Ethnocentrism in all, does appear to be a rather huge problem in Asia, and as with speak even, and of truly defining a Home that is. That in many a way, and due to British Imperialism for instance, and Modern Asian Governments too, many in Asia in all have a general problem, and of truly defining even, what is Home, and creating in all again, a Sense of Belonging that is. In many a way in all, definitions of Home in Asia, have always taken the dimension, and of identifying with a certain Language for instance, certain forms of Dress, certain Religious practises (and as with speak even of Shintoism and Japan too), certain Health practises, and even certain Engagements/Ceremonies that is [and as with Ethnocentrism in Southeast Asia too, having arisen in many a way it appears, and with Islamic India too actually].
In all ways though, and for the Acolyte too, when they do think Ethnocentrism in all, then let them think Laos actually.