International Politics.
Political Status & Internationalism:
When one does think Political Status in all, it in all again, does refer to whom one is, and when it does come, to survival in itself actually. In many a way though, this survival, is not always of the Physical kind actually, but truly even, can be of the Emotional kind in all. That in all, there are those who might wish to cause harm to one, and at the Emotional level too, and as compared to the Physical level that is, and as with speak too even, of those who would enter ones Home, and attempt in all again, to steal anything of Value, and such as Jewelry too for example, and from ones Secret Vaults too perhaps.
In many a way though, what they do call Internationalism, does in many a way even, have to do, and with just how one in all, does present themselves, and to the Masses around the World too that is, and as with this referring even, to seeking out respect in all, and as with regards truly even, to treatment in itself actually. In many a way though, one does find that, Technology today, and rather than serving a Cultural purpose too that is, has come in all again, to be used to help define Internationalism in many a way, and as with many a Technology producing Country too, truly boasting in all, and of its abilities in all again, to actually export such Technology, and to many another destination too that is (or Country too perhaps).
In many a way too, the best way perhaps to make all the above clear, Technology and its coming now to define Internationalism too, is to in all ways even, speak of Militaristic Technologies, and as with they too, used in many a way even, to now help define Political Status, and on the International Realm too that is, and as with this even, speaking of an International Status in all too really {that in all, in a past gone now, Time/Age that is, and as with this referring to the olden Times too actually, Cultural Imagery in all, was often used to represent International Status in all again, and before, the more recent Times too, does see all this, International Status, revert to the very use of Political Imagery in all, and as based around, Militaristic Technologies, and as with regards, to representing/presenting oneself, and on the International level that is} {that in all, this modus operandi, is highly outmoded even, the use of Militaristic Technologies in all and to represent International Status too, and as with it even, a philosophy in itself, that does predate, the very building too, and of the Pyramids in themselves actually (and as with the Pyramids too, and in many a way even Egypt too, and as using the Pyramids as Cultural Imagery in all, and as representing even, International Status too actually} {and the Greeks too, the very first of peoples of the World, to be recognized around the World too, and as intrinsically Worthy in themselves, and by virtue of being Greek too that is}.
To speak of Internationalism much more clearer, is to in all again perhaps, define it all, and as encompassing what one could call International Presences (and as with all this pretty much including, not only International Visitors too, and Wealthy or Prestigious too perhaps, but in all ways even, all sorts of Political Envoys, and such as Diplomats or Ambassadors too, and that do operate in all that is, and on the International Realm too actually}, Mutual Obligations, and finally in all again International Status in itself actually {and as with Mutual Obligations, speaking of two Political Entities in all, agreeing to co-operate with each other, and on many an issue too, and with International Status on the otherhand, once Cultural in its ways, now very much Political, and as with this referring even, to Militaristic Imagery too, and as with regards truly even, to seeking out respect in all, and on the International Realms too that is}.
In all, to revert to the original argument in all again, and as having to do with Internationalism in itself, is to remind one that, this all very much, has actually to do, and with Emotional Health in itself actually, and not Political Survival truly either {that many a War even, and as occurring on the International Realm too, and such as the Iraq War for instance, in most ways even, does speak of Emotional Health in all, and as with regards truly even, to winning the War in itself, and not truly Political survival either, and which is often in all again, dealt with perhaps, and in a Philosophical manner too (and as with a Mass Suicide too for instance), and as with a Mass Suicide too, a known way in all, and of dealing with Political Survival issues in all again, but not with Emotional Health issues either} {and as with many a Political Issue today, poorly in all truly even, elevated to the International Realms in all, and without many a person out there too, truly wondering why Japan for instance, and a Non-Western Country in many a way, does survive on its very own, and as with their not understanding that, Japan, and Political Survival too, does not speak of Internationalism in all, but in all ways truly even, and of all Japanese, becoming acquainted with Japans Samurai Culture that is} {that in all, in Japans Samurai driven Political Realms, Political Survival in itself, can very well be dealt with, and with a Suicide too, and as compared to the popular belief that, Political Survival in many a way, can be dealt with, via Internationalism in all, and as with it all even, perceived as being an Emotional Health problem, and not a Philosophical/Moral problem truly either}.
In helping many a person out there, truly understand International Politics, is to in all ways even, help many a person out there too, truly understand in all too even, just how many a Region around the World, does view International Politics in themselves {that in all, while CNN International for instance, does actually pretend to speak of International Politics, and as they truly are that is, it does actually speak of International Politics in all, and as Europeans today too, do perceive it in all, and not as Americans either, do perceive International Politics actually} {that in all, CNN International, is more or less European in its Political views actually, and not American truly either, and as with this referring even, to the very fact that, those who do present the News on CNN International, actually do so, and in an European fashion too, and not, an American one either}.
North America: With America very much dominating this Region in all, is to in all again truly even say that, the United States of America in all, does actually in all again, perceive International Politics, Internationalism and the very gaining of respect all over too, very much as based around, Emotional Health in itself actually, and as with believing truly that, genuine or true Americans in all, are Emotionally healthy/sound that is, while the rest of the World in many a way even, is filled, with many a Mentally disturbed Person actually {and as with America's National Security concerns too, highly based around this Emotional Health, and as seen around the World too, and talk too even, of Terrorists perhaps, and as compared, to Political Survival in itself actually}.
South America: For those in South America, International Politics is highly perceived in all again, and from not only Population Booms/Sizes, but also truly even, from Cultural Theft & Piracy in itself, and as with referring even, to not only Political Survival in itself actually and as many would falsely believe, but speak in all truly even, and of South America in all, and as having had a more or less lackluster outing in History, and as compared even, and to many a Region around the World too, and as including, Africa in itself actually {that in all, in a World today, where just about every form of problem, is elevated and to the International Realms too that is, South America and more than any other Region of the World, has traditionally had many a problem, having to do with Cultural Theft & Piracy in itself, and at the Local level too actually, and that in all again, both these issues, have reigned havoc in many a way, and on the Emotional lives of many a South American too, and leading to a situation in all again, wherein all, any problem encountered, is very much viewed from a Population Boom/Size perspective actually, or even, a Cultural Theft & Piracy perspective too that is} {and as with South Americans themselves, truly defining themselves, highly based around many a Cultural Artefact even, and in many a way, life in South America in all, has been truly unstable, and as with regards truly even, to those deemed inferior in all, adopting the Cultural norms and ways even, of those deemed superior, and in the attempt, to take over that is} {and as with this even, speaking of Brazils Elitist Society in all and once upon a time too, having a true fascination in all, and with Capoeira too for instance} {In all again, South Americans too, and via the World Bank or IMF too, spearheading beliefs that, World Stability in all, does truly lie with moderating Population Sizes in all, or even truly again, with imposing all kinds of Copyright, Trademarks and Trade Secret Laws too that is}.
Europe: It is the Europeans, who do truly tend to view just about any problem seen out there, and around the World too, and from an Immigration perspective actually. That in all, International Politics and the European too, and today too that is, does speak of the Massses even, attempting in all again, to truly invade Europe actually, and as Immigrants too, and as with certain elements in Europe today, responsible in all again, and for championing America in all, and as an Immigrant haven, when in reality, America has never been as such, and has in many a way even, truly been a region/place of Settlers actually {and as with new groups to America, always having made their way to Washington D.C., and inorder, to truly ask about, how in all, they can truly settle, and as an Independent Community too, and in America that is}.
The Middle East: The Middle East, is responsible in all again, and for creating International Politics in all, and that do hinger in all, truly around perhaps, all forms of Celebrities, Famed figures and even Experts too, and of all kinds actually. That in many a way, this form of International Politics, highly falsely believed American, does have its origins, and with many a Think Tank, and Media Incubator too, and as seen in the Middle East actually {and as based around, both Israel, and Qatar too actually}. In all, speak too even, of Hollywood in America having gone Morally Bankrupt, and as with it even, now creating movies in all again, and for an International audience too, that do foster many a discriminative/racist attitude, and towards many a group out there too, and which in all again, Hollywood today that is, does perceive as being inferior in one way or another actually {and as with speak even, and of Jews in Hollywood, speaking of groups in all again, and as emanating from the Middle East actually} {and as with Hollywood too, never having been founded by Jews in all, but actually in all again, by American and Italian groups actually}.
Central Asia: Perhaps the most unknown of all the Regions in the World, and as with the UN even, appearing to not know of the existence, and of Central Asia in itself too actually. It is this group in all again, that has actually spearheaded, a villainous form of International Politics, rather racist in attitude too, and as with it speaking even, and of peoples with certain said 'Physical looks' (facial features, skin colours or even hair kind too), or even 'Speech patterns' too perhaps, having been Inferior in all, and Servile too perhaps, and throughout History in itself actually {and as with this even, facilitating in all, attempts in all again, to fully even, exploit them, for all their worth that is}. In many a way even, all this done via many a Television Show or even a Television Documentary too, and as with this even, truly speaking of the very fact that, the very world of International Politics in all, and that does have many a person truly believing that, the Western World in all, does suffer from many a Resources issue in all again, actually does refer to the very fact that, it is Central Asia, and not America, North America or even Europe either, that is behind many a War perhaps, and around the World too, and as having to do, and with Mineral Resources, Oil, and just about any other form of Resource too, deemed important in all that is {and as with this furtherly stating that, the very belief in an Education in the Humanities, Law and even the Hard Sciences, is truly needed for survival, does emanate in all, and with International Politics and as emanating from central Asia, and as with all this even furtherly referring to the very world, and of International Speakers too that is} {and in many a way too, an Education in the Humanities, specifically referring or speaking of Whiteskinned peoples, and as with they even, said the only groups in all, to have achieved anything in History too, and very much, as Aryan or Caucosoid too that is}.
Asia: In Asia, but minus Japan too that is, International Politics in all, has come to to be truly defined, and by the seeking out, of International Success, and in the Business or the Science & Technology Realms too actually, and in many a way even, leading many an Organization and such as the UN too, to rank many a Country out there perhaps (and as with the 'Standards of Living', or even 'Quality of Life' Indexes too), and as based around Business/Economic prominence in all, or even, Science & Technology and the seeking out of Comfort, Pleasure & Enjoyment too, and in life too that is.
Africa, Australia & New Zealand: Shocking perhaps, the merging together in many a way, and of Australia & New Zealand and with Africa too {but with Africa in all again, and minus the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya) too actually}. In all, International Politics too, and as based around the very world of Humanitarian Aid, Political Instability and even poor Cultural practises in all, and as with Australian groups in all again, and in the UN too, responsible in all and for having many falsely believe even, Africa in all, a highly Historically Unstable place actually (but with Improvements on the otherhand, seen on a Daily basis too actually), but without many truly again, failing to realize that both Australia and New Zealand too, do suffer from many a similar issue in all, and as said seen in Africa only, and as having to do with Humanitarian Aid (and such as School Shootings for instance), Political Instability (and volatile talk of Immigrants in Australia), and even poor Cultural practises in all (and as with this even, seen mainly in a New Zealand, having in many a way even, suffered from many a bout, and of having to deal with Criminal elements, and of the Misdemeanor Crime variety too actually, but also, of the Arsonist variety in all truly even) {and with South Africa too, and the rest of Africa in many a way even, not as Political Unstable and as many do believe, but in all ways truly even, suffering from many a poor Cultural practise actually, and as with the case even, of Alcoholism, or even the proliferation of Pornography in all, and all over South Africa too perhaps, but in all again, into Africa in itself too actually}.
Japan: It is Japan, that has very much spearheaded International Politics in all again, but now somewhat defunct, and as having to do, and with the promotion in all too even, and of not only Traditional lifestyles in all, but truly in all again, Traditional Religions too, and also, speak of the differing Religions in all, and of the World too that is (and as including Buddhism even), and in helping solve many a problem of the World, and which in many a way even, have been brought along, and by the Modern/Western World too, and even the UN in itself actually, and as with they in all again, attempting in all too even, to subjugate many a known Traditional practise (or even Traditional Knowledge Systems in themselves actually), and in favour of those arising, and with the Modern/Western World's Education System/Curriculums that is. In all, Japan and as differing from the rest of the World too, and as with its attempts even, to teach that Traditional or Indigenous Knowledge Systems in all, truly do work to this very day, but with they in all again, having somewhat failed to make the Masses realize this, by not teaching perhaps, that this is only true, and if only perhaps, Traditional/Indigenous Knowledge Systems in all, are perceived, and from their Communicational/Communications perspectives too, and not from their Practises truly either {and as with Buddhism too, and in Japan, differing from that seen in the rest of Asia, and as with it even, highly based around Communication Protocols in themselves (and as such premonitions or forewarnings too), and not from Practises truly either}. In all, Japan, remaing true to themselves, and as in saying that, Japanese people today, are truly in all again, Samurai in their ways actually, and one in all again, is truly capable of noticing all this, and if one only too, and in all truly even, is truly capable of noticing, the Buddhist aspects to the Japanese people in themselves, and as seen amongst the Samurai themselves actually, and aspects too, and of the Communicational variety actually {and as with furtherly stating that, Communications in many a way, and as deemed even the most important thing, and as with regards truly even, to survival in itself actually, is used by the Japanese, and very much as Samurai too, to in all ways even, think about Technological issues actually, and as with furtherly stating that, Japanese Military Equipment in all, and such as the Japanese F-15J Fighter Plane, is a creation, and of Communications based Thought processes in all, and as arising even, with Samurai based Communications too, and is not, a product or result in all again, and of a Modern/Western Educational System in all that is, and which does in all again, highly attempt to create Technology for instance, and as based around Fact or Information finding Research actually (and its probable Applied use too in all that is)}.
The Horn of Africa, Italy: The Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya), has in many a way even, given birth to its very own forms of International Politics, and as arising from Italy too, and as very much based around, the very world of International Diplomacy actually. In many a way though, it is this form of International Politics, that in many a way too, can be associated truly even, and with the rise in popularity, and of the Internet in itself actually, and as with it even, speaking of International Diplomacy in all, and as having gone popular too, and as with this furtherly referring even, to the attempt in all (and as with the United Colours of Benetton Ad Campaigns too for instance), to present just about all kinds of peoples, and as being Worthy, popular in themselves, and even Successful in their own right actually {peoples too, and not individuals either, and the very world too, of claiming the Zulus as fearsome Warriors, Jews as keenly Intelligent, Germans as naturally Intelligent, France as highly civilized, Saudi Arabians as Indomitable, Japan as Fearless, and finally America, America in all again, and as the center of the World in itself actually (and all this as very much based around the Seat of the Presidency of the United States of America too that is)}. In all, the very world of many an International Concert even, or many another such festival in all, and as with it supposed to bring many a differing group of peoples together (and such as the Live Aid Concerts too for instance), but without many a person knowing that, many a person from the Horn of Africa, and Italy too, were actually behind spearheading the Internet movement in America, and in Silicon Valley in itself too actually, and as with furtherly adding that, and in a shocking manner too, Bill Gates in all, actually does have his ancestral roots, and in Pre-Colonial Kenya too, and as with he even, speaking with a Kenyan Accentuation in all (the pronunciation of words in themselves that is), and not an American Accent/Accentuation truly either {but with this world in all again, having gone somewhat Bankrupt in nature, and as with the Internet too, and as with many on it too perhaps, attempting in all again, to put down others, or just about any other person too, and who does claim or state any other group, to be truly even, virtuous in their ways actually}.
'the Acolyte'