Wednesday 4 September 2013



For those ascribing to the Acolyte Blog and its ways of life too, is to alert them perhaps, and of a serious everyday issue and in their lives today: Media. Media, and as with it unregulated even (and with Media in the Western/Modern World too, highly unregulated that is), can pose a huge threat to ones everyday life in all, and simply in all again perhaps, due to speak of misrepresentation that is.

For the Acolyte though, and in Asia too (and especially India), is to tell them that, the best way to going around viewing and judging Media in their everyday lives, is by associating only, and with Media too, and as seen in all, or similar in all again, and to that seen in the Elizabethan World (Elizabeth II) that is [and as with it the only Media too, and as with everyday Media that is, truly suited for the Acolyte in all].