Monday 3 February 2014

The Six Asia's

The Six Asia's.

Socio-Political Identity and Asia:

Those in Asia, might not be in contact or in touch, and as with regards in all, and to just how best to perceive Modern Asian Development, and from a (local) participatory perspective in all too that is [that is, who actually in many a way, does do all the work in Asia, and as with speak even of Asian Traditional Knowledge Bodies, or even speak of everyday Asian norms of Respect, Honour and Loyalty too that is]. In all ways even, this does speak of Development in Asia, and as with speak even of Mahatma Gandhi for instance, falsely presented in all, and from speak even of Gender, Race, Age and Class too [and as with further speak even and of a struggle in Asia perhaps, and to define oneself in all, and as with regards to Gender, Race, Age and Class in all again, and as versus having outside influence in all and to Asia too, and as with speak even of the British in all, defining one as such actually].

To speak of the Six Asia's, is to in all ways even speak of the following terms/monikers: Southeast Asia, Continental India, the Indian Subcontinent, East Asia, the Orient and even Oceania too. That in many a way, the key for those in Asia, and in understanding Japanese people in all, and as (basic) Intellectuals too, does speak even, and of their being acquainted and with the Six Asia's, and as mentioned above [and as with the Japanese understanding of all this, translating in all again, and into Japanese Modern Art for instance] [Link] [and as with further speak even, and of Japanese peoples in all, and as creating Asian Identities that is].

In all, Southeast Asia does speak in many a way, and of Traditional Leaders in Southeast Asia, and as versus Modern Leaders too (and as with the Japanese even, knowing just how to bridge the two in all that is), while Continental India, does speak even and of India/'Southeast Asia' in all, and as perceived even and from Skilled Tradesmen in all too really (and as with speak even of Asian Architecture in the place, and further speak even of Modern Architecture/Infrastructure too), while the Indian Subcontinent, does speak in all, and of those who do all the dirty work in 'Southeast Asia' perhaps, and as with this arena of 'Southeast Asian' life in all, where India for instance, does meet the British actually. On the otherhand, East Asia, and as speaking of 'East Asia' in all, and as a cultured place, while the Orient, speaks of 'East Asia', and from the perspective of its Workers in all again, and with Oceania, speaking in many a way and of Architecture and Infrastructure, and in 'East Asia' too that is.

In all perhaps, the above and as opening up ones mind in all again, and to truly knowing even (or seeing perhaps), just what does go on and in Asia too, and on an everyday and daily basis too perhaps. In all again, the Japanese and as knowing themselves as mentioned above in all, and as with speak even and of this translating into Modern Japanese Art (and as with Japanese Rap, very much Orient in its ways, while Japanese Pop, is more or less Oceania actually), and in many a way, a basic way of thinking, and of survival too, and in a group format that us (and as with speak even of school friendships in all), and in Asia too that is [and as with basically connecting the past, and in Knowledge Bodies too, and to the present that is].