International Identities:
For many a person in all, and living around the World today too, there is a tendency in all again, to view not only the World, but also the modern Yearly Calendar in all, and from a Bi-yearly perspective too, and as based around viewing just about every Year in all, and as follows: January - June, and July - December {and with Jan.-Jun., commemorated in all, and by New Years Day too, and with Jul.-Dec., commemorated in all, and by Christmas Day too that is}.
In all ways even, these two Holidays, New Years Day and Christmas Day too, are often used by many a person around the World, and to create basic International Identities too in all. In many a way though, is to also ask those who do prefer to view the International realms in all, and as the Acolyte (Blog) actually does, and by in all again, viewing every Calendar Year in all, and in the following manner too: Jan.-Mar. (and as commemorated by the 'World Day of Peace'), Apr.-Jun. ('April Fool's Day'), Jul.-Sept. ('International Beer Day') and finally Oct.-Dec. ('Christmas Day'). In many a way even, a rather good way in all, and for many a person out there, and as seen even, and in the remotest locations of Asia too, to in all, create an International Identity that is, and generally in all again, truly feel a part, and of Humanity in itself too, and as seen around the World too that is.