Wednesday, 6 November 2013



To speak of Iconography in Asia, is to speak in all again, and of not only Political Imagery in all (and as with finding inspiration for it), but in many a way even, all this speaking of just whom Asians in all again, are as Dreamers actually, or even truly again, just what in all again, they do best believe in all, to best represent Success, and in Asia too that is. While this in many a way, and in not so recent times too, has been represented by China (and speak even of Wushu), or even Japan too (and speak even of the Samurai), Asian Success in many a way, can best be envisioned along the lines, and of Filipino Religion even, and as with this furtherly even, speaking of Bruce Lee, and his creation of the Jeet Kune Do Martial Art too, and as with this even speaking of just how Asians in all perhaps, should think of Success in general that is [and as with Bruce Lee, having been more Filipino in his ideologies, and not Chinese or Hong Kong truly either]. 

In many a way in all, Asian Iconography, and as helping one generally even, truly know just what to do, and with their time in all again [and as with speak even, and of what Success is worthwhile chasing for, and what is not either that is].


Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Asian Mythology

Asian Mythology.

Just whom in all again, is the Acolyte in all, and when they do attempt, to seek out Success of any kind. This in many a way, speaks of the difficult attempt in all again, and to truly define even, just what in all, does truly constitute Asian Mythology that is. That in many a way, Asian Mythology does merge and with Asian Oral History in all, and as with speak even, and of Asia as a rather old Continent in all again, speaking in all too even, and of Asian Oral History, and as being rather dated that is [that in all, Asian Oral History, does speak of Antagonistic behaviour, and as seen in Asia, while Asian Mythology in all again, does speak in all, and of Tests, Trials and Tribulations, and as seen in Asian life in all, but with both Asian Mythology, merging in many a way, and with Asian Oral History too, and as with this even speaking of the Commonplace actually, and as with speak even of things in all again, as being easily recognizable that is (and something in all again, that has very much come, to shape the Modern World in all: the Commonplace that is)].

In all again, and for the Acolyte too, and when they do think Asian Mythology, and speak even of the difficulty of actually creating it (and as compared for instance, and to Japan, and which has a rich tradition of writings, and as with regards to all this even), is to perhaps attempt to introduce, the Acolyte and in Asia in all, and to standard Asian Mythology (and even Asian Oral History somewhat), and as seen in the works of John Burdett too [and as with this even speaking of a general Mentality, and when it does come to planning out many a thing that is].

Monday, 4 November 2013



There is a rather common belief, and one that does speak even of a modern Asian Consciousness, and which in all again does have many an Asian believing that, all Asians in all, are actually similar to Chinese people that is. In many a way, this even does speak of how Asians in all again, do define Significance in their lives, and as with the belief even, that anything Spectacular to have happened in Asian History, did in many a way happen in China that is [and as with most in Asia in all, identifying in one way or another, and with Chinese History too that is].

To attempt to erase this belief in all, and as with it even speaking of a modern Asian Consciousness, and with the further belief that all Asians are similar in all to Chinese people, this speaking again, and of Asians today creating Conscious States and as with regards to how they do Present themselves and as Successful people too that is [and as with this even speaking of just whom in all again, they are as Calm people for instance].

In reality though, all Asians in most ways, do actually appear, to be similar in all, and to Malaysians actually [and as with speak even, of everyday Conscious States that is, and as with seeking Calmness in ones life for instance].

In all ways too, to speak of the Acolyte and China in all, is to in all again speak of Shang'hai, and not Beijing either for instance.



Japan in most ways, remains of interest to most in Asia, and as with regards even, to its Cultural development, Most though tend to approach Japan, and from the very perspective of its Cities, its Modern Government, or even talk of the Samurai too. 

For the Acolyte though, any talk of Japan, is best perceived from the lenses of Okinawa actually [and as with attempting in all, to associate anything of interest to one and in Japan too, and with something similar in Okinawa that is].



In many a way, Asia in all, does have its everyday Politics in all again, shaped by three main factors: Speech patterns, Behaviourisms & Mannerisms and finally in all again, Celebrated/Reknowed Figures too that is. That in general, finding ready Acceptance and in all Spheres of Life in Asia, and as with speak even of generally making life easy for one (and as with a police officer letting one off easily for instance), very much has to do, and with ones Speech patterns, Behaviourisms & Mannerisms, and also speak of Celebrated/Reknowed Figures too that is. In many a way too, all this does speak of Asia's Regional Identities in all actually.

For the Acolyte though, and as to be seen all over Asia too, is to tell them that, when they do think general Speech patterns, Behaviourisms & Mannerisms, and also Celebrated/Reknowed Figures in all that is, then they are in many a way actually, Persian/Iranian, and as with speaking of the Acolyte and as influential in Asia in all, speaking of it all and as going along with Politics, very much Iranian/Persian in their ways actually [and as with Iran too, very much Asian in its ways, and not Arab truly either, and as with Islamic Iran on the otherhand, more or less truly similar to Islamic India actually, and not the Islamic World and as seen in the Middle East that is].

The Sacred

The Sacred.

To speak of the Sacred and Asia, is to in many a way even speak of the attempt in all again, to truly define what is truly Asian, and what is not actually [and as with this even viewed via the lenses, and of Defence, Defense and even Security in itself too actually]. Traditionally though, Asians in all, have in many a way associated the Sacred, and with Tibet in itself too actually. However though, the History of Tibet is tumultuous in its ways, and as with it even becoming Racialized in all [and as with dividing Asians too, and by the kind of eyes they do have that is] [and as with being 'slant-eyed' in general, believed to be more truly Asian, and as compared to having other kinds of eyes that is].

For the Acolyte though, and as with speak even and of the Sacred in all, and as generally viewed via the lenses of Defence, Defense and even Security in itself too, it is in all again best to think of Nepal actually, and the Religious Writings and Oracles associated with it that is.

Sunday, 3 November 2013



Ethnocentrism in all, does appear to be a rather huge problem in Asia, and as with speak even, and of truly defining a Home that is. That in many a way, and due to British Imperialism for instance, and Modern Asian Governments too, many in Asia in all have a general problem, and of truly defining even, what is Home, and creating in all again, a Sense of Belonging that is. In many a way in all, definitions of Home in Asia, have always taken the dimension, and of identifying with a certain Language for instance, certain forms of Dress, certain Religious practises (and as with speak even of Shintoism and Japan too), certain Health practises, and even certain Engagements/Ceremonies that is [and as with Ethnocentrism in Southeast Asia too, having arisen in many a way it appears, and with Islamic India too actually].

In all ways though, and for the Acolyte too, when they do think Ethnocentrism in all, then let them think Laos actually.

Saturday, 2 November 2013



The History of Caste in Asia, is of in many a way, of importance in all, and to the average Asian person in all truly. In many a way, this History in all, continues to influence Asian life, and as with regards even, to Survival issues in themselves that is [that in all again, whom in all it is believed, is truly suited to receive many a Resource in all, and whom in all again, is not]. The above posted work in many a way, is a rather good way of looking at Caste, and in Asia today too. In many a way too, the origins of Caste in Asia, and as a rigid system even, does in many a way perhaps, have to do, and with Swahili and Arab Merchants to Asia that is. It is they in many a way in all, who come to define Asians in all again, and as with speak even of Caste too, and as based around which Civilization it is believed, to have been more superior than the others that is [and as with this speaking even of glorifying in all, Krishna's India and China too, and as versus speak of Civilization in Thailand for instance]. You do also have the British, who did come to define Caste in Asia, and as with they Soldiers too in all, and by in all again dividing Asians and as according to skin colours, hair types and kinds, and even facial features too in all. Thirdly again, you also do have the Japanese and in much recent times too, and as coming even to attempting to redefine Caste in Asia, and as Sages too in all, and as with speak even and of whom in Asia in all again, it is believed or said to be more naturally Intelligent, and as compared to another group of peoples in all that is [and as with this simply even, speaking of the Japanese Educational system for instance]. 

In all again, a believed said helpful source in all, and for Asia today too, and as with speak even and of whom in Asia in all again it is believed, is worthy of receiving many a Resource in all, and whom in all again, it is believed is not [and as with speak even, and of whom in all again it is believed, to be capable in all, and of helping Asia prosper in general that is] [and as with stating that, Thailand in all, is more of a model society in Asia, and as with speak even of societal and sociological issues too, and as compared to Japan that is].

Friday, 1 November 2013



For the Acolyte in all, is recommended in all again, Cooking from Cambodia, and as a general inspiration too, and for Healthy Eating lifestyles in all, and for the Acolyte that is.

Asian Rites

Asian Rites.

There does appear to be a rather huge problem even, and in Asia in all, and as with regards to just how to develop Law Frameworks actually. That in Asia, there is a huge problem in all perhaps, and as with regards even, to maintaining Social Order in all, and as with speak generally even, and of maintaining Respect in all again, and in any given Social situation too for instance. In all ways even, all this does speak of what one could call Rites in all. That in general, Rites in all again, do speak in all ways even, and of how we generally Greet each other, and even how we do Part with each other actually. In all again perhaps, Asian Rites and as emanating from Asian Religious Practises truly, and as with they even in the past, at the very base even, and of creating Law & Order in Asian societies too, and as with this speaking even, and of maintaining Respect levels and at all cost that is [that in all, in Asia in the past, what was of utmost importance in all, was how one did Greet each other, and with Respect too, and on meeting anyone in all that is, and as with this Greeting in all again and of others, of true importance even, and as with being truly accepted as being Asian that is, and in all ways even again, at the very base even, and of creating Law & Order in Asian societies actually] [that in all, one could be rude and disrespectful in Asian society in general that is, but that one in all again, and under all constraints in Asian society, had to maintain Respect at all times, and when it did come to Asian Rites that is, or in all again, face Isolation of a kind actually].

In all ways even, all this is the key, to attempting to understand just how Asian History is presented and portrayed to all, and in this given day too, and as with stating that, many an Event in Asian History, Political too, does appear to have its origins, and with speak of Asian Rites in all, and with their being disrespected for instance that is. 

In all again, while many an Asian today, does appear to create Personalities, Characters and Images of Success, and as based around Material Wealth in all, in the past in many a way, being a highly Respected Figure in Asian Society, and as with not only speak of Popularity too, but also speak of being an Authoritative Figure in all again, did have to do, and with ones mastering of Asian Rites in all truly, and as with speak even of truly mastering just how one in all again, did actually Greet and Part with others, and as with making this rather Memorable too, but in all ways truly even all this speaking of Creativity too, and as with speak furtherly even, and of being a Unique figure actually.

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat.

When one thinks of many a Monument in Asia in all, one in all ways even does think of it, and as truly representing even, Memory/Memories in Asian life / Asia that is [and as with speak even of everyday Asian Memories too actually]. One finds though, that in Southeast Asia, and especially India too, an attempt in all again, and to create everyday Memories in all, and as with speak even of basic Interactions too, or even Communications that is, and as inspired in all again, and by the Memory of the Taj Mahal actually [and as with this speaking even, and of Bollywood today too that is]. In East Asia though, everyday Memories and as with speak even of basic Interactions or even Communications too, and as appearing in all again, to be truly inspired, and by the Memory of the Forbidden City in China actually [and as with this speaking even, and of the Chinese, Japanese and Korean movie industries in all that is]. 

For the Acolyte though, and when they do think basic Interactions, and even Communications too (everyday even that is), then they should in all ways even, think Angkor Wat, and the Memory/Memories in all again, it does actually represent in all truly.