Social Order and Modernism:
One cannot help but notice in many a way that, Social Order and in the Modern/Western World too, has very much taken African proportions in all. That in all again, Social Order and in the World today too, does tend to take the very ordering too, and of what they do call Call-and-Response, and in all ways too even, a regulating mechanism in all, found and seen, and in African Childrens Music, but becoming Western/Modern in all again, and via Slavery too {and as with all this even, contributing to many a Social (criminal) concern in all, and as seen all over the Western/Modern World too that is}.
In all, there are three kinds of Call-and-Response: basic Call-and-Response, Leader/Chorus Call-and-Response, and finally Question/Answer Call-and-Response. In all again, what is been actually said here in all is truly that, this kind of Social Regulating mechanism, has very much given rise to a form of Social Awareness in all, very much based around Security concerns, and Political threats in all too really {that in all, any given Social situation in all again, can be truly defined, and as with speak of immediacy too, and by Security concerns and Political threats in all too really} {and as with this even, truly believed to define in its entirety, any Social scene or situation that does arise, and as to be seen out there in all again, and not Culture or Rationalism truly either}.
In all, the Tao te Ching, a Chinese Classic too, to be truly taken, and as the main way in all, and of creating Social Ordering/Order in all, and on the International scene too, and as with this even, referring to basic Humanity in itself actually.