Wednesday 12 February 2014

The Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi Tree.

'Tree Wisdom' and the Acolyte:

To speak of 'Tree Wisdom' in all, and as with regards to Asian Spirituality, does in many a way even present many a challenge truly, and as with regards to what it all does speak of that is. That in many a way too, speak of 'Tree Wisdom' and in Asian Spirituality, is said even, to speak of a Mystical Union, Blissful or Ecstatic in its ways, and via Meditation in all, and as based around the belief that Trees are very much alive, and a Union in all again, said to speak even of Transmutation in all, and as with further speak even of Asian perspectives on Sexuality, and that in all ways even the very belief that a Sexual Union for instance, can bring with it, a certain form of awareness, and as with speak of being a 'Godly being' that is [and as with this speaking even and of the Kama Sutra, and as seen in India too that is] [and as compared to other parts of the World, and where Sexual Unions in all, are often associated with Cleansings that is].

In all ways even, speak of 'Tree Wisdom' and the Bodhi Tree in all and as mentioned above, does speak even and of the initial associating of Trees in all again, and in Asian Spiritual Thought too, and with speak of Wholeness, Uniformity, Totality, Conformity etc.

The second way or manner and of speaking of Trees in Asia, and as very much associated in all, and with Time Cycles in Asia, does speak even and of the Chinese and as viewing Seasonal or cultural change in China in all, and as based around the transformational nature of many a Tree too, and as based around Seasonal changes that is [in all perhaps, speak even and of China, and as perceived even and as based around the Great Wall of China in all, and as with China too said even, isolated in all, and from the rest of the World too perhaps]. In many another part of Asia though, Trees in all, and as associated even, and with bountiful harvest in all again, and of many a fruit or eatable vegetation in all, and as best perceived perhaps, and from the perspective of Local market activity that is.

The third manner or way and of viewing Trees in Asia, and as with regards to Spirituality in all, speaks even and of the practise of associating them and with speak of Neutrality in all again, and as with Trees even associated in all again, and with speak of Judgment in all, and as with Trees furtherly said even, not capable in all, and of being Judged in their ways that is [that they in all, are somewhat Heavenly in all actually].

The fourth manner though and of speaking of Trees in Asian Spirituality, is associated even, and with speak even perhaps, and of Voidness and Emptiness too that is.In many a way, it too is also in all believed even, and to speak of becoming one with Reality, and as based around Discernment, 'Figuring Out' Reality, and even Recognizing Reality too that is. In many a way too, something not too easy to explain, but is in most ways even, associated and with the Japanese Buddhist practise and of Bonsai too that is. In all, this last manner and of viewing 'Tree Wisdom' in Asia Spirituality, and as perhaps in all again, truly recommended, and for the Acolyte too that is.

Voidness/Emptiness and the Bodhi Tree: