Spiritual Nourishment vs. Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation:
This post in many a way, very much has to do, and with just what in all, to make of the rather problematic situation, and that does consist in all, and of Rural Asia too that is. In all, speak in all again, and of just how best in all, and for those in Rural Asia, to actually learn how to survive on their own that is.
To understand the above better, is to understand the difference between Spiritual Nourishment, and Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation too actually.
To start all this off though, is to speak of a main difference between the Southeast Asian region, and the East Asian region too, and as with regards to Survival that is. That Southeast Asians in all, and at the most basic level, have always been Agriculturalists, while East Asians on the hand, have always been Horticulturalists.
Having said this, is to in all ways even speak of the large difficulty in all, and not Technical truly either, but Psychological actually, and in organizing and planning out life, and in Rural Asia that is. To perhaps make this clearer, is to perhaps in all again, associate Rural Asia, and as with it even said centered in all, and as based around Local or Small Town life too that is. Knowing this, is to then perhaps in all again, speak of just what does make for or constitute even, Small or Local Town life and in Asia too that is.
Having said Asians to be primarily Horticulturalists and Agriculturalists in all, is to then at the very least associate Small or Local Town life in Asia in all, and with what some do term Barter Trade actually [and as with this even speaking of perceiving such Towns, and from a Psychological perspective too that is]. To take this all and to a higher level in all again, is to speak perhaps and of Small or Local Asian Towns in all, and as now very much defined and by the Goods & Services Industries [and as with further speak even, and of the Derivatives and Futures Industry] [
Link] [all this, and if those in Local or Small Asian Towns in all, and as said even as perceiving themselves Developed, and from a Psychological perspective too, and not a Technical one truly either]. To take this even higher, is to associate these Towns in all again, and with what one could call a Strategist in all [
Link], and as with this speaking even, and of someone well
versed in all again, and in the Procurement and Sourcing Industries that is.
Having said the above in all, is to in all ways even state that, it does speak of Small or Local Town life in Asia, and as very much perceived, and from a Technical perspective too that is [that in all, there is no good Psychological reason, and as with speak even of Motive that is, and for seeking or wanting, and to bond even and with those in ones Community, and in making the above real, and other than making enough Money perhaps, and so as to engage in Western Commerce, Business & Trade too, and as with it even known, not to be satisfactory or fulfilling in its ways that is (and as with speak even of boredom in itself actually)].
Knowing the above in all again, is to perhaps speak of just how most in Asia, and outside Japan too, have been misdirected in all, and in designing life too, and at a Local or Small Town level too that is. That this in all, does speak of the difference and between Spiritual Nourishment and Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation too that is. That Asians today, are in many a way even made to think of life and from the very perspective of Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation in all, and as with it even speaking of just how Japan in all (and also Australia too), have evolved in many a way and in society too, and as compared to the rest of Asia that is, and which has in many a way evolved, and as based around Spiritual Nourishment that is. In many a way, to speak of Spiritual Nourishment, is to also speak of Dharma in all actually.
To fully explain the above in all, is to perhaps state that, Spiritual Growth/Change/Transformation, does in all ways even, speak of the Intellect actually, and as with this even speaking of Religious Philosophy in all, and as associating life, and with great excitement, enthusiasm, enjoyment and even actions too [and with the keyword here being
great that is]. The path of Spiritual Nourishment though, does differ in all again [and as with speak even of Physical and Emotional Nourishment too], and as with it even speak of Dharma in all and as said consisting of many a Sacred Image (Art) in all again, and which does define or strongly influence even, just how one does seek in all again, and to Present themselves that is [that Asia today, is ruled over and by Art & Media, and which does present Asian life, and from the very perspective of the Intellect in all (
Link), and in many a way, giving many an Asian in all again, what some do term 'False Hope', and as with speak even and of ones Expectations of life, and as believed even said, to match in all, those seen in Modern Asian Art & Media today that is].
The path of Dharma though, and speak even of Spiritual Nourishment in all, does in all ways even speak of redefining Small or Local Town life and in Asia today, and as not based around Intellect (and speak even of Modern Asian Art & Media too), but in all ways even, speak in all, and of a Culture of Presentation in all again, and as not speaking in all ways even, and of becoming Popular in all (and as with Modern Asian Art & Media too), but in all ways even, speak of becoming Reknowed and 'Looked Upon' Favourably too that is [and as with speak even, and of that Indian Friend in all, very much liked by many a person out there, and as with his wondering why this is so that is].