The Third World:
The very purpose of this post, is to in many a way introduce those in Asia, and to Rastafarianism, and as said even a "Third World" religion / Religious movement in itself that is. That Rastafarianism in all, can be said a Religious movement in all perhaps, misunderstood by most, and as it does in all even, truly ponder or question, what it does mean to be Human that is. In all again, the very questioning in all, and as with regards to our Modern Times too that is, and of why some are treated in all, as Human, and why others in all again, are simply said Mistreated too in all, and outside talk too, and of Gunpowder and Technological Prowess/Savviness that is.
That speak and of what does constitute and for being Human in all, has always differed in many a part of the World, and that Rastafarianism, and amidst talk of Slavery, Colonialism, Imperialism etc., has always truly pondered, just how in all, we could all see ourselves as One and Human too, but in all ways even, still very much respecting, the said differences amongst us that is, and differences too, now said grounded in all, and in speak of History in itself, War or even Suffering too that is.
Bob Marley - One Love (
In truly helping to make the above clearer in all, is to perhaps mention that, many a different place or region in all again, and of the World, has often defined what it means to be Human, and in differing manners too that is. Take Egypt for instance, and where being Human, is/was often associated in many a way truly, and with not only speak of 'Animal' lifeforms for instance (and as including speak of Cobras too), but that in all ways even, speak of 'Higher' lifeforms too and such as djinns for instance, and as said often associated in all and alongside speak of Human Affairs too, and with what one could term/call a Waiting Sequence in all that is [that hopefully this is clear, that for the Egyptians, motion in itself and as said 'Animal' too, speak of the Waiting in all, and in Sequence that is]. What of Africa, and just where in all again, djinns, can truly in all be said to refer and to speak of the Egyptian term Iblis in itself, and where being Human in all again, is truly associated, and with just whom or who in all, we are, and with Touch that is.
What of Europe? A more difficult definition and of what it does mean to be Human, and as it has in all again, truly spoken, and of the Knight in Myth, and in many a way too, the very term (Ancient) Britain too that is [
Link]. And of North America in all, what would they say, did stand for or represent for being Human that is? At the very least, and alongside speak even of Bob Marley too, the very belief in all that (and alongside speak in all again, and of the Animal Kingdom too), that Human lifeforms and speak too of being Human, did in all again speak in all, and of viewing our environs in all, and in speak of Preying/Preys and Predators/Predatory too that is.
And of Spain? For it is they in all, whom or who in all again, did very much now come to speak of being Human, and in further speak even, and of Moors, Ethiopes, Africans and Egyptians too that is [and further speak too in all, and of just where in all again and in many a way too, the History of Spain, does connect to that of America in all, and in speak of Christoper Colombus too for instance][
In South America, society in all and as not advanced and in a manner and that does speak even of Europe for instance, but that in all ways even, being Human, and as very much associated with many a Group Consciousness in all, and which in all again, does speak even and of the Modern World we live in, and just where in all again, members of a said Country, University, Private Club etc., are said more or less truly more Human/Intelligent, and as compared to speak of the rest/others that is.
In the Middle East, speak in all and of one and as said Human, and as going along in all again and with speak of the History of the Middle East in itself too, in that, most are now judged and from a Family Consciousness in itself, and that does speak even and of one and as said valued, and as going along in all and with speak of Monetary Wealth, Experiences, Attractiveness, Private Property, Sexuality etc., and as with it all even, leading to many a Diatribe in the Middle East, and amongst speak of War too, and which in all again, does very much lead to the very manifestation or creation/rising in all, and of Islam too that is [and with the Qu'ran in all again and as unknown to most, actually a work of Greek origins, and not truly Mohammedan either].
It is however in Central Asia and Asia too, and where in all again, being Human in all, does very much come to be defined, and by speak even and of Cultural Capacity/Capital/Currency that is. That the Aboriginals of Australia/Asia in all, are said in all again not Human, and as with regards and to speak of Cultural Capital/Currency in all, and in an Asia too for instance (or speak truly of Australia in all again), and just where in all, Women, are simply said more Cultured/'Sophisticated' in their ways, and as compared to speak of Men that is. In all, a difficult manner of defining the Human, but in the very least even, does speak of defining one and in speak of Humour in itself that is.
Finally, speak here and of the dark History of Italy too, and as Italian History in all is filled with many a torment, and as with regards to speak of what it does mean to be Human that is. That in Italy, speak of the Human, does in all even go along and with speak of the Recantation in itself, and further speak too for instance, and of many a belief in all and that does say, that the Devil in himself, is simply said truly Cool that is [