How in all should the Acolyte, present themselves and as being authentically Asian too, and as with speak even of Authenticity in Asia, speaking in all again, and of Warring factions (and its history too), Tribal dishes, Animism, Tribal tongues and even speak of Inclusion in all really (and as with this referring even, Inclusion that is, and to Asians in all again, and as creating Native Identities in all, and as with speak of Authenticity too, and as based around issues pertaining to Hospitality even, and speak in many a way and of inclusion and exclusion in Asian societies, and in many a way too, all this not only come to shape Religion in Asia in all, but also speaking of Diversity in Asia too, and as with regards to whom is truly Asian in all again, and as with regards to be Authentic in all perhaps, and when showing Hospitality that is) [and as with Asians even, believing themselves truly distinct from other peoples of the World, and as based around how they do show Hospitality that is].
In many a way, Authenticity in Asia, also does fall along with beliefs that, to be truly successful in Asia, one does not only have to be perceived as more authentic in all and as compared to others, but that success in all again is defined along the lines, and of how one does define Authenticity that is [that in all again, knowing oneself as authentically Asian, is the key to finding Happiness and Satisfaction even, and in ones life too that is]. In all ways even though, the very fall of Asian societies in all, has not only to do and with many a person not wishing to perceive themselves as authentically Asian in all (and speak even of the rise of a culture of general violence and disrespect too), but with further speak even, and of the attempt to erase all norms of authenticity in all, and in Asian cultures too that is [and as with authenticity in Asia, speaking in general and of not being pretentious, not being generally intolerant, or even not being irrational that is] [and as with all this even, speaking of how Asians in all, should truly even perhaps, go about defining Success, Happiness and Satisfaction in their lives too that is].
For the Acolyte though, and when they do think of Authenticity in all, let them not think along the lines of Inclusion in all (and as has been common in Asia and India too, and in rather recent times even), but truly in all again, along the lines of Animism actually, and speak even of Tattoos that is [and as with this even referring to enduring Hardship in all, and as when facing insults or disrespect of all kinds too that is].