Sunday, 26 August 2012



Social Order and Modernism:

One cannot help but notice in many a way that, Social Order and in the Modern/Western World too, has very much taken African proportions in all. That in all again, Social Order and in the World today too, does tend to take the very ordering too, and of what they do call Call-and-Response, and in all ways too even, a regulating mechanism in all, found and seen, and in African Childrens Music, but becoming Western/Modern in all again, and via Slavery too {and as with all this even, contributing to many a Social (criminal) concern in all, and as seen all over the Western/Modern World too that is}.

In all, there are three kinds of Call-and-Response: basic Call-and-Response, Leader/Chorus Call-and-Response, and finally Question/Answer Call-and-Response. In all again, what is been actually said here in all is truly that, this kind of Social Regulating mechanism, has very much given rise to a form of Social Awareness in all, very much based around Security concerns, and Political threats in all too really {that in all, any given Social situation in all again, can be truly defined, and as with speak of immediacy too, and by Security concerns and Political threats in all too really} {and as with this even, truly believed to define in its entirety, any Social scene or situation that does arise, and as to be seen out there in all again, and not Culture or Rationalism truly either}.

In many a way though, is to attempt herein and in all again, to bring back olden Social Orders, and that did exist, and before the Modern/Western World in all, did come to be. In all, Social Order/Ordering too, heavily based around, what they do call Avatars in all too really, and as with an Avatar even, the kind of person in all, to readily solve a problem for another, and without expecting any form of grateful feedback or even, any form of recompensation in all too really {and as compared in all again, and to the Call-and-Response Regulating mechanism, and that does expect both, grateful feedback and recompensation that is, and in great amounts too actually (and as with this even, speaking of Monetizing just about anything to be seen out there, and as with this even, very much including Friendships too actually)}.

In all, the Tao te Ching, a Chinese Classic too, to be truly taken, and as the main way in all, and of creating Social Ordering/Order in all, and on the International scene too, and as with this even, referring to basic Humanity in itself actually.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

International Outlooks

International Outlooks.

International Identities:

For many a person in all, and living around the World today too, there is a tendency in all again, to view not only the World, but also the modern Yearly Calendar in all, and from a Bi-yearly perspective too, and as based around viewing just about every Year in all, and as follows: January - June, and July - December {and with Jan.-Jun., commemorated in all, and by New Years Day too, and with Jul.-Dec., commemorated in all, and by Christmas Day too that is}.

In all ways even, these two Holidays, New Years Day and Christmas Day too, are often used by many a person around the World, and to create basic International Identities too in all. In many a way though, is to also ask those who do prefer to view the International realms in all, and as the Acolyte (Blog) actually does, and by in all again, viewing every Calendar Year in all, and in the following manner too: Jan.-Mar. (and as commemorated by the 'World Day of Peace'), Apr.-Jun. ('April Fool's Day'), Jul.-Sept. ('International Beer Day') and finally Oct.-Dec. ('Christmas Day'). In many a way even, a rather good way in all, and for many a person out there, and as seen even, and in the remotest locations of Asia too, to in all, create an International Identity that is, and generally in all again, truly feel a part, and of Humanity in itself too, and as seen around the World too that is.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

The Exotic

The Exotic.

Publicity shots:

(and the very world of Latin Guitar too)

The Acolyte

The Acolyte.

A Journey into the Exotic.

The Acolyte is a Blog, that does wish and intend to demolish truly, the present Social World Order and that we do in all inhabit. That in all truly, and since the Modern Times did come to arise that is, our Social Spheres in all again, have in all, come to be highly defined, and by not only Celebrity figures and Famed personalities too, but also truly even, by the very world of News Media, the Movie Industry, the Music Industry, and finally in all too even, the Sports Industry too. That in all, when most of us out there, do deem ourselves a Social success even, we in all ways truly even, do view/judge ourselves as such, and as not only Celebrity figures and Famed personalities too, but in many ways even, very much along the lines of News Media, the Movie Industry in all, the Music Industry too, and also truly even, the Sports Industry that is

Perhaps in all again, the impact of the above said, could be said in all again, to be lackluster even, and to many a person out there too, and who does not fully comprehend that is, how the above Cultural/Social formation in all, has truly shut out the vast majority of the World's population, 90% even, and from experiencing a Social life too actually {Social that is, and not Economic either} {and as with further speak even, of Prejudice or Bigotry specifically too, and as often seen actually, and indirectly too, and in the above Social Forums too that is: News Media etc.}.

The goal of the Acolyte in all, is to in many ways even, bring the Villageman, and in Asia too perhaps, and onto the International scene {and Socially speaking too that is, and not Politically either}. That this goal in all ways even, will be attained in all, and by engaging in the very world of the Exotic too {and as with it even, opposing the above Cultural/Social formation in all and as mentioned above too, and as with it furtherly even, highly based around the world of Eroticism too that is}.

To achieve all this, is to in all again attempt to define the Exotic, and in the following manners too:

1. Bangladesh: And as with the World even, centering around Bangladesh, and when it does come to Religious and Secular Festivities too that is {and as with this even, speaking of Bangladesh, and as coming to influence such Festivities in all, and from a Symbolic and Design perspective too that is}.

2. Japan: And as with the World again, very much centering around Japan, and when it does come to the Foods, Hoteling & Hosteling Industries too, and as with regards truly even, to basically defining basic Social activity in all, and International in nature too, and just about everywhere too that is {and as versus the Entertainment Industry too for instance, and as defining all this, and for an International visitor to Paris for instance}.

3. Kenya: And as with World too, very much centering around Kenya, and when it does come, to the Media Industries in all (surprisingly enough said too perhaps), and as with perhaps telling one that, Kenyan people in all, are actually very good at judging Media, and from all over the World too, and as fairly as possible that is {what this does furtherly mean is that, if asked to attend a well funded Seminar perhaps, or even a Luncheon too, and in both Kenya or France that is, then it would be best, to attend that in Kenya, and as with speak of ones personal satisfaction levels that is}. In all, Kenya, as very much a place where one wants to seek an opinion, and on all Media oriented queries too that is.

4. America: It is known to most, or perhaps truly unknown that, if America did cease to exist in the World today, then most in the World, would probably not know whom they are, and in a way they would like {meaning that, America, has come to shape World Consciousness in all, and in such a strong manner too that is, that most people in all again, and in the World too, are American and in one way or another that is, and due to being acquainted, and with American Values & Belief Systems too actually}. The above said though, is not true for Europe, and whose impact on World Consciousness, is very much along the lines of Greek Civilization {and as with speaking even, of a people rather unique in their ways/looks, and speech patterns too perhaps}. In all, is to tell those around the World that, associating themselves and with America, and from a Values & Beliefs Systems perspective (and as with America housing too many of these), is one of the best ways, to safely even, travel the World and in a bold manner too {but with all this too, referring even, and to acquainting America in all, and with not only Educational Initiatives that is, but in all ways truly even, with a Popular Star culture even, and as truly based around the Condo & Apartment Complex too actually} {and with all this too, not speaking of Television either, but in all ways truly even, referring to the very world of Popular Internet Forums that is}.