Thursday, 24 April 2014



A condition in all again, said to go along and with speak of Success in the World today, when in truth or reality in all, it does in all actually speak even of the Asian Consciousness, and as coming to influence many a part of the World today that is [and further speak even of Asian Studies and in the form of Anthropology too in all, and further speak even of Asian Customs & Traditions too, and as coming in all even, and to influence the Western World in all that is].

Sunday, 20 April 2014

The Asian Imagination

The Asian Imagination.

What in all, does truly constitute and for the Asian Imagination? In Modern Times, it simply just said Japanese actually. In regards though, and to speak of History, it does speak even and of just whom in all again Asians were, and as with regards to Routine life too, and as most Asian Art or Sculpture [and if not Architecture too], is not comprehensible in most ways in all, and to most outside Asia that is [and as with all this even stated from the belief that, Asian Art in many a way, does also speak of Asian Routine life, and as with regards to speak of Adherence too that is].

In all, having said the above, the Asian Imagination and as said here to speak of Adherence too in all, and to a Higher Power of a kind that is [and as with speak even of Parental Figures too that is], and as with all this even believed to speak of the belief that, Asian Educational Systems, Modern too, are the very key to opening one up, and to not only Creativity in itself, but in all ways even speak of terms and such as Genius too that is [and as with Asian Art even, not often spoken about and from the perspective of Genius for instance].

The very belief that Asians today don't in all define Adherence, and as their Ancestors did, does in many a way even speak of Asians in all and as said believed even not caring too much and for Asian Traditional Institutions, and as with regards even and to the further belief that, Asia in many a way can still be said to be Treacherous, and as with regards to simple speak of Terrain here, does in all ways even, call into question now, just what does passes for the Asian Imagination, and as with it even said to speak of Genius that is.

In all, to perhaps connect Asians and to their past and as with regards to Adherence, Asian Traditional Institutions and even the Asian Imagination, is to first tell one in a simple sense, just what the Imagination is: that it in all does actually speak of signs for instance, and signs too, and as used to buildup in all again, and as with regards to the act of Imagining that is, to buildup one up that is, and as with regards to speak of memory, thought and even contemplation too that is. 

In all, when one does think signs, let them think Snakes too, and not Serpents either and as Serpents in all again are actually African in all [and as with further speak even and of truly questioning just why the Cobra, is the only Serpent to be found in Asia], but that in all ways even Snakes and the Imagination do speak of signs in all, and Snakes too perhaps, and as the best way in all again, to best perceive Asian Traditional Institutions in all that is, and as based around speak of Adherence, and as deciphered in all, and as based around speak of signs that is [and as with all this furtherly speaking even and of Asia today and the Disciplined Mind too that is].

Finally though, an alternative and as with regards to all this, does probably lie and in speak of (Asian) Christianity too, and further speak even perhaps and of Filmography in itself too actually [and as with it all even again, simply speaking of signs that is].

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Band of Brothers

Band of Brothers.

Asian Introspection and the Question of Validity:

The so termed TV Miniseries 'Band of Brothers' [and alongside the movie 'Saving Private Ryan'], might be of interest to those in Asia, and as with regards even, and to not only Consciousness in itself, but in many a way really, speak of Behaviour and as perceived via speak even and of Human Factors & Ergonomics too [and which in all again might be of interest to Asians in all, and as with regards even and to just how they do define Success in Asia today, and speak furtherly even and of Asia and as said even segregate in its ways in all][and all this too, and as with speak even and of what does constitute and for National Consciousness, and in Asia today that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, the Behaviour seen in the above two Movies/Features, was actually the kind of Behaviour in all used to fight WW1 (and not WW2 either), and as in telling one that, Army Tanks in all, were actually used to fight WW1 [and with the Army Tank too, believed older than WW1 in itself actually] [and as with this furtherly even, speaking of Jude Law movie 'Enemy at the Gates', and which in many a way even does precede WW1, and as with it even speaking of the Fino-Prussian War that is].

Having stated the above, and all in the name of possibly shifting Consciousness [and as with further speak even of Validity here], is to tell one that, the History of WW2, has in many a way in all actually, been falsified, and as with it even now used to impose on others, Western/European Images of Superiority in all actually [and as with speak even of Nazi SS Aesthetics for instance][Link1, Link2]. That the Nazis, are falsely presented in many a way that, it is falsely believed, that they in all, did come to Power, and via speak even of provoking Intolerance in all again, and towards Europe's said Jewish population that is. This in all did not happen, and as with it even Media created by deceptive minds, and who did in all again wish to apparently gain control over the World, and via speak even of the UN too for instance, and that in all ways even, the Nazi's in all, were a group of people, and who did wish to forment in all, a certain  kind of Authority, and in Germany/Europe too, and in the attempt in all too even, and to protect European Borders, European Heritages and even European Architecture too. In all again, an Authority, and that does speak even and of a highly Disciplined Mind that is.

In all, all the above and as speaking even of Consciousness and from speak too of Validity, and which is in many a way even believed, rather beneficial in all [creating Individual Consciousness and via speak of Validity too that is], and for many an Asian today, and who in all does simply feel Powerless or Helpless that is [and in an Asian today, that does in all present itself and from speak of National Consciousness, but with Asian life on the daily in all, truly defined and by segregative mindsets, and which in all ways even are simply condoned that is].

Asian Markets

Asian Markets.

Evolutionary Asian Thought and the Bygone:

Most in Asia, don't truly ponder in many a way, just whom in all they are, and as with regards to Evolutionary Thought. That while Asians in many a way do often speak of their History and as with it all even said Concurrent too [or speak of it and as happening even, and in these Times we live in], most Asians never do truly ponder or think in all that, most out there do truly question just where, many of Asia's famed Figures in all, did in all again Vanish to that is [and as with this even speaking of Lord Rama for instance].

In keeping the above in line in all, there is also many a question by most out there, and of just what does constitute for Asian Time Cycles in all, and as with they even speaking of the Kali Yuga too that is.

To put this in a certain perspective, and for the Young at Heart Asian today, the Acolyte too, or even speak of the/an Asian Diaspora too in all, is to in all ways even perhaps, speak of Taste, and as underlying even, Asian Evolutionary Thought in all actually. This in all ways even, does refer to speak too, and of Asian Markets in all, and as very much defined by Taste in all really, but that in all again perhaps, speak even of the underlying causes and factors in all, and that do very much drive Asian Taste too that is. That in all perhaps, it all does refer to Asian Settings in all, and as very much defined even and by Moods and Atmospheres for instance, or even perhaps, speak of Asian Weather, Climate and Climatic conditions too, or even truly again, speak of knowing/understanding Asian History and from the very perspective of Taste and Markets/Materialism too that is.

In all, not something too easy to explain perhaps [and as with this even speaking of the humongous size of the Asian Continent], but that in all again, and as with speak even of Asian Time (Ages) Cycles and Asian Evolutionary Thought too, speak in all that is, and of Asian Markets [and not Economies either], and as truly in all again, driven by Taste that is [and as with Asian Markets even, truly speaking of an Asian Festival for instance].

In all, and as a summary too, Asian Evolutionary History, and as now even truly pondered and from speak even of Taste, and not Deities/Gods/Goddesses truly either that is.

Saturday, 12 April 2014



Yogic/Spiritual practises in all, said even and to go along and with speak of the Solar Plexus [and even just how in all, Asians do deal with Pressure, Strain or Stress too], but in many a way truly even, speak of it all, and as helping one develop an Awareness, and that is truly Asian that is [and not only of Asia as a whole, and further speak even of Nature in Asia, but in all ways even, Asians and as having interesting opinions in all perhaps, and of many a place outside Asia too that is].

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Chogyam Trungpa

Chogyam Trungpa.

To speak of Chogyam Trungpa and the Acolyte, is to in all ways even speaking of grounding Life in all, and further speak even of Potential too, and in a true understanding of Death in itself [and as with this even speaking of the Acolyte and as capable of changing roles: Teacher, Raj, Prince, CEO etc.][and all this too, and as compared to the view by most Asians in all that, Life in all again, and further speak even of Potential too, does in all ways even speak of the Cycles of Life in all actually].

Friday, 4 April 2014

Asian Perspectives

Asian Perspectives.

To speak of Asian Perspectives, is to not only speak of Development in Asia in all, but that in all ways even and as with regards perhaps to speak of African Perspectives and which in all ways do even speak of African Development and Societal/Identity problems too, Asian Perspectives on the otherhand, are said even to speak of just whom in all again, Asians are, and as with regards to Asian History that is [that Asians in all, and as compared to other peoples, must prove in all again just whom in all they are with Asian History, and before they do speak Development, and as compared to speak of Africans in all again, and who are in many a way even questioned, and as with regards to just how they do view History, African too in all] [that Asians in all again must in all remain Asian, while Africans in all again, are often questioned and as with regards to Authenticity that is] [or speak even of Africans and as said not true to their Roots/Culture, and not African History truly either].

In all ways though, when it does come to Asian History and Asian Perspectives [and further speak even of Asian Images of Success], speak in all ways even and of just how Asian History in all, is recorded, and as with it even manifesting in four ways perhaps: Egyptian, Greek, Italian and even European/British too.

The first of these, Egyptian, does speak even of viewing Asian History and from Famed Asian Figures, and as with speak even of Krishna, Rama, Gautama Buddha or even Kung-fu Tze, and as with many even associating Development in Asia in all, and as with speak of the above forementioned Figures too, and with further speak even of Asian Millionaires and Billionaires too that is [Link]

There are those who do attempt to record Asian History, and in an Italian manner too, and as with it all even speaking of the Movie Industry in Asia today, and with the production in all and of many a Feature, and as including Documentaries too, and that do present Asian History, and from speak even of Asian Ethnography in itself actually [and basic Asian Heroic/Cultural Identities too that is][Link]

Those who do present Asian History and from a European/British perspective, do in all ways even attempt to speak of Asian Wars and Strife, or even Asian Societal Turmoils too [and basic speak even of Mahatma Gandhi for instance][Link1, Link2].

Most Asians though are aware of Asian Stereotyping in all, and are in many a way even unaware that, it all does go and with speak of Greek History in Asia, and speak even and of just how the Greeks in all did record History that is: and basically that is via speak even of Literary works actually. That in all, the very belief that, Chinese people do eat Cats or Dogs, or in many a way too that, Asians in all do eat snakes, or even Images truly of Filipinos in all, whipping themselves and until bloody [Link], do in all ways even and unknown to most Asians speak of just how the majority of the World does view the average Asian in all, and as with further speak even of Asians and as said Sexually Repressed too that is [and all this too, and as speaking even and of the average Asian, and as attempting in all to present themselves as Cultured, Refined or even Intellectual too, and to the rest of the World that is].