Thursday, 30 January 2014

Flower Power

Flower Power.

Those in Asia in all, might have heard of the term 'Flower Power'. It is in many a way, falsely associated or attributed too, and as with having origins in all, and with the Hippie 'movement' and in America too that is. This is not exactly true, and as Flower Power in all, actually does have its origins, and with Community Buildup projects, and in America too. Community Buildup, and as with calling for participation in all, and in a Community Project for instance.

In all, and unknown to those in Asia perhaps, Flower Power, and as with speak even of Pink Floyd for instance, does actually have its origin, and in the very world too, and of Hare Krishna that is. Hare Krishna, and as Krishna too, and as celebrated in many an Indian city perhaps, and as simply calling for one in all again, and to participate in all, and in simply celebrating life in India perhaps, and as with speak even of a small street dance too for instance.

Unknown to many in India today in all, India as popular, has nothing to do and with the likes of Aishwarya Rai, or even Sabeer Bhatia, or in many a way even, simple speak of Bollywood itself, but in all ways truly een, has to do, and with many a Documentary in all, and about India, and by the BBC too for instance, and which does attempt in all, to present India in many a way, and as with speak even of group formations and as arising out of a call for participation too, and as very much based around the very spirit even, and of Hare Krishna too that is.

In all, Flower Power, and as an American interpretation of Hare Krishna, and as with speak even and of the adopting of anything to do with Flower Power in all, and such as the music of Pink Floyd too for instance, and into any given Indian Community (and such as those Gated too), and in simply helping bring folks together, and in a manner that does suggest that such group formations in all, won't go stale actually, and as based around defining Participation in itself too that is.

In all, the very attempt and to turn those in any Indian Community for instance, and into what some do term a 'Layperson', and as with this even speaking of someone who does live in a small community in all, but is not restless about it all (and as with looking for opportunity and in the name of enjoyment in all elsewhere), and simply in all again, the Layperson, and in a small community too, and as very much dutiful and responsible in their ways that is.

Flower Power:

Friday, 24 January 2014

The British Raj

The British Raj.

A Physical Look in all, that is considered more Authentically Indian, and as compared to that which is Gujurati, Hindu or even speak of Aishwarya Rai too for instance [and as with this speaking even, and of not only the International realms in all, but in many a way even, speak of Influence and in Indian Society too that is] [and all this too, actually referring and speaking even, and of perceived Intelligence too that is].

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Intellectual Capital

Intellectual Capital.

Those living in Asia, might truly wonder just what in all, their Ruling Governments, are truly all about. In many a way, Asian Governments, and as not deciphered and from the perspective of their being Ruling Governments actually, are in many a way believed dictatorial in their ways that is. This in many a way has to do and with the rebellious spirit to be seen in Asia today, and as with regards even to not only its size in all, but speak truly even in all, and of Government in all again, and as offering efficient services, and to its populaces that is.

In many a way, the above does truly speak of the fact that, not only is Asia a massive place in all, but that to this very day, Asian populaces, live in Communities in all again, and as to be seen all over Asia that is. In many a way too, the exception here does lie with Japan in all, and whereby development in the place, has not been based around Government truly (and as with speak of the Modernization of many a service in all), but that Japan in all again, sees life in it, and as divided into two spheres: Japan and Nippon.

To speak of Japan, is to actually speak of Media in the place, and as with telling one that, Japan in all, did not develop and in a Western/Modern route in all (and as with speak even of employment for all that is), but in all ways even, did actually truly even, truly develop a Media, and by which an Infrastructure in all again, was eventually erected for [and as with telling one that, this Media,  does originate even and in the world of the Geisha that is, and one of the reasons Women in Japan today, are found in many an Official position that is] [and as with this Media too, spurring Japanese people in all, to be rather Independent in spirit actually]. You do though also have Nippon, and which does speak of Symbolic Japan, and those who do live around Traditional Japanese Religious/Political Symbolism that is, and as with this speaking even of many a Japanese CEO for instance, and also the Japanese Militaries too that is [and as with all this too, Nippon that is, speaking of the Samurai for instance].

In all though, the rest of Asia in many a way, and as made up truly of many a Community placed a distance from each other, has seen two Developmental efforts in all again, fall into place, and as with one more or less European and British, attempting to create a Modern Infrastructure for many an Asian, and in many a Modern Asian City too, and whereby one in all, is supposed to live a Modern/Western lifestyle that is, and as truly based around ones working for an Asian Company in all, and whose Wealth base in many a way, is believed in many a way too, still very much in the hands of the British actually. The second form of development seen in Asia, does speak of offering many an excellent service and to many a Community seen all over Asia (and as with the digging of Boreholes for instance), and does in many a way speak of Development, and as envisioned and by the UN too that is.

In many a way too though, Asia to this very day, remains disconnected and from the rest of the World, and minus speak of Japan and Australia in many a way too that is. This in all, has to do with the very speak even, and of Consciousness in itself too, and as with telling one that, Asians in all, appear to have evolved in societies in all again, and which did not take into account, Developments in Thought, Philosophy and even Religion in itself, and as seen around the World too that is. That in many a way, it is simply good to learn about those, who have made significant discoveries of a kind, and somewhere else in the World too, and as with perhaps all this speaking even and of a shift in Consciousness (and as with further speak of the building of the Pyramids in Egypt for instance), and as with all this perhaps helping one in all, think in many a way, and of simply living differently, and from the very perspective of speak of Consciousness that is.

In all, Asian Governments today, and as very much Ruling Governments, does speak of perceiving them in all again, and from the very perspective of Intellectual Capital, and as with their attempting in all, to simply improve or better, many a Community to be seen in Asia that is. In all ways though, it is actually believed that, helping Asia truly get back on its feet (and as with this truly even speaking of their being backward in Behaviour or Thought), and as with making many a Community in Asia rather Independent in its ways, does not speak of asking Government to provide for many an Infrastructure or Service in all, but in all ways even, speaks of Asia, and as catching up even and with Japan or America too, does in all refer and to their upgrading in all again perhaps, and in their Behaviour too that is [that for Asia in all, to truly develop and as in catching up with America or Japan, does in all ways even speak of changes in Behaviour, and not the acquiring of New Intelligences truly either] [that for Asians in all, to acquire new forms of Intelligence, they actually do have to update in all, their Behaviour that is]. 

In helping Asians and as with regards to all this, truly even connect in all, and to the rest of the World that is, and as with this even speaking of just how Human Behaviour has changed over the Millenia [and as with those in the rest of the World, including Africa, more or less advanced or progressive in Behaviour that is, and as compared to most of Asia too], does speak in all ways even and of learning new Behavioural modes in all, and that will make Asians, not in most ways even, classified as very much being the 'Jungle Book' that is. 

In doing the above, updating ones Behaviour and as with this speaking even and of not only somewhat coming to be similar to Americans and in Motivation for instance (and as with speak even of rather Independent Communities), does speak of seeking out help from two main sources: America, and Italy. That these two groups in all, can be said in this Modern Age we live in, to be more truly developed in Behaviour in all (and as with speak of Consciousness too), and than most of the World too actually.

However though, it is American Behavioural forms that are believed truly best for Asia today in all, and as with they helping Asians in all again, truly understand their World, and from more or less even the very perspective and of Discriminatory, Sexuality and even Authoritative behaviour in all that is. In all, Intellectual Capital, and as hereby defined and as helping many a Community in Asia, truly update or even upgrade in all, and in their Behaviour too, and as with regards even to being truly Independent and Motivated about life, and as an Asian (regional or communal too) that is.

American styled Communal Behaviour:

Italian styled Communal Behaviour:

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Robbie Williams

Robbie Williams.

Elizabethan (II) styled Media in all, and for an Asia today, where Perfectionism in all, Social too, and as with further speak even of Cool that is, is very much defined and from the perspective of British and Portuguese cultures/figures in all, and with the music and ways of Robbie Williams in all again, believed even perfect in all, and in rectifying all this that is [and as with telling the Acolyte in all again that, Robbie Williams, is just whom they are in all, Socially too, and as with regards even, and to speak of British or Portuguese induced 'psychological complexes' that is].



It does appear that Asia today in all, does have many a problem, and as with regards to Perfectionism in all that is. This in many a way has to do, and with just how Asians in all have come to define Perfectionism, and in recent times too, and as with speak even of Neo-Imperialism in all, and the attempt in all again, and to define Success in life, and as the British or Western World would that is. In many a way, this does speak and of just whom Asians in all again today, are in all, and from a Social perspective too, and as with those in Southeast Asia, attempting to be British in their ways, and those in East Asia, somewhat Portuguese actually. In all, speak of defining Perfectionism in this manner, and as with speak even of Success in itself, has led Asia in all again, astray, and as with regards truly even, and to what does constitute Asian Identities, and even Asian Outlooks on life that is [and as with speak even of Disappointment in all, and as now perceived an everyday Asian reality in all that is].

For some though, Perfectionism, and in the past, was conceived and from speak even of Water in itself [and as with further speak even and of defining the Martial Arts, and from this perspective that is]. To speak of Perfectionism as such, is to perhaps in many a way too, speak of Water and from the very perspective of its flow (and as with the belief in all, and in stating something categorically that is), or even from the ripples associated with it (and as with speak even of side effects in all, and as with this simply referring even, and to an Asian person in all, and as walking into a NightClub, and expecting everyone to turn and look at them that is), or even simply again, and from the sounds that do go with Water in itself [and as with this even translating and into Serenity in itself too actually]. In all ways even, Perfectionism and as defined from the perspective of Water, seeing in all again, a worship of Chinese, Japanese and Korean cultures that is.

For the Acolyte though, and in many a way even, for the Asian today too, Perfectionism in all, is best perceived perhaps, and from the perspective of the Circle too actually. In all ways even, this does speak and of just whom Asians in all, are as Primitive people actually, and as with speak even of the fact that, for Asia to rise in all (and as with speak even of ASEAN that is), then they must in all ways even it is actually believed, define Perfectionism, and from the perspective and of just whom they are, and as Primitive people too that is.

Finally, and as with speaking even of ASEAN, is to say that, it does not speak of Asia in all, and as somewhat becoming like South Korea in all again, but in many a way really, Asians and as Perfect and from a Primitive perspective too, does in all ways even perhaps, speak of Taiwan actually [and as with they even actually, somewhat pejoratively and in this day and age in all, said and truly believed even, 'Primitives' actually].

Thursday, 9 January 2014

Asian Realities

Asian Realities.

There are those who do tend to view Asia today, and from more or less its Modern Infrastructure that is. The building though of this Infrastructure, has not brought much of a change or success to many an Asian life in all, as most Asians in all again, do appear, to have no good clue in all, and of just how best to interact with each other, and in a modern context too that is. That in all, Asian life traditionally, and when thinking Infrastructure in all, did go with a culture and of truly introducing one even, and to any space they might inhabit (and by another too that is), and as with they being told even, just whom they are in all, and in that space that they do inhabit that is [and as with speaking even, and of simply taking a rest even, and in a public garden too for instance].

In all ways though, an Asian tradition in all that has died off (and as with most Asians today for example, not knowing whom they are, and with the many Monumental works to be found in Asia that is), but that in all ways even, for many an Asian and in truly connecting to their past this way, does speak even and of many a differing person for instance, simply telling one and in many a way too, just whom in all they truly are perhaps (and as with every passing minute for instance), and as with further speak even and of what they do stand to gain that is, and on visiting a Temple for instance.