Thursday, 31 October 2013

The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata.

The Mahabarata in all, remains the most reknowed in all again, and of many an Asian Spiritual Classic that is. The reason for this in all, truly does lie in the fact that, it is the Mahabarata, that has been responsible in general, and for the creating of everyday Personas and Personalities, and at the very least in India too that is.

In all though, the William Buck edition of the Mahabarata, and as deemed even suitable for the Acolyte in all, and as with the Mahabarata again, not only speaking in general, and of whom Asians are, and as Knowledgeable beings too that is, but that this edition in all again and as suited for the Acolyte in all, does speak even and of just how in all the Acolyte should generally Present themselves, but in many a way even, serving as an inspiration, and for Media too, and as with speak even of Aesthetics that is, and by the Acolyte too in all that is.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Organization Theory

Organization Theory.

There does exist, a huge even, problem in Asia today in all, and as with regards truly even, to living out life maximally, fully or even truly too actually. To get a better idea of all this, is to speak in all again, and of the best solution in all, and to many a problem faced in Asia that is [and as with this speaking even, and of delays, inefficiency or even interferences in all too that is].

All this in many a way, has very much to do, and with how those in Asia, do perceive Knowledge in itself actually. In all ways even, who is believed to be the best Custodian and of Knowledge Bodies in all, or even truly again, just how Knowledge or Information in all again, should best flow around society that is. 

Traditionally in many a way, Knowledge in itself, and as including its flow around societies, has always been perceived from the perspective of basic Knowledge Depositories, and speak even, and of many an Asian Teacher or Master too that is. Recent times though sees the emergence even, and of Database Management Systems in all (DBMS), and especially talk too even, and of Relational Databases in all, and in many a way, speak even of speedily, readily or rapidly even, solving just about any problem out there, and as with further speak even, and of just how Asians today do conceptualize Time that is (and in a British manner too actually), and as with defining Time in itself, appearing to be a problem, and when dealing with any problem that is. 

One also does see, the very rise of Network Theories in Asia in all, and Network Theories that have resulted in the empowering of many Asian Women in society, and as with they even put in charge of many an Administration position in all, and as with they too, coming to determine just how Knowledge or Information in all again, does flow in society that is. 

For the Acolyte though, and in attempting to solve many a problem seen in Asia, there does appear to be a novel way of doing all this. While some though have advocated for Knowledge-Based Systems (and as based around Artificial Intelligence too), one finds that KBS systems in all, do not function as well as they should, as this in all again does speak even, and of an Asia filled with Individuals in all, and who do in all again, truly know whom they are, and as Creative or Intelligent beings too that is. In all though again, and as with the Acolyte too, speak of defining Knowledge in all, and in Asia too, and also speak of its flow in society, all this does in many a way even, truly speak of Organization Theory. What is Organization Theory though? In all ways even, it does speak of how Knowledge in all, or what does constitute it that is, does flow around society in all again, and as based even, and around the Group formations one hold that is [that in all again for instance, if one sits close to a friend or even a girl, one will transmit certain Knowledge in all, but if seated further from them, one will probably tell them something radically different even]. In all ways too, this does speak of the Acolyte in Asia, and as attempting to solve Asia's problems in all again, and not from a Technical or Infrastructural perspective too, but in all ways even, from the passing around of Knowledge or Information in all, and at the right moment or time too that is, and as with this even referring to the awakening or opening up to Reality that is [that in all ways even, something perhaps difficult in all to somewhat figure out, and as with stating even, the solution to the most difficult of Business problems, might not come via holding strategic Business Meetings or even doing Intensive Research too, but that in many a way even, might come while relaxing at a Club in all, and with someone too, passing off an offhand remark, and that does open up or awaken one in all again, and to alternating Realities that is].

The Narrative

The Narrative.

Many an Acolyte, might not in all truly know, just what a Narrative truly is actually. This is because in all, the Narrative is not truly popular in Asia, and as with regards even, to Storytelling for instance that is. Narration, and alongside what some do term Exposition, Argumentation and even Description too, does speak of what some do term Continuity in all, and in our lives too that is. That in all again, Continuity, and as with regards even to Asian life in all (and as with connecting to the Asian past even), is often perceived from the perspective of the Exposition actually (and speak even of attempting to truly detail something), but that in all ways even, the Narration in all, is deemed much better for Asia today, and as with regards to Continuity issues that is [and as with the Exposition too, heavily used in Bollywood that is].

In all ways even, the John West Commercial posted below, and very much elizabethan Media too, speaking in many a way even, and of what a Narration in all, and as suited for Asia in general too, truly is like that is [and as with furtherly speaking even, and of the Acolyte, and everyday relations too that is].

The Himalayas

The Himalayas.

There is a tendency in all, and for those in India for instance, to strongly associate and identify even, and with the Asian Continent in all, and as with speak even of Nature and the Physical Terrain too, and from the very perspective of the Indus Valley that is [and as with this even, defining in all again how many an Indian today, does view everyday pain and suffering in their lives that is, and not Power, Might and Authority truly either]. In all ways though, when those who do ascribe to the Acolyte way of living in all, do think Asia and as a Continent too, and as with speak even of Nature and the Physical Terrain in all, then let them view it all, and from the very perspective of the Himalayas that is.

Monday, 28 October 2013



There is a tradition in all, and in Asia too, and of creating Gender based Identities in all again, and especially as with regards to Womenfolk too, and as based around Dance that is. In all again, when the Acolyte does think Dance, then let them think Balinese Dance too actually.



To speak of the Buddha and the Acolyte too, is to in all ways even speak of defining oneself and from the very perspective of Totality too that is [or even truly again, speak of Asian Psychology, and as perceived in all and not from Behaviour in all again, but from truly seeking out Totality and Uniformity in Expression too that is]. In all ways even, the Buddha and the Acolyte, and speak even of Mahayana Buddhism that is.



Who is the Acolyte in all, and as with regards even, to creating everyday Identities that is [and as with this even, not only speaking of Oral History in all, but also just how in all again, and as with regards even to rituals, rites and traditions in all, one does seek to live out their everyday lives that is]. In all again, while most of India is ruled over by Sati, and as with regards even to everyday Identities that is (and making many an Indian out there, somewhat motherly in their ways), for the Acolyte on the otherhand, Shiva and in the form of Nataraja too, is just whom in all again, they are and as with regards to everyday Identities that is.

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Asian Art

Asian Art.

When we speak of Art in Asia, we are in many a way speaking even, and of it as representing everyday Realities actually. Asian Art though, differs from the rest out there, and as with regards to how it does attempt to represent Reality in all. That while in other parts of the World, Reality in all again, and via Art too, is often presented and from its ability in all, to take rather many Existences even, or even truly again, from its exposing in all, rather new experiences that is. In Asia though, Art has always spoken about the very Nature of Reality [and as with describing Reality even, and as being Sublime, Resplendent, Heavenly, Divine etc.]. In many a way though, and as with speak even of India as being Historically Sublime (and as compared to China and as Heavenly, or even Japan and as Resplendent too), also does speak of Indian Art for instance (but with this also referring to Asian Art in all), as speaking in all again and of just how Indians in all, did actually Do just about anything that is.

Asia in many a way today, has very much changed, and as with regards even to Westernization, and as with this even speaking in all, and of just how Asians Do just about anything out there that is. It is not believed though, that Asians can return to their past in all (and as with making India Sublime for instance), but that in many a way even, it is believed that Asian Art can be in many a way even be re-interpreted, and as with attempting to connect to past Asian Realities in all, and as based around just how Asians in all again, do Re-Act to anything that is [that this in all, is the best way to deal with Westernization and other outside Influences to Asia, while retaining in all again, just how one in all does Do things actually] [and as with this even perhaps, speaking of making Asia in general Divine that is].

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper.



How in all should the Acolyte, present themselves and as being authentically Asian too, and as with speak even of Authenticity in Asia, speaking in all again, and of Warring factions (and its history too), Tribal dishes, Animism, Tribal tongues and even speak of Inclusion in all really (and as with this referring even, Inclusion that is, and to Asians in all again, and as creating Native Identities in all, and as with speak of Authenticity too, and as based around issues pertaining to Hospitality even, and speak in many a way and of inclusion and exclusion in Asian societies, and in many a way too, all this not only come to shape Religion in Asia in all, but also speaking of Diversity in Asia too, and as with regards to whom is truly Asian in all again, and as with regards to be Authentic in all perhaps, and when showing Hospitality that is) [and as with Asians even, believing themselves truly distinct from other peoples of the World, and as based around how they do show Hospitality that is].

In many a way, Authenticity in Asia, also does fall along with beliefs that, to be truly successful in Asia, one does not only have to be perceived as more authentic in all and as compared to others, but that success in all again is defined along the lines, and of how one does define Authenticity that is [that in all again, knowing oneself as authentically Asian, is the key to finding Happiness and Satisfaction even, and in ones life too that is]. In all ways even though, the very fall of Asian societies in all, has not only to do and with many a person not wishing to perceive themselves as authentically Asian in all (and speak even of the rise of a culture of general violence and disrespect too), but with further speak even, and of the attempt to erase all norms of authenticity in all, and in Asian cultures too that is [and as with authenticity in Asia, speaking in general and of not being pretentious, not being generally intolerant, or even not being irrational that is] [and as with all this even, speaking of how Asians in all, should truly even perhaps, go about defining Success, Happiness and Satisfaction in their lives too that is].

For the Acolyte though, and when they do think of Authenticity in all, let them not think along the lines of Inclusion in all (and as has been common in Asia and India too, and in rather recent times even), but truly in all again, along the lines of Animism actually, and speak even of Tattoos that is [and as with this even referring to enduring Hardship in all, and as when facing insults or disrespect of all kinds too that is].

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin.

For the Acolyte in all, and as wishing in all again to make a cultural connection to America that is, then let it be along the lines of Led Zeppelin actually.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Insight Meditation

Insight Meditation.

Many an Acolyte, might truly wonder just whom they truly are in all again, and as not only Asians in all, but how in all again, they do actually connect to the Asian past that is [and as with speak even perhaps, and of the Asian Ancestors in all]. For many an Asian in general today, the Asian Ancestors are not perceived as having been more Intelligent or Creative in all, but perhaps in all again, more Resilient or highly Civil in their ways actually. For the Acolyte though, and who does wish to awaken to their Ancient past in all again, is to tell them that, it does not lie in Intellectualism and as many tend to believe perhaps, but that in all again the best way in all and for the Acolyte to connect to their Asian past, has to do with developing the Discipline, that the Asians of old in all, did actually have [that what in many a way does separate Asians today and from those of the past, and as with regards to the Acolyte even, is differing levels of Discipline, and as Asians today said not to be as Disciplined, and as the old Masters in all truly were].

In all again, when the Acolyte thinks Discipline, let them think Insight Meditation too.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

The Psyche

The Psyche.

When we do speak of the Psyche, we are not in all ways even referring to it, and as the Europeans often do (that meaning, speak of the Self that is), but that in all ways even, the Psyche in Asia, has always been associated with attempting to attain in all, Wholeness that is. In many a way too, to speak of Wholeness and Asia, is to also speak of the Chinese, and as associating Wholeness, and with Dragon Symbolism too, while the Japanese on the otherhand in all, do associate Wholeness, and with the Asian Lion too, and with the Thais in all again, speaking of Wholeness, and as with regards to the Asian Tiger that is. 

For the Acolyte though, when they do think Wholeness, then they should in all ways even, think the Clouded Leopard actually.


Immortality & the Acolyte.

(The Self Possessed by Frederick Smith).

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Kendo Karate

Kendo Karate.

For the Acolyte in all, and who does truly wonder of what in all again, and to make of Asia's prevalent tradition and of identifying strongly even and with the Martial Arts in all, is to tell them that, when they do think the Martial Arts, then in all ways even think Kendo Karate [and not Kempo or Kenpo Karate either].

Van Damme

Van Damme.

Japanese Ethnocentrism:

Most in Asia, do not have a clear picture in all, and of just whom Japanese People truly are. This in many a way too, has to do with the very fact that, most in Asia, do attempt in all again, and to develop, and along the lines of Modern Japan that us, but without realizing in all that Japanese People, do at the very least know whom they are as a People actually (how they truly interact even or associate with each other that is), and that this has been at the very heart even, and of the rise of Modern Japan in all actually.

In Asia though, a false Image of Japanese people, and as with speak even of so said Japanese Ethnocentrism or Superiority too, has been put out in all, and one that makes most Asians believe Japanese people to be rather formidable in their ways. What this means, formidable that is, is that Japanese people are in all ways believed even, undefeatable, and in all kinds even, and of no rules or minimum rules contests that is. This is not true, as this honour in most ways goes to the Thais in all, and as with furtherly stating that, Japanese Superiority, is best perceived, and from the very fact that, Japanese people are in many a way truly even, rather finely Intelligent, and when it comes to analysing or dissecting things actually, and in many a way truly, probably more truly Intelligent as such, and as compared to most peoples in the World that is.

Topkapi Daggers

Topkapi Daggers.

And as with they Islamic, or even truly again Islamic India, and not Turkish truly either.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013



Serenity, is in many a way even, a highly proposed Philosophy of life in all, and that has been seen Historically in Asia. However though, it has often been in the past promoted, and as a goal of life too, and from a rather simplistic manner that is, and as with this even speaking of creating peaceful & calm environs in all [and as with speak even and of having a few as possible disturbances, and to ones life that is] [and in all ways even, a way of defining Serenity, that does also speak of premeditated realities, and that do speak of an Asia filled with criminals for instance that is].

In speaking of a different Asia in all, and different from its past too, is to in all ways even speak of how Asians today, do define Serenity that is. That in all again, a better definition of Serenity, speaks of it as a state even, and which does in all again, remain as it is, and even when changes does occur around it that is. In all, coming to define Serenity in all, is very much also at the heart or core even, and of what it does mean to be Asian, and as with this even speaking of Serenity defined around a Group formation in all, and not Individual formations either [and as with speak even, and of being able to belong, and to many differing Groups that is].

Sunday, 20 October 2013

The Beatles

The Beatles.

For many an Acolyte, and as living in Asia too, one does find that in Asia today in all, when one does feel downtrodden, depressed or even sidetracked in all again (and as with speak even of doubt that is), that in many a way, those in Asia in all, do seek to find approval of any kind that is [and as with this speaking even of visiting a popular night spot, calling up a friend or even seeking out a drink of a kind that is]. However though, one will find that and while in Asia in all, that dealing with depression for instance, best calls for a Cleansing in all (and as with this referring even, and to many an Asian Woman seeking to cry when depressed that is), but that in all again, when the Acolyte does think Cleansings in all, let them in all again, simply think even, the Beatles that is [and as with it Elizabethan styled entertainment actually].

Saturday, 19 October 2013

The Acolyte

The Acolyte.



Those living in Asia today, might in many a way even, have a difficulty truly envisioning, just how in all to go about living life in Asia today that is. Three main ways of living life, tend to be prevalent in Asia today. The first speaks of those who do live life and as based around many a Religious practise (and such as making an Offering too), and in many a way too speaks of peoples in all and as associated with poverty even, and in Asia today that is. The second way speaks of attempts to modernize and westernize Asia in all, and speaks in all again and of lives and as lived around Family Entertainment too. There are those however, who also do view Asian life in all, and from the very perspective of Global Asian Communities, and as with this speaking even of Asian successes and in the Western World too, but also the belief that Asians in all, can very well settle in any part of the World, and attempt to succeed in all again, but remain somewhat connected to the Asian Continent in all.

Asia in many a way, is a rather mountainous region in all. Due to this, many an Asian person in all, truly wonders just how best in all again to live in the place actually, and as with it not flat-land in many a way too that is. This in many a way, also does speak of the History of Asia as a Continent, and as with it proclaimed even, the Mother of Civilization, and due to the rather many differing Civilizations in all again, and that did once exist in Asia that is. To understand life and as lived by many a Civilization in Asia in the past, is to truly know that, it was not truly grounded in Religion or even Religious practises, but in all ways even, in Ritual in itself [that Religion in Asia, does differ from most other parts of the World, in that its grounded in Ritual, and not Belief systems truly either]. In all again, and as with the Acolyte helping bring change to Asia in all (and as with doing away in all again, and with Western mentalities and that do speak of Class stratification), is to speak in all again and of the Acolyte, and as coming to design many a Ritual and for Asians today that is [and as with Asia again, said to be the Mother of Civilization, the designing of Ritual in all, and as with borrowing elements even, and from other parts of the World actually, and as with this even, how many a Civilization in Asia's past, was connected to each other: exchange in ideas in all, and as having to do with Ritual that is].

In all though, when those in Asia, and Acolytes too, do think of designing Ritual, then let it all be grounded or centered even, and as with Ritual in all, and as found in the Tibetan Book of the Dead that is [in that in many a way, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, speaks of Death as a final Ritual in all, and that in all again, all other Rituals in Asian life, should either match the Rituals seen in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, or even go along with it that is].

The Chaordic

The Chaordic.

- there is probably many a person in Asia, an Acolyte too that is, and who does truly wonder what to do and as with regards even, to not only dealing with a many a social issue in all (and such as poor education for most), but also in general just how to think of Business in itself [and as with Business in Asia too, more truly even defined in all, and by what Organizational structure one uses, and as compared to the product or services one has to offer actually].

In all ways though, is to tell the Acolyte, when they do think Business in all (and as with owning a large corporation even and along the lines of a Zaibatsu too), or even the attempt in all again, to solve social problems and from more or less thinking along the lines of an organizational structure in all (and as compared to the service to be offered that is), then let them in all ways even, think of of Chaordic Organizational structures in all [and as with they even highly suited for uniting Asia as one, and also in many a way, merging with Buddhist Thought in all].