Colour and Stereotyping:
We live in a World today, and just where in all Colour Consciousness [and as with regards to speak even and of Evolution too], does no longer speak of the romantic in all perhaps, but in many a way in all too even, speak in all and of Harbouring secret hate or envy, and towards those in all, and of differing Colours that is [and as with this condition even, prevalent in Asia, and where Success in all again, does truly go along and with associations and as based around speak of Colour (worship), and not Diatribe/Discriminatory attitudes truly either].
In all, Colour Consciousness and the Stereotyping that does go along with it, does seem more of an Asian phenomenon in all, and as it is perceived today that is (Colour Consciousness), and not as seen Historically either, and which does speak even and of Colour Consciousness and as perceived in all too even, and from speak of Iconography for instance [and as with speak even perhaps, and of Europe, and Robin Hood, Arthur, Mozart and William Tell too for instance].
To better understand Colour Consciousness, and as with it even surprisingly perhaps, speaking of Celt Civilization, Rome & Italy, is to associate it all, Colour Consciousness that is, and with just whom in all, we are, and as with regards to Subsistence living, and survival in itself too that is [and all this too, and as versus associating Colour Consciousness, and with differing Tongues/'Languages', and as was seen in all, and in Greece too that is].
In all again, the best way to speak of Colour Consciousness, does have an Egyptian perspective to it, and as with associating differing/different Colours, and with the following terms: Pigmentation, Melanation, Colouring and even Shading too]. That in all, the races that are often said White in all [and as with they even deemed European too], are best said in all again Pigmented, while speak of those said Brown in all, are best said Melanated, while those said Black in all, are best said Coloured, and with those one could call Branco (portuguese for white) [and such as speak even and of some of the races of the Mediterranean], best said Shaded in all actually.
Having said the above, is to associate the Whites and speak even of Pigmentation, and with Subsistence living and even survival in itself too, and that does go along and with speak even and of Big Families too that is, and as surviving in all, and as based around speak even and of minimal necessities that is [and which is just how in all again, those said White in all, do actually survive today that is]. You do also have the Browns and speak even of Melanation, and which does speak even of Subsistence living and survival in itself too, and as based around speak even of Settlements in all, and that many do simply call Independent that is [and speak even of bare necessities that is]. To speak of the Blacks and even Colouring in all, is to in many a way even, speak of communities in all perhaps, and as ruled over even, and by domineering Mother Figures that is [and speak even and of little necessities that is]. To speak of the Brancos and Shading in all, is to in all ways even speak of Subsistence living and survival in itself too, and as going along and with speak of Man in all, and as very much living in Caves, and in many a way even, believed said to engage in all, and in many a Raiding activity too that is [and as with speak even and of Cattle Raiders for instance, and further speak even and of no necessities in all that is].
In all, while the History of the Whites is often associated and with speak of Europe [and further speak even and of terms and such as Indo-European], the History of the Browns is often associated and with speak of Egyptian and Indian Civilizations, while that of the Blacks often is said to speak of Nubia, could in many a way truly even better speak of Meso-American Civilization and Civilization too, and as seen in Bangladesh for instance, while the History of the Brancos, does go in all even, and with speak of Civilization in Central Asia, and outside speak of Greek Macedon Civilization, and which is in all classified Egyptian in its ways actually.
In all, a perceived much more progressive manner, and of viewing Colour Consciousness, and as compared in all again, and to that which does go, and with speak even and of Slavery or Imperialism too [and as with stating that, the engagement of Whites and in Slavery in all, could very well go along, and with speak of Big Family Mentalities that is].