Saturday, 18 January 2014



It does appear that Asia today in all, does have many a problem, and as with regards to Perfectionism in all that is. This in many a way has to do, and with just how Asians in all have come to define Perfectionism, and in recent times too, and as with speak even of Neo-Imperialism in all, and the attempt in all again, and to define Success in life, and as the British or Western World would that is. In many a way, this does speak and of just whom Asians in all again today, are in all, and from a Social perspective too, and as with those in Southeast Asia, attempting to be British in their ways, and those in East Asia, somewhat Portuguese actually. In all, speak of defining Perfectionism in this manner, and as with speak even of Success in itself, has led Asia in all again, astray, and as with regards truly even, and to what does constitute Asian Identities, and even Asian Outlooks on life that is [and as with speak even of Disappointment in all, and as now perceived an everyday Asian reality in all that is].

For some though, Perfectionism, and in the past, was conceived and from speak even of Water in itself [and as with further speak even and of defining the Martial Arts, and from this perspective that is]. To speak of Perfectionism as such, is to perhaps in many a way too, speak of Water and from the very perspective of its flow (and as with the belief in all, and in stating something categorically that is), or even from the ripples associated with it (and as with speak even of side effects in all, and as with this simply referring even, and to an Asian person in all, and as walking into a NightClub, and expecting everyone to turn and look at them that is), or even simply again, and from the sounds that do go with Water in itself [and as with this even translating and into Serenity in itself too actually]. In all ways even, Perfectionism and as defined from the perspective of Water, seeing in all again, a worship of Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures that is.

For the Acolyte though, and in many a way even, for the Asian today too, Perfectionism in all, is best perceived perhaps, and from the perspective of the Circle too actually. In all ways even, this does speak and of just whom Asians in all, are as Primitive people actually, and as with speak even of the fact that, for Asia to rise in all (and as with speak even of ASEAN that is), then they must in all ways even it is actually believed, define Perfectionism, and from the perspective and of just whom they are, and as Primitive people too that is.

Finally, and as with speaking even of ASEAN, is to say that, it does not speak of Asia in all, and as somewhat becoming like South Korea in all again, but in many a way really, Asians and as Perfect and from a Primitive perspective too, does in all ways even perhaps, speak of Taiwan actually [and as with they even actually, somewhat pejoratively and in this day and age in all, said and truly believed even, 'Primitives' actually].