To speak of Iconography in Asia, is to speak in all again, and of not only Political Imagery in all (and as with finding inspiration for it), but in many a way even, all this speaking of just whom Asians in all again, are as Dreamers actually, or even truly again, just what in all again, they do best believe in all, to best represent Success, and in Asia too that is. While this in many a way, and in not so recent times too, has been represented by China (and speak even of Wushu), or even Japan too (and speak even of the Samurai), Asian Success in many a way, can best be envisioned along the lines, and of Filipino Religion even, and as with this furtherly even, speaking of Bruce Lee, and his creation of the Jeet Kune Do Martial Art too, and as with this even speaking of just how Asians in all perhaps, should think of Success in general that is [and as with Bruce Lee, having been more Filipino in his ideologies, and not Chinese or Hong Kong truly either].
In many a way in all, Asian Iconography, and as helping one generally even, truly know just what to do, and with their time in all again [and as with speak even, and of what Success is worthwhile chasing for, and what is not either that is].