Thursday, 30 January 2014

Flower Power

Flower Power.

Those in Asia in all, might have heard of the term 'Flower Power'. It is in many a way, falsely associated or attributed too, and as with having origins in all, and with the Hippie 'movement' and in America too that is. This is not exactly true, and as Flower Power in all, actually does have its origins, and with Community Buildup projects, and in America too. Community Buildup, and as with calling for participation in all, and in a Community Project for instance.

In all, and unknown to those in Asia perhaps, Flower Power, and as with speak even of Pink Floyd for instance, does actually have its origin, and in the very world too, and of Hare Krishna that is. Hare Krishna, and as Krishna too, and as celebrated in many an Indian city perhaps, and as simply calling for one in all again, and to participate in all, and in simply celebrating life in India perhaps, and as with speak even of a small street dance too for instance.

Unknown to many in India today in all, India as popular, has nothing to do and with the likes of Aishwarya Rai, or even Sabeer Bhatia, or in many a way even, simple speak of Bollywood itself, but in all ways truly een, has to do, and with many a Documentary in all, and about India, and by the BBC too for instance, and which does attempt in all, to present India in many a way, and as with speak even of group formations and as arising out of a call for participation too, and as very much based around the very spirit even, and of Hare Krishna too that is.

In all, Flower Power, and as an American interpretation of Hare Krishna, and as with speak even and of the adopting of anything to do with Flower Power in all, and such as the music of Pink Floyd too for instance, and into any given Indian Community (and such as those Gated too), and in simply helping bring folks together, and in a manner that does suggest that such group formations in all, won't go stale actually, and as based around defining Participation in itself too that is.

In all, the very attempt and to turn those in any Indian Community for instance, and into what some do term a 'Layperson', and as with this even speaking of someone who does live in a small community in all, but is not restless about it all (and as with looking for opportunity and in the name of enjoyment in all elsewhere), and simply in all again, the Layperson, and in a small community too, and as very much dutiful and responsible in their ways that is.

Flower Power: