Thursday, 12 December 2013



When we do speak of Telematics and Asia in all, we are actually in many a way even, speaking of Knowledge Systems Design in all. To understand this better, is to speak in all ways even, and of just how best, to adjudge Asian Knowledge/Wisdom in all again, and as being truly correct, valid or even critical in its ways actually. In many a way, this does also speak of Asia, and as a Continent even, reknowed in many a way, and as a place in all again, and as filled with many a Liar too actually.

In all, is to tell the Acolyte that, and many another Asian too, that Asian Knowledge/Wisdom in all, does appear in all again, to be only truthful or trustworthy, and when in the form of the Address actually [and as with speak even, and of a Formal Address too that is]. In all again, a rather good way in all, and for Asians in general, and the Acolyte in many a way too, to attempt to connect to their past/'Ancestral History', and via the studying of most if not all Asian societies even, and from the very perspective of Telematics too, and as with Asia in all, and as compared to Africa too perhaps, a place in all again, where many appear to be easily brainwashed about themselves and their past, and as with attempting to connect to the past, and in a linear fashion too, speaking of discovering the Truth and about recent Asian History in all again, and from the very perspective, and of the Address too actually.