Band of Brothers.
Asian Introspection and the Question of Validity:
The so termed TV Miniseries 'Band of Brothers' [and alongside the movie 'Saving Private Ryan'], might be of interest to those in Asia, and as with regards even, and to not only Consciousness in itself, but in many a way really, speak of Behaviour and as perceived via speak even and of Human Factors & Ergonomics too [and which in all again might be of interest to Asians in all, and as with regards even and to just how they do define Success in Asia today, and speak furtherly even and of Asia and as said even segregate in its ways in all][and all this too, and as with speak even and of what does constitute and for National Consciousness, and in Asia today that is].
In all, what is been said here is that, the Behaviour seen in the above two Movies/Features, was actually the kind of Behaviour in all used to fight WW1 (and not WW2 either), and as in telling one that, Army Tanks in all, were actually used to fight WW1 [and with the Army Tank too, believed older than WW1 in itself actually] [and as with this furtherly even, speaking of Jude Law movie 'Enemy at the Gates', and which in many a way even does precede WW1, and as with it even speaking of the Fino-Prussian War that is].
Having stated the above, and all in the name of possibly shifting Consciousness [and as with further speak even of Validity here], is to tell one that, the History of WW2, has in many a way in all actually, been falsified, and as with it even now used to impose on others, Western/European Images of Superiority in all actually [and as with speak even of Nazi SS Aesthetics for instance][Link1, Link2]. That the Nazis, are falsely presented in many a way that, it is falsely believed, that they in all, did come to Power, and via speak even of provoking Intolerance in all again, and towards Europe's said Jewish population that is. This in all did not happen, and as with it even Media created by deceptive minds, and who did in all again wish to apparently gain control over the World, and via speak even of the UN too for instance, and that in all ways even, the Nazi's in all, were a group of people, and who did wish to forment in all, a certain kind of Authority, and in Germany/Europe too, and in the attempt in all too even, and to protect European Borders, European Heritages and even European Architecture too. In all again, an Authority, and that does speak even and of a highly Disciplined Mind that is.
In all, all the above and as speaking even of Consciousness and from speak too of Validity, and which is in many a way even believed, rather beneficial in all [creating Individual Consciousness and via speak of Validity too that is], and for many an Asian today, and who in all does simply feel Powerless or Helpless that is [and in an Asian today, that does in all present itself and from speak of National Consciousness, but with Asian life on the daily in all, truly defined and by segregative mindsets, and which in all ways even are simply condoned that is].