differing Timeline in all again, while Poverty in Africa, does speak even of the attempts to define Nationality,and further speak of Equality too, and in a Post-Independence Africa that is [and as with this even speaking of the Development of South Africa today in all, and as with it going along with speak of Nationality and Equality, while South Africa as a Developed place too, does in many a way even speak of the UK too in all that is]. 

Asia though, and as using a British Timeline, has in many a way developed an Infrastructure in all, that they believe will bring prosperity to all that is. It though has failed in many a way, and as this Timeline in all, does speak even and of defining just what does constitute and for Asian Behaviour in all, and as with further speak even of Asians and as appearing Pretentious, and on in many a way, deciding to act Sexual that is [and in a so termed Western Manner too].

In all ways perhaps, the only way to defeat this Inferiority Complex, and as with regards to what does constitute for Asian Behaviour in this Modern Age and Day, does speak even perhaps and of switching Timelines, and as with Asia now in many a way, now viewing its History and as with regards to Modern Development in all, and from speak even of  Captain James Cook and the History of Australia too that is [that this Timeline in many a way, does also go along and with speak even surprisingly enough, and of the birth and Development of the Internet in itself too that is].

Finally perhaps, the so believed premier Countries of the World, said to exist in the Scandinavia, and as with the Scandinavia even, not following a Dark Ages Timeline and as the rest of Europe does, but in many a way in all again, attempting to define Country, and as based around speak even of Prussia in all [but with the Scandinavia too in many a way, having a failed Immigration Policy that is].

Saturday, 22 March 2014



Acknowledgement/Self-Acknowledgment and Asian Communal Identity:

One in many a way, does find that, Asians in all, tend to be somewhat backward, and as with regards to speak of Competition in itself [and as with this even speaking of Competitive Strategy and Competitive Edge too that is]. That Asians in all, simply believe in being rather Hardworking, and rather than truly attempting to truly know what Competitive Edge and Competitive Strategy too, do truly mean that is.

One manner of viewing all this, does speak even of Acknowledgement in itself. That Asians, on hearing another has succeeded, and on this Modern Day or Age we live in, are the kind to doubt their success in all, and as in attempting to put them down, or even put themselves down too, or even interestingly again, put others close by down too in all. A way of behaving in all, and that does even seem to arise and with the presence of the English, and in what some do term Colonial India that is. 

This is not true of other parts of the World, and where Acknowledgement in itself, does take the form even, and of Separatist mentalities in all, and as with they even arising and in speak of Evil too, and as with the example of what some do term Draconianism that is.

In many a way, despite any successes made by Asians in all, and in this Modern Day too, most in all do not find Asian Success to be of interest, and as it is often associated and with speak only of Hardwork, and not Competitive Edge or Competitive Strategy either that is.

Finally, Asians and as still have a huge problem and in Acknowledging others Success, and as with they even the kind to believe that, one has to succeed on their very own, and by their own right too, and if one in all again was to form a partnership for instance, and with someone in Japan or England, then ones success is not viewed legitimate or valid either that is. That in all, Asians have not progressed in psychology in all, and as in truly even knowing what a partnership and with a more advanced group of people in all again, should truly be like [and other than present oneself in all, and as somewhat servile too] [and as compared to Africans on the otherhand, who do have a Psychology, and as with regards to Acknowledgement, and that does speak even and of Secrecy in itself too actually].

In all again, Tamil cultures, and as truly perhaps helping many an Asian in all, deal with issues and as pertaining to Acknowledgement in itself, and as with Asians even, the kind to feel rather guilty in all again, and if favoured in most ways that is.

Finally, Communal Identity in all too even, and as speaking too, and of Group formations, and as defined based around Gender, Age, Class or Race too that is.

Friday, 21 March 2014

The Japans

The Japans.

Many in Asia, truly in all perhaps, have a problem respecting their traditional ways of life. This might sound very much an oxymoron, and as with perhaps stating that, Asians in all do tend to portray themselves and from the perspective even and of their traditional cultures, but when asked to truly speak on them are somewhat embarrassed, and as with perhaps all this hinting at, Asian cultures, and outside Japan too, are somewhat backward that is [and as with speak even of attempting to please someone intellectually in all actually].

In many a way, the above does have to do, and with Asian perceptions of Japan in itself. That in all ways even, Asians in all again, do attempt to think of their History in all, and alongside speak even of all kinds or forms of relations/relationships too, and as seen in Japanese cultures for instance [that in all again, Asians in all do not simply interact with each other, and like the Japanese do, and as with this even speaking of the highly dramatic ways of the Samurai that is].

To help put all this into better perspective, what we are truly attempting to speak or say in all, does actually in all again refer, and to the Love of oneself that is [and on a daily basis, and as with regards even to simple Community too, or even the belief that the future does hold many a prospect in all that is]. 

To truly state all this, is to speak first of the Egyptians and Egyptian Civilization, and as with Egypt today, often truly presented and from speak of it said a World Civilization in all, when in reality, it is the Egyptians in all again, and whi did invent, Love of oneself, and as based around truly identifying even, and with ones Continent that is [that the Egyptians, and as often falsely presented as a Worldly people in all, were actually truly Africans, and did in many a way possess many a Wisdom in all perhaps, and of the African Continent in itself, and as with Egyptian culture in all again, surprisingly enough, containing elements in all, and as with regards to Religion and Spirituality too, and that were truly African][that in all again, if one was to be asked and of what did constitute for Egyptian Religion, then surprisingly enough to many, it could in all even be said to be a highly advanced form, and of Vodou Religion in itself actually] [that in all again, the Egyptians only cared to know the Greeks, and to some extent too that is (and as with this speaking even of an Acculturation process and as with the Egyptians even, having borrowed and from Greek Culture too that is)].

It was the Greeks though, and who did invent in many a way, the World we live in today, and as with this referring even and to love of Oneself, and as based around truly representing or presenting oneself, and as perhaps more Cultured than others [and as with this not only speaking of Herodotus too, but also popularly enough, speak even of for instance].

It was however the Americans, who did invent the very world of 'Love of Ones Country', and as with this truly even in all actually, speaking of truly respecting and loving even, ones Native/Traditional way of life, and as with Americans too, and historically even, strongly devout to their Native beliefs in all (superstitious too), and despite any progress or advancement too, and as made based around Technology in itself for instance [that this in all again is something not known about most Americans, and who are truly Native in their ways, and as with this even simply speaking of those who did term Steve Jobs in all, a Hippie for instance]. In many a way, this does also speak of what does stand for segregative sentiments in America, and as with speak even of most Immigrants to America, not knowing many an American, and as a true Traditionalist that is (Huckleberry Finn / Mark Twain)].

Finally in all, is to speak of Japan, and as with further speak even and of why, it does seek to remain separate and even isolated, and from the rest of Asia in all [and even the World too]. That the Culture of Japan in all, Traditional too, and as often presented Asian, is not though, truly presented as it is, and as with this even speaking of the Japanese people, and as having accepted Christianity, and in the rather olden Times too that is. That it was Italy on the otherhand, and as with speak even of the birth of Christendom, and as with this even referring to Europe and Abyssinia too, and who in all ways even did create a way of life where one in all again did actually truly create Identity, and as based around Religious Symbolism too, and as with this even leading to those in Christendom, to strongly identify as Christian actually, and in anything they did that is (and as with this even truly speaking of simply possessing Christian speech, and as with regards to anything one did too in all) [and as with many another people too, simply separating their Religious life in all (and as with it said Authoritive), and from their everyday life too, and as with regards to speech in itself actually], but that in all ways even, the Christian World, and as with Japan even having more or less advanced, and from creating an Identity and as based around Christianity to one even now said Christian too, has always believed in been rather insidious in its ways, and as with only truly wanting even to interact in all, and with those of ones Religion too that is. In all again, it is via the Christian and by which Japan in all does seek to remain separate and from the rest of Asia too (and as with this even speaking of the name 'The Japans'), and as with all this even furtherly speaking of the very world of the Ronin, and as a group of Samurai too, and whose beliefs, are also very much Christian in their ways actually.

Chequered Flag

Chequered Flag.

An inspiration in all, and not only for the Acolyte, but also those in Asia too, and who are in many a way, responsible in all and for putting out Worldly or International Images too perhaps, and of Asia that is.

In many a way too, this also does speak of (Professional) Cycling and as going along with Europe, Triathlons and South America, Golf and North America, Motorcross sports and Africa, and also Horse Jockeying and Kenya too.



For those in Asia in all, and as including the Acolyte too, one in many a way cannot help think in all that, attempting to solve Asia's problems, and as with regards even to speak of Research in itself, Native too, and alongside speak of Computers, does in all ways even perhaps, speak of mastering in all again, Fortran in itself actually [and as with this even speaking of Scientific Computing, and as approached from the direction in all, and of Fortran that is].

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Complex Analysis

Complex Analysis.

For the Acolyte in all, or many another figure in Asia too, and who does truly wonder just what kind of 'Modern' Education in all, truly does work for one, is to not only then speak of Complex Analysis, but in many a way truly, speak of mastering Commutative, Associative & Distributive Laws in all truly.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Aravind Adiga

Aravind Adiga.

Fascism and Asian Thought:

Many in Asia, might have heard of the term Fascism, and as with it even believed in all, to simply speak of Pre-Modern Italy, South America, or even Pre-Modern Spain too in many a way. While this is true, it is a term in all again, and that can be applied to Asia, and as it in all does not speak of Pointing out ones errs or fallacies and in ones ways in all (and as with Fascism here associated in all too even, and with Dictatorship for instance), but that in all ways even, it can be said to speak of Pointing out in all, just why one in all again, will never succeed, and in anything they attempt to do that is.

In all, Fascism and as described in the latter form, has come to strongly even define Media in Asia in all again, and for a rather long time too and as with speak even of the Upanishads for instance [and further speak even perhaps and of Eknath Easwaran too and as dealing with issues pertaining to Fascism in all], and that in all again, Asian Media in all, is replete with examples and as pertaining to speak of Fascism, and as based around not pointing out the errors in all and in one ways of thinking, but truly in all again attempting to state in all, why one will never succeed, and as with comparing one to a Figure in all, said rather excellent in their ways actually.

In all again, despite all talk of Development in Asia, and Africa too and as said lagging behind, Fascism and as seen in Asia dictates that life for the everyday and aspiring Asian in all, is to very much in all again, remain similar and to that expounded in all, and by Aravind Adiga too for instance.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014



Polynesia, and as with it all even speaking of the very world of Asian Genetics, and Asian races too, and as versus speak of Indo-European or even Aryan (Phenotype) theories, and on the origins of Asia that is [and as with further speak even of African looking peoples in Asia, very much truly Asian in Genes/DNA, and as with speak of Genotype too, and versus speak of Phenotype that is].

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Ghosts & Angels

Ghosts & Angels.

There does exist a major difference in Asia, and between East Asians and Southeast Asians too. This in many a way, has to do and with speak of Psychic Development that is. That in East Asia, one does see a belief in all, and in Ghosts, and even Angelic beings too, and as very much even influencing the cultures of East Asia in all, and as with speak even of many an event and as basically said Interesting in all again (and as a basic way of talking about the Psychic too), and as with the Interesting even, and speak of Ghosts and Angels too, speaking in many a way even, and of talk of Exposure in all that is. In all again, one of the main reasons that East Asian cultures remain interesting in all, and to those outside Asia too, and as compared in all again to Southeast Asian cultures, and which are said backward even, and as with regards to Psychic Development that is.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014



Asia in many a way, remains in many a way, a rather backward Continent in all even, and as with regards in all again, and to Psychological Development that is. That Psychological Development in all, and as with it even considered in many a way a form of Development in itself actually (but as giving birth to societies, far more expressive in their ways, and than the average too, and as with further speak even of what some do term Drama, and as being a major part of our lives in all), is not as well developed in Asia today in all again, and due in all ways even, and to just how Asians in all again, do tend to compare themselves, and to others Historically [from speak that is, and of Psychology/Psychological Development in itself actually] [and as with Asians in many a way too, presenting themselves and as rather cunning in all, and to most out there, and when this is not actually true in all or most ways even].

In all, Psychological Development, and as giving rise even and to notions of Superiority and Inferiority, and as seen in society too, and as with speak even of North America, and as associating superiority/inferiority, and with Hair kind/type too, and not Skin colour truly either, and as most tend to truly believe. In Europe, notions of superiority/inferiority, and as very much going along with speak of Melanation, and even speak of Skin colours too that is [and as with further speak even of the History of the Moors in Europe that is]. In Africa, notions of superiority/inferiority, and as very much going along and with speak of Voices and Accents too in all. In South America, speak of superiority/inferiority, and as going along and with speak of Body shapes and weight actually. In the Middle East, notions of superiority/inferiority, and as very much going along and with speak of Facial features and attractivity too in all, and as with the Middle East even, housing some of the ugliest people to be seen on Earth [and as versus speak of Africa too that is].

In Asia though, and as backward place in many a way, and as with speak even of Social Development in all, all the above, and as speaking even and of notions of superiority/inferiority, and as seen in Asia too. 

In all ways though perhaps, and as with speak even of the Acolyte, Psychological Development in Asia, and as with further speak even of Japanese Imperialism too, very much in all, speaking of Gods and such as Kamadeva too that is.