Saturday, 22 February 2014

Asian Policy

Asian Policy.

In all ways even, when speaking in all, and of Asian Policy, is to perhaps mention, just how influential in all, Japan, India, China, and even Taiwan too, have been and as with regards to all this. In many a way though, it is believed that, it is Hong Kong in all, and that are most truly knowledgeable, and of Asian Policy that is.

Hong Kong:

Friday, 21 February 2014



When those in Asia do think Christianity, let them not think of the Cross actually, but in all ways truly even, of the Ichthys Pisces/Fish Christianity symbol that is.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

The Asian Memory

The Asian Memory.

The Asian Memory, and as with it even perhaps captured in all, and by Vangelis too, and in an unknowing manner perhaps, and as with it referring even, and to just why Asians in all again, actually do care to be alive and on this Earth too, and other than speak of showing and receiving Appreciation in all that is.

The Bodhi Tree

The Bodhi Tree.

'Tree Wisdom' and the Acolyte:

To speak of 'Tree Wisdom' in all, and as with regards to Asian Spirituality, does in many a way even present many a challenge truly, and as with regards to what it all does speak of that is. That in many a way too, speak of 'Tree Wisdom' and in Asian Spirituality, is said even, to speak of a Mystical Union, Blissful or Ecstatic in its ways, and via Meditation in all, and as based around the belief that Trees are very much alive, and a Union in all again, said to speak even of Transmutation in all, and as with further speak even of Asian perspectives on Sexuality, and that in all ways even the very belief that a Sexual Union for instance, can bring with it, a certain form of awareness, and as with speak of being a 'Godly being' that is [and as with this speaking even and of the Kama Sutra, and as seen in India too that is] [and as compared to other parts of the World, and where Sexual Unions in all, are often associated with Cleansings that is].

In all ways even, speak of 'Tree Wisdom' and the Bodhi Tree in all and as mentioned above, does speak even and of the initial associating of Trees in all again, and in Asian Spiritual Thought too, and with speak of Wholeness, Uniformity, Totality, Conformity etc.

The second way or manner and of speaking of Trees in Asia, and as very much associated in all, and with Time Cycles in Asia, does speak even and of the Chinese and as viewing Seasonal or cultural change in China in all, and as based around the transformational nature of many a Tree too, and as based around Seasonal changes that is [in all perhaps, speak even and of China, and as perceived even and as based around the Great Wall of China in all, and as with China too said even, isolated in all, and from the rest of the World too perhaps]. In many another part of Asia though, Trees in all, and as associated even, and with bountiful harvest in all again, and of many a fruit or eatable vegetation in all, and as best perceived perhaps, and from the perspective of Local market activity that is.

The third manner or way and of viewing Trees in Asia, and as with regards to Spirituality in all, speaks even and of the practise of associating them and with speak of Neutrality in all again, and as with Trees even associated in all again, and with speak of Judgment in all, and as with Trees furtherly said even, not capable in all, and of being Judged in their ways that is [that they in all, are somewhat Heavenly in all actually].

The fourth manner though and of speaking of Trees in Asian Spirituality, is associated even, and with speak even perhaps, and of Voidness and Emptiness too that is.In many a way, it too is also in all believed even, and to speak of becoming one with Reality, and as based around Discernment, 'Figuring Out' Reality, and even Recognizing Reality too that is. In many a way too, something not too easy to explain, but is in most ways even, associated and with the Japanese Buddhist practise and of Bonsai too that is. In all, this last manner and of viewing 'Tree Wisdom' in Asia Spirituality, and as perhaps in all again, truly recommended, and for the Acolyte too that is.

Voidness/Emptiness and the Bodhi Tree:

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Asian Novelty

Asian Novelty.

Many in Asia in all, do truly wonder just whom they are, and as Creative beings too that is [and outside speak of Ingenuity, and speak even of defining the Minimal and Maximal and in our lives too actually]. In all ways though, while Innovation has come to be associated with the Scandinavia, and Inventiveness said American, and Originality speaking even of Africa actually, Asians in all, and as with the Acolyte too (and minus Japan and which tends to be Innovative), do tend to define Creativity and as based around Novelty too actually [and as with all this even, basically speaking and of just how we do choose to Interpret things, and not speak in all ways even either, and of 'Translation' that is (and as with a finding a new meaning/task, and for anything out there too that is)].

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher.

Lessons in Leadership, and as with keeping up with the Times too, and for the Acolyte in all [and as versus in all again, finding inspiration in Leadership in all, and from Japanese Political Leadership too that is].

Agatha Christie

Agatha Christie.

Agatha Christie, and speak even and of Miss Marple and Hercules Poirot too, and as with it all even Elizabethan (II) Media in all, and as with it in all again, basically referring even, and to just whom the Acolyte in all, truly is even, and as with regards to Formal (ized) Presentation formats that is [that most Asians in all, and outside the Japanese too, have no Idea in all again, and on just how to Present themselves, and in a Formal manner too, and in many a way even, choosing to Present themselves in all, and in an Informal manner that is].

The Yo-Yo

The Yo-Yo.

The Yo-Yo, and just where in many a way truly, Indian mindsets (and as with speak even of Sai Baba), does meet the Western World (Western Materiality) in all that is.

Monday, 3 February 2014



Spiritual Nourishment vs. Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation:

This post in many a way, very much has to do, and with just what in all, to make of the rather problematic situation, and that does consist in all, and of Rural Asia too that is. In all, speak in all again, and of just how best in all, and for those in Rural Asia, to actually learn how to survive on their own that is.

To understand the above better, is to understand the difference between Spiritual Nourishment, and Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation too actually.

To start all this off though, is to speak of a main difference between the Southeast Asian region, and the East Asian region too, and as with regards to Survival that is. That Southeast Asians in all, and at the most basic level, have always been Agriculturalists, while East Asians on the hand, have always been Horticulturalists.

Having said this, is to in all ways even speak of the large difficulty in all, and not Technical truly either, but Psychological actually, and in organizing and planning out life, and in Rural Asia that is. To perhaps make this clearer, is to perhaps in all again, associate Rural Asia, and as with it even said centered in all, and as based around Local or Small Town life too that is. Knowing this, is to then perhaps in all again, speak of just what does make for or constitute even, Small or Local Town life and in Asia too that is.

Having said Asians to be primarily Horticulturalists and Agriculturalists in all, is to then at the very least associate Small or Local Town life in Asia in all, and with what some do term Barter Trade actually [and as with this even speaking of perceiving such Towns, and from a Psychological perspective too that is]. To take this all and to a higher level in all again, is to speak perhaps and of Small or Local Asian Towns in all, and as now very much defined and by the Goods & Services Industries [and as with further speak even, and of the Derivatives and Futures Industry] [Link] [all this, and if those in Local or Small Asian Towns in all, and as said even as perceiving themselves Developed, and from a Psychological perspective too, and not a Technical one truly either]. To take this even higher, is to associate these Towns in all again, and with what one could call a Strategist in all [Link], and as with this speaking even, and of someone well versed in all again, and in the Procurement and Sourcing Industries that is.

Having said the above in all, is to in all ways even state that, it does speak of Small or Local Town life in Asia, and as very much perceived, and from a Technical perspective too that is [that in all, there is no good Psychological reason, and as with speak even of Motive that is, and for seeking or wanting, and to bond even and with those in ones Community, and in making the above real, and other than making enough Money perhaps, and so as to engage in Western Commerce, Business & Trade too, and as with it even known, not to be satisfactory or fulfilling in its ways that is (and as with speak even of boredom in itself actually)].

Knowing the above in all again, is to perhaps speak of just how most in Asia, and outside Japan too, have been misdirected in all, and in designing life too, and at a Local or Small Town level too that is. That this in all, does speak of the difference and between Spiritual Nourishment and Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation too that is. That Asians today, are in many a way even made to think of life and from the very perspective of Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation in all, and as with it even speaking of just how Japan in all (and also Australia too), have evolved in many a way and in society too, and as compared to the rest of Asia that is, and which has in many a way evolved, and as based around Spiritual Nourishment that is. In many a way, to speak of Spiritual Nourishment, is to also speak of Dharma in all actually.

To fully explain the above in all, is to perhaps state that, Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation, does in all ways even, speak of the Intellect actually, and as with this even speaking of Religious Philosophy in all, and as associating life, and with great excitement, enthusiasm, enjoyment and even actions too [and with the keyword here being great that is]. The path of Spiritual Nourishment though, does differ in all again [and as with speak even of Physical and Emotional Nourishment too], and as with it even speak of Dharma in all and as said consisting of many a Sacred Image (Art) in all again, and which does define or strongly influence even, just how one does seek in all again, and to Present themselves that is [that Asia today, is ruled over and by Art & Media, and which does present Asian life, and from the very perspective of the Intellect in all (Link), and in many a way, giving many an Asian in all again, what some do term 'False Hope', and as with speak even and of ones Expectations of life, and as believed even said, to match in all, those seen in Modern Asian Art & Media today that is].

The path of Dharma though, and speak even of Spiritual Nourishment in all, does in all ways even speak of redefining Small or Local Town life and in Asia today, and as not based around Intellect (and speak even of Modern Asian Art & Media too), but in all ways even, speak in all, and of a Culture of Presentation in all again, and as not speaking in all ways even, and of becoming Popular in all (and as with Modern Asian Art & Media too), but in all ways even, speak of becoming Reknowed and 'Looked Upon' Favourably too that is [and as with speak even, and of that Indian Friend in all, very much liked by many a person out there, and as with his wondering why this is so that is].


The Six Asia's

The Six Asia's.

Socio-Political Identity and Asia:

Those in Asia, might not be in contact or in touch, and as with regards in all, and to just how best to perceive Modern Asian Development, and from a (local) participatory perspective in all too that is [that is, who actually in many a way, does do all the work in Asia, and as with speak even of Asian Traditional Knowledge Bodies, or even speak of everyday Asian norms of Respect, Honour and Loyalty too that is]. In all ways even, this does speak of Development in Asia, and as with speak even of Mahatma Gandhi for instance, falsely presented in all, and from speak even of Gender, Race, Age and Class too [and as with further speak even and of a struggle in Asia perhaps, and to define oneself in all, and as with regards to Gender, Race, Age and Class in all again, and as versus having outside influence in all and to Asia too, and as with speak even of the British in all, defining one as such actually].

To speak of the Six Asia's, is to in all ways even speak of the following terms/monikers: Southeast Asia, Continental India, the Indian Subcontinent, East Asia, the Orient and even Oceania too. That in many a way, the key for those in Asia, and in understanding Japanese people in all, and as (basic) Intellectuals too, does speak even, and of their being acquainted and with the Six Asia's, and as mentioned above [and as with the Japanese understanding of all this, translating in all again, and into Japanese Modern Art for instance] [Link] [and as with further speak even, and of Japanese peoples in all, and as creating Asian Identities that is].

In all, Southeast Asia does speak in many a way, and of Traditional Leaders in Southeast Asia, and as versus Modern Leaders too (and as with the Japanese even, knowing just how to bridge the two in all that is), while Continental India, does speak even and of India/'Southeast Asia' in all, and as perceived even and from Skilled Tradesmen in all too really (and as with speak even of Asian Architecture in the place, and further speak even of Modern Architecture/Infrastructure too), while the Indian Subcontinent, does speak in all, and of those who do all the dirty work in 'Southeast Asia' perhaps, and as with this arena of 'Southeast Asian' life in all, where India for instance, does meet the British actually. On the otherhand, East Asia, and as speaking of 'East Asia' in all, and as a cultured place, while the Orient, speaks of 'East Asia', and from the perspective of its Workers in all again, and with Oceania, speaking in many a way and of Architecture and Infrastructure, and in 'East Asia' too that is.

In all perhaps, the above and as opening up ones mind in all again, and to truly knowing even (or seeing perhaps), just what does go on and in Asia too, and on an everyday and daily basis too perhaps. In all again, the Japanese and as knowing themselves as mentioned above in all, and as with speak even and of this translating into Modern Japanese Art (and as with Japanese Rap, very much Orient in its ways, while Japanese Pop, is more or less Oceania actually), and in many a way, a basic way of thinking, and of survival too, and in a group format that us (and as with speak even of school friendships in all), and in Asia too that is [and as with basically connecting the past, and in Knowledge Bodies too, and to the present that is].